08-02-2008, 12:09 PM
I uploading the ost from Megaman X4 for psx!Great Capcom's musics!Good listening to you!=)
01 sky lagoon(X)
02 sky lagoon(zero)
03 select stage 1
04 jungle(web spider stage)
05 cyber space(cyber peacok stage)
06 air force(storm owl stage)
07 volcano(magma dragoon stage)
08 marine base(jet stingray stage)
09 bio laboratory(split mushroom stage)
10 snow base part1(frost walrus stage)
11 snow base part2(frost walrus stage)
12 military train(slash beast stage)
13 select stage 2
14 space port(colonel stage)
15 final weapon part1&2(iris,double & general stage)
16 final weapon closed(sigma stage)
17 weapon screen
18 speak
19 speak 2
20 general counter
21 boss(giant dragon)
22 boss(maverick reploid)
23 boss(colonel & general)
24 boss(iris)
25 boss(double)
26 boss(sigma)
27 sigma's machine(final boss)
28 staff


MY OSTS COLLECTION(direct links) (Thread 34462)

08-04-2008, 02:43 AM
Thanks for this. Despite loving this game, I've never had its OGM.

08-04-2008, 04:24 AM
Actually, I have a question: Did you rip this yourself? I'm thinking so, but I'm not sure. The reason I ask is, the "Staff" track (the very last) has some static in the second half, and I'm wondering if it's just me.

08-04-2008, 05:32 AM
I ripped Megaman x4