05-28-2002, 12:21 AM
I think it was the best cause it was realistic, the storyline, the characters. Just so very good. And also, how it wasn't like a happy happy ending.


Cause Aeris doesn't live for the whole thing, and how her spirit is with..*sniffle*..with him. *sniffle* Just so very beutiful.

05-28-2002, 12:33 AM
it should be, what makes this one of the best games ever. at leats in my eyes. chrono trigger, best game ever. back on topic. what makes this game an awesome game is the airhip. yes it sounds stupid. but the airship aloud u to go anywhere, and u got to d\fly it youself. thats pretty cool if u ask me.

05-28-2002, 08:50 AM
Its big, very complex, non-straight forward story line, together with the map(and the airship), that allows you to go everywhere.

Last mentioned, is something I really miss in FFX :(

Crater Seraph
05-29-2002, 05:39 AM
The characters,gameplay,Cg,storyline,and summon creatures make the game da best ever!!!!

05-30-2002, 12:25 AM
i think what made this a great game is that it has a lot to do with the truth about real life... it implies it everywhere throughout the story.. for some people, it's easy to miss some aspects, but overall, this game is godly (i don't care if it's graphics aren't as good as most games now, but it was only because of its time, you know?) like i was saying, the game is a big story about real life situations and that we need to realize its importance so that we can have a better understanding of what life's actually about. i don't know about you guys, but i think final fantasy 7's philosophies are great, and i have very much the same. but other than the story... the gameplay was total sweetness!!! i mean, leveling up materia was proably the most fun i've ever had... you can do so much with one character, you just want to totally dominate the game with your own personalized abilities. if only they had a duel player mode...

Neo Xzhan
05-30-2002, 09:07 AM
The story is the best. The battle system is good. And ofcourse there's Sephirtoth who want to become some sort of god. The best thing is that he's involved alot, he alsways where Cloud is doing everthing he want's.

06-23-2002, 02:01 AM
The Graphics,storyline,characters,villains,weapons,and FMV's make the game the best.The storyline was the best.The characters weren't annoying, the villain was cool,the weapons looked cool,and the FMV's rocked!!

06-24-2002, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by Kazuki
The Graphics,storyline,characters,villains,weapons,and FMV's make the game the best.The storyline was the best.The characters weren't annoying, the villain was cool,the weapons looked cool,and the FMV's rocked!!

Haha, you used rox, that is kinda old. lol

07-01-2002, 01:07 AM
The fact that I didn't quit playing it half-way through, like I do most RPG's.

07-16-2002, 08:32 PM
I just agree, it is the best game EVA!!!!!!
Like all the characters had there own little storyline.....except Vincent I think more could off been devloped with him
The storyline is just great....and the graphics arnt bad either
Oh.....and dont forget the music :):):):)
And it makes you wanna play it over and over and over again till you know every single word in the game :);)

07-27-2002, 12:58 AM
i must agree with you all FF7 is defenetly the best game ever made
the best thing about it is the materia and the battle system

12-29-2003, 12:57 PM

Many reasons for that...

3)Their relationship
4)The Story
5)The gameplay

and so much more it just kicks heiney!!! :D

Vivi FF
12-29-2003, 02:30 PM
I have to say it's the story. The story never got boring (except the part when Cloud goes through his trauma) and it leaves the player eager to continue on with it. Plus out of all the FF's, FF7's storyline is the closest to our present time. FF8 was set in the future, FF9 was set in the past, FFX was set in the future but had qualities of the past. Of all those storylines, FF7's would most likely take place in the present. This makes FF7 more easily to relate to.

Another thing FF7 had was great character development. You know how each character would react to certain situations. Plus every character had a place in the actual story, even the hidden characters Yuffie and Vincent.

FF7 did have horrible graphics but the game stressed what I've always been saying, "Graphics aren't everything!" FF7 is the prime example of that.

The battle system was pretty good too, except I feel FFX-2's is much more fun and crazy, except that you'd have to charge for certain attacks.

12-29-2003, 03:04 PM
*agrees the most on Vivi's points*

Although at that time the graphics and FMVs were considered the best... I own the PC version, so i can still tolerate the graphics' sharpness... (thank god for Voodoo3).

And They look so cute in those chibi-styled size! I actually like their cubic hands ^^;;

The Joker
12-29-2003, 05:43 PM
I think it was somewhat the dark industrial look, accompanied with the darker journey and emotionally discovery of some of the characters. In addition, it was original for its time in addition to music that fit the moods almost perfectly. Majority of the reasons are story and atmosphere, not so much the gameplay in my opinion, thought it does have its strong points in that area too.