Metal Gear Flacid
07-31-2008, 07:36 PM
Frankly, I am ashamed at the lack of Guilty Gear downloads here. Personally, I'd like to make a request for pretty much anything Guilty Gear, especially XX. Please!

UPDATE: Here's a tracklist of XX to help (with the help of wikipedia):

Guilty Gear XX Original Soundtrack
Disc one

1. "Feedback" Main opening
2. "Noontide" Sol-Badguy VS Ky-Kiske theme
3. "Keep Yourself Alive II" Sol-Badguy theme
4. "Holy Orders (Be Just or Be Dead)" Ky Kiske theme
5. "Blue Water Blue Sky" May theme
6. "Writhe in Pain" Millia Rage theme
7. "Feel a Fear" Eddie (Zato-1) theme
8. "Burly Heart" Potemkin theme
9. "Suck a Sage" Chipp Zanuff theme
10. "The Original" Faust theme
11. "Make Oneself" Axl-Low theme
12. "Momentary Life" Baiken theme
13. "Fu-u-ga" Anji Mito theme
14. "A Solitude That Asks Nothing in Return" Venom theme
15. "Liquor Bar & Drunkard" Johnny theme
16. "Babel Nose" Jam Kuradoberi theme
17. "Bloodstained Lineage" Testament theme

Disc two

1. "Awe of She" Dizzy theme
2. "Simple Life" Bridget theme
3. "Haven't You Got Eyes in Your Head?" Slayer theme
4. "Good Manners and Customs" Zappa theme
5. "Ka-ge-ma-tsu-ri" I-No theme
6. "Nothing Out of the Ordinary" same character theme
7. "Existence" Assassins theme
8. "The Midnight Carnival" Final boss theme
9. "Till Next Time"
10. "Boom Town Blues"
11. "Missing"
12. "D.O.A."
13. "VS"
14. "Go for It!"
15. "Game Over"
16. "Pride and Glory" Kliff Undersn theme
17. "Meet Again" Justice theme
18. "Primal Light"
19. "Calm Passion"
20. "Walk in the Dust"

Leon Scott Kennedy
07-31-2008, 08:07 PM
Have you seen this thread?

Thread 53991