05-29-2002, 05:27 PM
how long did it take you to beat final fantasy 8? and what level where you on?

Angel Aeris
05-29-2002, 07:45 PM
I think it was 95 hours for the first time, or something like that... I don't quite remember.

Levels(not 100% sure):

Squall lv100
Rinoa lv95
Zell lv100
Selphie lv28
Irvine lv22
Quistis lv21

05-29-2002, 08:34 PM
First time about 50 hours. Lv 100, for the people I used.

05-29-2002, 09:31 PM
46 hours 27 min (before boss)

all lvl 100 and everything (except card queen crap) done

05-29-2002, 09:55 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I've always done EVERYTHING in all of my games. Completing all the sidequests, beating the weapons etc, and even getting lots of items to refine, so my best time is about 100 hours. :uh?: But I had all characters at level 100 with good stats. Although that isn't really important, as enemies level up with you, and you lose it all when you complete the game anyway. :p Ah well, I'm stupid. ;)

05-30-2002, 06:22 AM
Well, it took me 50+ hours but I spent ages training my guys and getting everything but I'm not going to tell you guys the levels my guys were on cos you will laugh at me. :o

05-30-2002, 04:56 PM
The first time i did it in 81 hours with everybody on level 100, the second time i did it in 45 hours but only squall on level 100.

05-31-2002, 02:03 PM
a good 65 to 70 hours i forgot... but i got to level 100 very nice record =D

06-03-2002, 12:09 PM
It took me 67 hours to complete everything, to get almost everything and for the entire party to reach level 100 including the Gf's

Tordragon Kivela
06-08-2002, 02:22 AM
About 60 hours or so and Squall being at the highest level, 75 to be precise. The lowest level was somewhere around 40. No side-quests completed and majority of GFs missing. Heh, you can laugh - it was my first game and first Final Fantasy anyway *grins* Meaning that I was so green to FF series back then that if I weren't a human some critter, a cow to name a few, would've eaten me in a sec. Pity the cow, I'd say.

Neo Xzhan
06-11-2002, 05:18 PM
Hmmm lemme see I did just about everthing (special weapons and lvl100) found all of the GF's and did every side quest and I finishied the game in about 40 hours.

06-24-2002, 08:27 AM
First time, 36 hours, with my highest character (Quistis) at level 46. Nowadays, I can do it in about 20 to 23 hours, depending on who I use.:D

Selphie Kinneas
07-11-2002, 11:33 PM
First time, 36 hours, with my highest character (Quistis) at level 46. Nowadays, I can do it in about 20 to 23 hours, depending on who I use.[B]First time, 36 hours, with my highest character (Quistis) at level 46. Nowadays, I can do it in about 20 to 23 hours, depending on who I use.-Epyon

In 20 hours?! How? Only the FMVs take a lot.With UFO and Chocobo forest quests done?Hmmm:confused:

07-24-2002, 02:13 AM
It took me 11 hrs to beat it and get everything

07-24-2002, 06:09 AM
To be honest, I think about 64 hrs...that's my estimation. I didn't do all the sidequests however and I was around level 89 or something.

07-24-2002, 07:54 AM
The first time I played it, it took me a hella long time :o around 70 hours, me thinks.

When I played it again it didnt take me nearly as long. I think around 40 hours or so. I try getting everything, which pretty much works out, but I dont get all my characters up to Level 100 (unless I cheat by using codes, but I'd never do that, lol).

my average time beating it each time is between 40 and 50 hours whenever I play it.