08-15-2008, 01:11 AM
Just a little teaser for my latest gamerip project. It's the final version of Sonic 1 Megamix, which you may know the 3.0 version is already on here.

Anyway, the final version of the now (in)famous hack has been released, but at a terrible cost. The project has been discontinued, and no more updates will be made to the game. Apparently, Team Megamix ran into a little roadblock during development, and it grew big, thus preventing them from ever completing the game. So, in honor of the last release of Sonic 1 Megamix, I'm doing a brand new gamerip from scratch. I will be reripping and re-encoding all of the songs used in the game, even the ones that were previously ripped on version 3.0. See, the game now has an upgraded sound engine thanks to its new Sega CD compatibility. It will work on most Genesis emulators, including Gens and Kega Fusion.

The link below contains a set of 5 songs from the game. I plan on releasing more new tracks as I rip them, so keep your fingers crossed. Also, songs with an origin of ??? mean they're a surprise.


Song List

Metallic Base Act 2 (Origin: Cosmic Carnage, 32x)
Metallic Base Act 3 (Origin: Dyna Brothers 2, Genesis)
Metallic Base Act 4 (Origin: ???, NES; Unused)
The Final Fight (Origin: Dangerous Seed, Arcade)
Boss Attack Arena (Origin: Sonic Advance 3; Unused)

08-15-2008, 10:14 AM
Damn, I didn't believe you until I checked Sonic Retro. Man, that sucks; S1MM was an awesome hack.

Red Arremer
08-16-2008, 01:23 PM
Too bad Sonic Megamix was stopped. :/

Great stuff, thank you very much. I can't wait to get the rest of the music!

08-17-2008, 04:09 PM
I also await this gamerip. While it royally sucks that this is the last version of Megamix, I also agree that it's the absolute best Sonic hack I've ever played in my life (and boy, have I played a lot of them).

I give major (and boy, do I mean MAJOR) props to Team Megamix for all the work they've done in putting together this awesome hack and wish them the best of luck in future projects!

08-17-2008, 10:14 PM
Metallic Base Act 4 is MEGAMAN 2 MUSIC!!!!!

Red Arremer
08-17-2008, 10:16 PM
Metallic Base Act 4 is MEGAMAN 2 MUSIC!!!!!


08-18-2008, 01:03 AM
Boss Attack Arena is Chaos Angel Map from Sonic Advance 3.

08-18-2008, 07:03 AM
Jawesome, I'm looking forward to hearing it all.

08-18-2008, 06:50 PM

Though I have no idea how to get to the races in this new version. Could someone who's played version four help me on that front?

11-19-2008, 05:46 AM

Here's the soundtrack (NOT ripped by me.) For whatever lame reason, I can't seem to download it though.

As for the Act 4 being unused, try the classic stage select code (Up, Down, Left, Right, A+Start) except A+Start twice. That opens the debuggers' stage select, where you can access every level in the game (I think... you can even access a test level.) As far as I can tell, all Act 4s are playable.

Sorry for reviving.

11-23-2008, 10:46 PM
Thanks for reviving the topic.

Also, I've been very busy lately so I might not have the time to finish the gamerip. Aside from that, there's a lot of songs not in the extended sound test with the pianos in it so I'll have to find them and rip them. If someone would like to finish the rip on their own, PM me for my method of ripping them. If anyone is up for the task, I'll be waiting.

Remember, there's 2 sound tests. One is the one that's already in the options and the other is accessed by hitting start when the sound test is highlighted.

12-06-2008, 07:43 AM
Just bumped to let everyone know that the rip will be continued. I had removed a bunch of files so now I no longer need to worry about my CPU being overclocked. I'll likely only be ripping the new songs seeing as how much of the music is the same as 3.0. So don't be surprised if the mp3s found in the final rip are the same length and filesize.