Psuedes Psyche
05-28-2002, 01:26 AM
This is the third part of the Dark Ballads series that I am writing. It takes place about 1,000 yrs. before the other books. The fourth one is my idea in the TBRPG forum; I thought others should participate in it. Anyway, here I go

"What is this cold I feel? I...I...where am I?"



"Open your eyes...."

Light flooded in causing momentary blindness. As the boy attempted to focus on his surroundings he realized he was not alone.

"Who's there?"

His eyes had focused now and he could clearly see he was sitting in the middle of a grassy field. There were high mountains off in the distant east and a dark forest to the west. He could hear the sound of rushing water coming from the south. It was warm and the golden sun beat down hard on his shirtless back. He then saw who was there. A tall, muscular man in his late twenties and a elegant but strong women of about the same age. The man wore a dirty vest, pair of pants and sandels. Strapped to his back was a heavy metal pole. His skin was dark and he was baled. The women wore a short red and black dress and comfortable shoes. She had shoulder high blue hair and her eyes sparkled brilliantly. On her hip hung a whip.

"Who are you people?" the boy asked a little nervous.

"My name is Serifina DeMonte and this is my friend Dash," the women said soothingly, "and what's your name."

"I, I can't remember. I can hardly remember anything."

"That's terrible. I know," Serifina said helping the boy to his feet, "I'll give you a name. How about..."

"Tarot." Dash cut in.

"Ok. Come Tarot, I'll take you to our village."

She took Tarot's hand and began to walk south, down a slightly sloping path. The sound of water grew louder and he saw a small stream ahead. When they got to the bank, Tarot fell to his knees, cupped his hand, and took a long drink from the sparkling, clear, crisp stream. WHen he was finished he stood up and crossed a bridge with his companions. They began to climb a second steeper hill with fragrant flowers all over it. And when they reached the top the boy was awe struck with what lay before him. It was an enormous city with bussling trade going on inside and out of the walls. It was the largest town he had ever seen, at least he thought so.

"That's Kattori," said Serifina, "your new home.