08-01-2008, 07:55 PM
I uploading the ost from Goldeneye for Nintendo 64!Great Rare's musics!Good listening to you!=)

01 theme
02 byelomorye dam
03 chemical warfare facility
04 escape from arkangelsk
05 runaway
06 severnaya installation
07 satellite control bunker
08 soviet missile silo
09 frigate la fayette
10 severnaya installation night
11 severnaya bunker complex
12 statue park
13 military intelligence archives
14 st petersburg streets
15 disused military depot
16 converted missile train
17 escape from missile train
18 janus control center
19 elevator a
20 subterranean caverns
21 elevator b
22 antenna craddle
23 seetle score with 006
24 aztec complex
25 countdown
26 el saghira temple
27 credits


MY OSTS COLLECTION(direct links) (Thread 34462)