08-15-2008, 07:37 AM
Hello, I'm Beacon515L from Final Fantasy Reorchestrated (

I am hereby announcing our latest project:

Split Ends - a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance audio drama.

Yes, we are diving headfirst into the realm of the audio drama. I am helping with the script, as well as writing the music, and we hope that it will all turn out well.

But we need your help.

If you are good at any of the following, contact us! XD

- Voice acting. Any experience, perhaps even none, is fine. We need VAs. XD
- Musicians. I'll try and work you into the music if I can.
- Artists - mebe, perhaps not yet. But they're still handy.
- Any other way you think you can help, like publicity, ideas, that sort of thing... XD
