05-28-2002, 06:29 PM
is this all gonna be afighting game like what i mean is, is it goin to be stradegy and battles over any storyline. i know this has been discussed but to me it looks slightly plain with large spaces of land that are basically deserted. it'll be good fun makin parties with your friends or other ff masters but i'm just wondering if this is goin to keep me on the computer for weeks (like the other final fantasy games like 7,8 and 9 and hopefully 10 when i get it) or am i goin to get bored of it after a few hours. i'm a real final fantasy lover unlike other critical players of final fantasy who believe the game is a waste of time before they've even played it.
i'm not bein critical of this game, i'd just like to hear an opinion from someone who has played the game already. i really wanna get my hands on a copy of the game and i can't believe we have to wait till 2003 for its release.



Nanaki XIII
05-30-2002, 03:45 AM
I dont know how addicted to it youll be for that depends on what you like and if its good since none of us have played it, but I can tell you it will be longer since its almost endless. So if you like MMORPGs youll proably be playing this for a while.

Alice Wonderbra
06-07-2002, 10:24 PM
Here's an article I found that I thought was interesting. I was going 2 make it a direct link to the site, but thought that it would b spammy (its another rpg forum-like place). They didnt appreciate it when i unknowingly advertised the Shrine, so...

Nintendo President Maligns Final Fantasy XI

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo's new sitting president, recently intimated some harsh sentiments regarding Square's first foray into the realm of online RPGs with Final Fantasy XI. Iwata proclaimed the game an outright failure for being unable to attain the initial sales Square expected and criticized Square's management of its online servers. He pointedly commented that new Final Fantasy games have typically sold more than 2 million copies, whereas Final Fantasy XI has failed to garner the 200,000 users Square anticipated by launch.

Square President Yoichi Wada in turn defended Final Fantasy XI as an innovative game and said that the online market is a different arena with its own profitability and problems. He stated, "Final Fantasy XI has been an experiment to broaden the market�something we think Nintendo should encourage. Players have been very pleased with Final Fantasy XI, and we hope Nintendo's comments today don't dissuade any future players from experiencing the game themselves."

by Michael Henninger
Sources: [XenGamers;GameFront]

06-11-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by LEELOO 5
He pointedly commented that new Final Fantasy games have typically sold more than 2 million copies, whereas Final Fantasy XI has failed to garner the 200,000 users Square anticipated by launch.

by Michael Henninger
Sources: [XenGamers;GameFront]

Oh man. I think that this article is soooo funny. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, go Nintendo WHOOOOOOOOOO.

06-15-2002, 03:24 AM
i think every ff player knew that the game wasnt gonna sell well
the fees mostly
ive heard a lot of ppl saying that they arent gonna buy the game cuz its so damn expensive
another reason is that a lot of ff gamers out there dont think that ff should be an online game
tsk tsk
square shouldve known it was comin

06-18-2002, 05:56 AM
First off, Square is trying a new thing.

Second off, Square is new at this.

Third off, Square knew the dangers.

Fourth off, this thread was a question asking thread that was turned to a "make fun of the game" thread.

Fifth off, this thread is closed.

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