08-02-2008, 12:20 PM
I uploading the album from Megaman Zero 2 Remastered Tracks Idea!Very Great Musics!Good listening to you!=)
Disc 1:
01 title
02 cut scene(zero in the desert)
03 introduction stage)
04 giant mechaniloid boss
05 stage resultat
06 cut scene(harpuia saving zero)
07 cut scene(zero meet elpizo)
08 base stage
09 cut scene(zero & ciel)
10 title(long version)
11 select stage
12 forest of dysis(hyleg ourobockle stage)
13 reploid boss
14 cut scene(elpizo escape)
15 computer zone(polar kamrus stage)
16 power room(magnion ph�nix stage)
17 train of n�o arcadia(panter flauclaws stage)
18 bonus track(cut scene zero meet elpizo-sing)
19 n�o arcadia loses(three machine stage)
20 aircraft(kuwagust anchus stage)

Disc 2:
01 cut scene(the three reploids brave zero)
02 cut scene(x appeared)
03 bonus track(cut scene zero & ciel-sing)
04 computer zone 2(fairy leviathan stage)
05 shuttle factory(fighting fefnir stage)
06 crystal cave(sage harpuia stage)
07 forest of notus(burble herkelot stage)
08 n�o arcadia-temple of flamme(fighting fefnir morph stage)
09 n�o arcadia-temple of ice-fairy leviathan morph stage)
10 n�o arcadia-temple of wind(sage harpuia morph stage)
11 cut scene(zero vs harpuia morph)
12 cut scene(harpuia morph defeat)
13 n�o arcadia final(elpizo stage)
14 elpizo boss
15 cut scene(the dark elf in elpizo)
16 elpizo morph(final boss)
17 cut scene(elpizo defeated)
18 ending staff
19 title(long version 2)
20 bonus track(ending staff-sing)


MY OSTS COLLECTION(direct links) (Thread 34462)