08-17-2008, 01:23 AM
For anyone looking for this soundtrack, it's actually pretty easy to find part of it online. But who wants part, right? Also, in the game's folder sits a file you wouldn't think is audio, but under the surface it is. It's basically one giant MP3. In fact, changing the extention to MP3 actually makes it playable on Winamp.

Anyway, down to business. I spent 3 hours cutting pasting and saving each song out of this giant MP3, but it's the complete soundtrack (Thus far, unless they've added new sections to the mp3 through updates.) Unfortunately, I don't have any of the track names for the songs, you'll only get them in the format of "Game - Track #". Also no ID3 tags, though the only other information I could provide is that the music is composed by ESTi/Jin-Bae (Affiliated with Soundtemp)

I'll be uploading theme later for the Download Links section. Just giving a heads up for anyone bitting their nails waiting for this.

While you wait, enjoy the lava area music XD - (Also my favorite song.)

08-17-2008, 04:03 AM

And here it is. =)