08-11-2008, 11:53 PM
Both songs are from different Blade movies and unfortunately I don't know the name of either. I tried to find clips from the movies to better explain which songs I'm searching for, but I couldn't find any. So hopefully people who have seen the movies will understand my descriptions of the scenes.

The first song is from the first movie, Blade. The song that I'm looking for plays when Blade is first driving Karen to his hideout. It sounds like a single man chanting.

The second song is from the movie Blade Trinity. It plays near the beginning of the movie when Blade is chasing the vampires and the decoy down the highway. I'm unsure if there is a change of song during the chase so I'll say I'm looking specifically for the song that plays while Whistler is driving the semi down the road.

I have the soundtracks for both of these movies and was unable to find either track on them. I'm hoping someone will know what I'm talking about and help me out XD;;

08-12-2008, 02:51 AM
Did you look in the credits to see what the names of the tracks were or even search online for the osts because I know there was one when it came out. If you dont have access to the movies I can check cause I have all 3 and the TV spin off. LOL

08-12-2008, 06:50 AM
As I said before I have both soundtracks, but couldn't find either track. However I haven't checked the credits. I'll look into that.