poptart fantastico
08-02-2008, 05:48 PM
See, I watched Samantha Brown's show the other day - she's a world traveler - and she was visiting China. She visited a show that in ancient times was only shown to the emperor. In it this man came out on stage and played a Pan flute that had several flutes combined into one, but there were no finger holes. So the guy starts playing, and it sounded like a bird singing. It was cool. I was wondering if any of you could find some free mp3's of said Pan flute. Oh, and the Duduk. It's an Armenian instrument. There's a part in the Avatar cartoon where they go to a Fire Nation school, and Aang plays one of their horns. I read online that the sound is made with a Duduk, but the horn wasn't a Duduk. Uh. Did ya get that? Yeah I think I explained it ok.... Anyway, if you can find these two instruments, then thank you.