08-04-2008, 11:43 PM
Hail there,

i just found an exclusive and not yet released publically soundtrack from directsong. The matter is that music files are all wma protected files.
I tryed to burn them using different softs (nero, WMP..) but nothing works.

Any idea how could i convert these files?


08-05-2008, 07:04 AM
Play the files and record them while playing (For Example Audacity supports audioripping from live streams) and then you can burn them.

08-05-2008, 09:14 AM
I did not forgot this solution.. the matter is that i can't even play the song since i must have the license (i tryed a few soft but it's the same).

For now, i can't play them, i can't burn them.
I also tryed to open it with softs that can "modify" the song but it also does not work.

I forgot to mention it's protected by "DRM".

Any other idea?

08-17-2008, 03:42 PM
tunebite will convert protected audio to unprotected formats, and is *almost* free, (10 dollars or so). The trial version only converts 30 seconds, but it does seem to work very well.

/edit/ alternatively, you could play all of your music on your old PC while running an audio recorder set to record "what u hear", "stereo line out", or the equivalent for your soundcard.

08-17-2008, 07:31 PM
I'd love to know how to do this myself, but for a totally different reason. I've recently switched PCs and now all the protected DRM encrusted music I PAID for no longer works on my new PC. I've burned some of them on my old PC to CD, then ripped them to my new PC, but I wish I didnt have to do this for ALL my DRM protected music...........

DRM sucks balls :notgood: