08-02-2008, 08:44 PM
As a new member of FFSF (hisgirlfriday)I have been able to increase my already extensive score/soundtrack collection.[/COLOR]

I decided it's time to give back to this awesome community.

So please enjoy this FANTASTIC score from one of my favorite childhood movies, Harry and The Hendersons by one of my favorite Composers, Bruce Broughton.

Harry And The Hendersons Intrada Limited Edition Release
Composed And Conducted By Bruce Broughton
Produced By: Universal Music - Special Markets
Distributed by: Intrada
Catalog #B0009812-02
25 Tracks Run Time 77:05

1. Love Lives On (03:51)
2. Main Title (05:41)
3. Taking Harry Home (04:33)
4. Harry In The House (06:22)
5. Night Prowler (01:01)
6. Some Dumb Thing (03:16)
7. Irene! (01:26)
8. Eye To Eye (00:54)
9. Our Little Pet (01:36)
10. Tracking Harry (01:37)
11. Harry Takes Off (03:19)
12. Big Freeway (01:39)
13. Sasquatch (01:01)
14. The Great Outdoors (01:55)
15. Bigfoot Museum (00:59)
16. Planning The Hunt (02:03)
17. Drawing Harry (01:48)
18. Night Pursuit (09:52)
19. First Things First (01:41)
20. Wrightwood Meets Harry (01:29)
21. Bed Pals (00:43)
22. Traffic Jam! (07:14)
23. Footprints (04:19)
24. Goodbyes (04:06)
25. Harry And The Hendersons (03:27)


The lossless rip that I did of this score is a whopping 778MB file.

I'm not breaking that up into a bunch of rars because I'm too lazy. I know, a lazy skater chick, what are the odds?

But I digress, you can still get a lossless copy of this score if you really want to. I ripped a WAV lossless copy and posted that in a torrent on Demonoid.

From page 10 of the CD booklet
Now this premiere CD release of Harry and The Hendersons pays tribute to Bruce Broughton’s remarkable score as he had originally envisioned it. With over seventy minutes of music represented her, Harry truly opens his soul up with the emotional warmth and lyrical melodies that distinguish his composer’s best work. And for Dear and Baker, it’s the kind of music that made them want to make creatures in the first place. “I’m always amazed at what a score does to a film, “Baker says. “Who can think of Sinbad and King Kong without hearing Bernard Herrmann and Max Steiner? And with a film like Harry and the Hendersons, Bruce Broughton’s music really tugs your heart strings.” “It’s like when you get a CD of a great piece of work,” Dear concludes. “You sit down with just the music in front of you and you’re taken on a journey. I think this music is very uplifting, and that’s because Bruce really helped to give Harry a heart and soul.” -----Daniel Schweiger - Soundtrack Editor for Venice Magazine

Ernie Henderson: Shoot it!
George Henderson: It's dead.
Ernie Henderson: Shoot it anyway!

Jerome: You need a bath.
Jacques LeFleur: And what, blow my cover?

George Henderson: What the hell did you do that for? It's my drawing! Why'd you change it?
George Henderson Sr.: Cool down, George, it's just a piece of cardboard.
George Henderson: Not to me. It means something to me! Can't you see that he means something to me?

George Henderson: [Pins LaFleur against his car] Listen to me. You're wrong. I was like you! I almost killed him myself. But it would've been murder. He's not an animal!
to kill him.

Makes you want to pop Harry And The Hendersons into the DVD player right now, huh?

katie price
08-02-2008, 09:24 PM
thank you hisgirlfriday.

i am sorry for being an idiot.

08-02-2008, 09:47 PM
thankyou, avril lavigne. welcome to this symphonic forum. lets hope this score is not electronic.

I ripped it directly from my Intrada Limited Edition CD. Bruce composed and conducted this recording,so no worries there. Out of all of Bruce's scores and I agree with the soundtrack editor that this is his best. I hope you enjoy it.

katie price
08-03-2008, 12:39 AM
Do you have his sole game score, for the game Heart Of Darkness? It's on Galbadia hotel main site.

08-03-2008, 01:02 AM
No, I don't but I'll have to check it out. When it comes to video games, I'm old school. Strictly original NES. Nintendo games are fun without all the the work that PS3 or 360 games require.

When I play Ninetendo I don't have to worry about getting lost. When in doubt, go to the right. Plus those 16 bit graphics are hilarious, AND with NES games you get those super gay theme songs, like on Super Marios brothers. There so happy and juanty. *sings theme song* Awwww good times.

WOW, that's quite the tangent that I went off on.

I'm always interested in finding more of Broughton's music so I'll be sure to check this one out. Thanks for the heads up,Katie

08-03-2008, 11:47 PM
I have Heart of Darkness... It's absolutely SUPERB.

I'll upload tomorrow - just about to go to bed now... :)

[Edit: Thank you - this is wonderful... Broughton really needs to get more work...]

[Edit again: What pillock tagged these MP3s? They're credited to "Bill Broughton"...!]

katie price
08-04-2008, 12:03 AM
i am very sorry

08-04-2008, 12:04 AM
What's wrong with you? I'm offering to upload a sodding score you asked for. Will you please give me a break? Having a go at me constantly because I occasionally disagree with you is really REALLY getting on my nerves - as is you making some veiled attack upon me in almost every single one of your posts. Seriously, will you please stop it? We're here to enjoy music, and I'm getting really fed up with this. :/

[Edit: The point is there is no such person as Bill Broughton! (well, there is, but not the guy we're talking about) -- Once again, simply pointing out a fact - get over yourself, for the love of Christ.]

08-04-2008, 09:17 AM
I have Heart of Darkness... It's absolutely SUPERB.

I'll upload tomorrow - just about to go to bed now... :)

[Edit: Thank you - this is wonderful... Broughton really needs to get more work...]

[Edit again: What pillock tagged these MP3s? They're credited to "Bill Broughton"...!]

Hi Danny,

“Who is the pillock who tagged these MP3s Bill?”
Since my post states that I ripped this copy from my CD for this forum, one assumption would be that I am the culprit; however, that assumption would be incorrect. As mentioned in my thread, Bruce is one of my favorite film composers. It would be rather strange of me to not know my favorite composers first name. Furthermore, I typed Bruce in the folder contained within the rar and in the title and body of this thread so it would be illogical that I would mistag the MP3.

I didn’t have the artist column enabled in Windows Media Player so I didn’t know that it tagged the artist as Bill. Oddly enough, iTunes is clever enough to know that Bruce is this genius’s first name.

As for the rest of your post, I agree with you completely. Why doesn't Bruce get more work?

And since we're on the subject of underused composers, why is it so difficult to get Robert Folk’s and Miles Goodman’s scores?

Through a rather unorthodox channel, I was able to procure some of their works.

I know that you are aware of Robert Folk because you posted the Never Ending Story II Suite from his Selected Suites promo album..

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Miles Goodman but he is a terrific composer (Teen Wolf, He Said She Said, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Larger Than Life, Indian Summer What About Bob). If you enjoy Dave Grusin’s The Firm Score or his jazz piano CDs then you would enjoy Goodman’s Housesitter score. It’s a bright clean score with ragtime and jazz elements.

Despite any ongoing dispute you may have with other members of this forum,I hope that you do upload the Heart of Darnkess score. If I’m reading the thread correctly you were going to post Heart of Darkness in response to my statement “I’ll have to keep my eye out for it”. The posting would definitely be appreciated.

Parting thought:
Teasing and joking can be difficult to discern in written form. One person’s playful comment could be taken as an attack. You are right. People should be careful about the words that they choose to use, especially when both parties don’t know each other. Constant teasing could be misconstrued as harassment. Politeness is important too. For example, “Who is the pillock that tagged these MP3s as Bill” could have been offensive and embarrassing to me. Since Windows Media Player made the error, I am neither embarrassed nor offended. No worries. =)

08-04-2008, 09:38 AM
Hi Danny,

“Who is the pillock who tagged these MP3s Bill?”
Since my post states that I ripped this copy from my CD for this forum, one assumption would be that I am the culprit; however, that assumption would be incorrect. As mentioned in my thread, Bruce is one of my favorite film composers. It would be rather strange of me to not know my favorite composers first name. Furthermore, I typed Bruce in the folder contained within the rar and in the title and body of this thread so it would be illogical that I would mistag the MP3.

I knew that it wasn't you, because I have this CD and when I tried to rip it, EAC told me it was by Bill Broughton. ;)

My cheeky post was written with that very much in mind.

As an erudite, friendly, intelligent person (with excellent taste in music!) I would never imply that this was your fault.

As for the rest of your post, I agree with you completely. Why doesn't Bruce get more work?

After Lost in Space, he just disappeared. In interviews when asked "Why are you hardly scoring anything nowadays?" he replies with "I take the work I'm offered" - the implication is that nobody wants him any more... Why this is, I can't possibly begin to fathom, except maybe that it's indicative of the general "film score rot" that's now in its advanced stages... When you ignore a composer of Broughton's calibre - I mean, come on... the guy had Jerry Goldsmith's blessing - it's a truly sorry stafe of affairs.

Bambi II (2006) - his biggest score for quite a few years is absolutely delightful.

I truly yearn for another big Broughton action score like Narrow Margin...

And since we're on the subject of underused composers, why is it so difficult to get Robert Folk’s and Miles Goodman’s scores?

Now there are two more severely under-appreciated gems...

I know that you are aware of Robert Folk because you posted the Never Ending Story II Suite from his Selected Suites promo album..

I'm slowly working towards becoming a Folk completist - I'm about halfway there. Like most people, I would imagine, Police Academy introduced me to his work.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Miles Goodman but he is a terrific composer (Teen Wolf, He Said She Said, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Larger Than Life, Indian Summer What About Bob). If you enjoy Dave Grusin’s The Firm Score or his jazz piano CDs then you would enjoy Goodman’s Housesitter score. It’s a bright clean score with ragtime and jazz elements.

As far as Goodman is concerned, I'm afraid I'm only familar with Dunston Checks In (which I really enjoy even if the film makes me vomit!) I'll definitely give that one a try (if I can find it...) :)

Despite any ongoing dispute you may have with other members of this forum,I hope that you do upload the Heart of Darnkess score. If I’m reading the thread correctly you were going to post Heart of Darkness in response to my statement “I’ll have to keep my eye out for it”. The posting would definitely be appreciated.

With pleasure. I know it's available on GH but it would be nice, I think, for folk to be able to have a RAR of the whole thing. It's amazing what Broughton did with only 40-odd musicians...

Just for the sake of clarity - I have no dispute with anybody, but I do have a desire to defend myself against constant attacks which I do not deserve. :)

Teasing and joking can be difficult to discern in written form. One person’s playful comment could be taken as an attack. You are right. People should be careful about the words that they choose to use, especially when both parties don’t know each other. Constant teasing could be misconstrued as harassment. Politeness is important too. For example, “Who is the pillock that tagged these MP3s as Bill” could have been offensive and embarrassing to me. Since Windows Media Player made the error, I am neither embarrassed nor offended. No worries. =)

Believe me, my friend, I am very aware of this - and simultaneously aware of the fact that most people aren't. My "pillock" comment was clearly directed at the dumb CDDB contributor who was responsible. I am not the sort of person who would make a comment like that and direct it at an individual. I always consider myself polite in my dealings on and off the forum - often, in the face of a fair amount of undeserved abuse. I suppose it's to be expected, given the wide variety of people we have on the forum - educated, uneducated... Grown ups, children...

In the ongoing "dispute" to which you refer, the "teasing" I suspect is actually an attack, since this individual has some vendetta against me, and has indeed made that very clear in other threads - my crimes were a) To put forward an opinion that something s/he loved was in fact rubbish, and b) To engage in a discussion about whether or not is right to refer to synthesized music as strictly orchestral...

As an offshot from the above, surely a decent person, if told that his teasing *is* causing offense, would immediately stop, offer his apologies, and clarify that none was intended? If he does not do this - instead, continuing his onslaught, does this not prove that he is in fact NOT teasing - he is attacking?

As a person who is well used to both good natured ribbing - and downright attack mode - on and off the forums, I think I am seasoned enough to tell when somebody's yanking my chain, and when they're just taking the mickey... :)

I won't take this any further off topic, however - and I'll say again THANK YOU for Harry And The Hendersons - though I have the Intrada disc, it's lovely to see something of this calibre turning up here, so that other people may discover it too. :)

08-04-2008, 10:09 AM
thanxs for the soundtrack i really love the song in the end credits

08-04-2008, 06:42 PM
double posted

08-04-2008, 06:42 PM
I knew that it wasn't you, because I have this CD and when I tried to rip it, EAC told me it was by Bill Broughton. :)

I wonder if the CD is encoded with Bill instead of Bruce. If that is the case, I'm glad to know that iTunes auto-corrects such errors.

As an offshot from the above, surely a decent person, if told that his teasing *is* causing offense, would immediately stop, offer his apologies, and clarify that none was intended? If he does not do this - instead, continuing his onslaught, does this not prove that he is in fact NOT teasing - he is attacking?

It is a fair assumption that a decent person, that is to say a person that cares about other people's feelings, would immediately terminate the undesired behavior and apologize. You are absolutely correct, that is a fair assumption. The other possibility is that a decent person could incorrectly interpret your statement of offense as being part of a cute psuedo-argument. An attempt to have a Moonlighting moment (80s TV show in which the two main leads had constant heated,arguments filled with sexual tension Maddie Hayes-Cybil Sheppard and Dave Addison -Bruce Willis) It is possible that she could think that you aren't truly offended and annnoyed and that it's all part of the banter. It is prehaps unlikely but it is possible.

One thing is for certain. In this thread, you have made yourself abundantly clear about your feelings. If she reads the rest of this thread and continues to engage in that type of behavior then there will be no doubt as to the type of person that she is.

I won't take this any further off topic, however - and I'll say again THANK YOU for Harry And The Hendersons - though I have the Intrada disc, it's lovely to see something of this calibre turning up here, so that other people may discover it too. :)

I'm glad this posting pleases you. This has always been one of my favorite scores. When I sit down at my piano I play it often...usually with one or two tears in my eyes.:-[

08-04-2008, 10:10 PM
thanxs for the soundtrack i really love the song in the end credits

You are welcome. I am happy that you are enjoying it.

08-05-2008, 01:04 AM
Thank you!

Doc Sidious
08-05-2008, 08:01 AM
I love Bruce Broughton, THANKS !

08-05-2008, 09:21 AM
I wonder if the CD is encoded with Bill instead of Bruce. If that is the case, I'm glad to know that iTunes auto-corrects such errors.

There are several different databases where various rippers get this info. Users submit track titles / etc, they have entered themselves if no record is available. I see it all the time when I'm trying to rip my own collection - Bill Broughton, Jon Goldsmith, Gerry Goldsmith, Toshihikhiko Sahasi, Toshihiko Sato, take your pick... If somebody is going to submit something to this WORLDWIDE database, and influence the tags of *every single other person* in the entire world who has that CD, you'd think they would have a quick glance at the CD box to make sure they had the right guy... But, NOOOOO...

Bill Broughton is, funnily enough, also a composer (and trombonist and conductor) - I doubt he's related to Bruce, as he's Australian. He conducted a (pretty dreadful) disc of Western themes with the Orchestra Of The Americas called Wild Wild Westerns. It's fun for a listen if only to see if you can keep up with counting the number of bum notes, missed cues, and general orchestral chaos that it contains... :D

08-05-2008, 09:07 PM
YOU ROCK DUDE! Thanks so much!

I gotta put some albums up soon.

08-06-2008, 07:54 PM
Bill Broughton is, funnily enough, also a composer (and trombonist and conductor) - I doubt he's related to Bruce, as he's Australian. He conducted a (pretty dreadful) disc of Western themes with the Orchestra Of The Americas called Wild Wild Westerns. It's fun for a listen if only to see if you can keep up with counting the number of bum notes, missed cues, and general orchestral chaos that it contains... :D

Some of my friends aren't fans of classical music so they don’t understand the difference a conductor can make. “They play the same notes so what does it matter who the conductor is?” I watch their eyes role back in their heads as I passionately launch into a speech about the interpretation of music. If he has played any of the Ennio’s themes then I could do a comparison for them.

08-06-2008, 07:54 PM
YOU ROCK DUDE! Thanks so much!

I gotta put some albums up soon.

You are very welcome. I hope you enjoy the score!

08-06-2008, 11:54 PM
Some of my friends aren't fans of classical music so they don�t understand the difference a conductor can make. �They play the same notes so what does it matter who the conductor is?� I watch their eyes role back in their heads as I passionately launch into a speech about the interpretation of music. If he has played any of the Ennio�s themes then I could do a comparison for them.

As a composer and wannabe conductor, you have my unbridled agreement there - although I think the shoddy performance I was discussing earlier isn't Bill's fault - it has more to do with the fact that the orchestra is a fourth rate, third world, second choice collection of spotty children... ;)

Without a conductor, your orchestra is as good as a synthesiser. There are some conductors out there I would happily kick in the ballsack. Some of them are dead, so I have a little more respect, but nevertheless. I suppose it all comes down to interpretation - for example, some people absolutely ADORE the way Gergiev takes Mahler's symphonies - some think he's the return of Satan.

One thing's for sure though, the conductor's influence on how a piece of music sounds is far, FAR greater than most non-musical folk credit him for.

Katie Price: Thank you, and very much accepted. How could I stay angry at somebody with big boobs? ;)

08-08-2008, 10:26 AM
thank you hisgirlfriday.

i am sorry for being an idiot.

You don't owe me an apology Katie. You never offended me. It's cool. I'm glad that Danny has accepted your apology and I hope you two can have positive commuincations going forward.

10-08-2011, 02:45 AM
Thanks for this post.

"I'm gonna say this once. 'Gonna say it simple. And I hope to God for your sakes you all listen. There are no Abominable Snowmen. There are no Sasquatches. There are no Bigfeet!"

07-25-2014, 08:55 AM
can anyone please upload this ace score please

01-15-2016, 03:29 AM
someone could upload the links? please!