The Doctor
08-06-2008, 09:04 PM
Thread title pretty much says it all. I've got this soundtrack in MP3 format, but I'd really like to get it in FLAC so that I can burn it to CD from LOSSLESS source files. The disc is extremely rare, and finding a hard copy has proven impossible. If someone could provide a FLAC rip from the original disc, that would be ace.

Released 8/25/94 -- This is one of the rarest of Ranma � albums, and also one of the best. It features music from the OVA series as well as the third movie, with music by Kenji Kawai and Akihisa Matsuura.

1. Love Panic
2. A Certain Clear Day...
3. Premonition of Case
4. Panda's March!?
5. Mysterious Secrets
6. A Formidable Enemy's Appearance
7. Doubtful Doubtful Pursuit Travel
8. Guilty Cover Up
9. Smartly Dressed and Going Out
10. Tendo Family's Fantastic Christmas
11. Crossing the Wind of Society is Chilly
12. One Large Resolution
13. Ranma * Anything Goes Martial Arts, Large Decisive Battle!
14. Akane's Thoughts
15. The Ballad of Ranma & Akane
16. Overture
17. Phoenix's Birth
18. Frightful Beak Attack
19. Dreadful Tenacity
20. Large Decisive Battle in the Bathroom
21. Phoenix's Secret
22. Kind Gesture
23. Akane's Big Pinch
24. Ranma vs Phoenix Sword
25. Phoenix * Frightful Gigantic Change
26. Do or Die Mid-Air Battle
27. Destruction
28. Phoenix's Leaving the Nest
29. Leaving Behind Pebbles
30. Neverending Summer Vacation

11-27-2010, 09:33 AM
I got that CD.

12-05-2010, 12:11 AM
Aww, why give him exclusivity? :(

12-05-2010, 06:18 AM
Awww why sound annoying about it? :( Did you wrote that you wanted those songs? No.

So I don't see what the problem is?

Send me a pm message if you want those songs. Sprend is a lot easier to deal with for me.

01-07-2019, 07:31 PM!U5l2jDLB!qDchp0hSL8icQ1WN4If0_ebRbDKy_5MHuVz6ahnLWSM

01-11-2019, 04:55 AM