07-31-2008, 01:52 PM
I picked up "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My life as a King" for the WiiWare for my wife, and we both like this game allot.

What I find strange, is that other than the board on gamefaqs, i don't see this game being discussed anywhere. I find reviews, but i don't really find fan sites for it, or even sections in existing fan sites. Some that list Crystal Chronicles game line completely skip this one, only listing the originl, the DS game, and the upcoming Wii disc based game.

Is this game the bastard red=headed step child of the FF game line (I figured mystic quest was that)

08-01-2008, 06:51 AM
That could be the result of its questionable genre. It still remains a role-playing game, but not in the classic, villain-slaying sense. Final Fantasy is lauded for its amazing characters, from the confused heroes to the dastardly antagonists; yet FFCC: MLAAK forgoes the franchise's trademarks for a city-building game. It shares more in common with The Sims and Dark Cloud than Final Fantasy. And there are no random enemy encounters that the player fights. Instead, the vassals do all of the dirty work. Something to compare it to would be Final Fantasy Tactics, where most battles take about 30 minutes to win.

It might be good, but to answer your question, it's a different title that doesn't share much in common with its brethren.

It's also incredibly expensive. 1500 for the game, then 100 to 800 points for each of the 8 add-ons. I think Nintendo Power offered a figure of around 3500 points for the full game, which is $35. For that price, many people would rather have something else.

08-01-2008, 09:23 PM
blah. I was hoping that there was some sort of community built around the game, like the others.

I made a city builder/planner for it.

can't seam to find anywhere to share. meh, maybe I should just port it to a board, and work on something else.

08-07-2008, 07:29 PM
I updated the app to allow saving/loading/sharing of cities

for example, this is what my city looks like

08-09-2008, 06:32 AM
I'm real curious to get this one. I've read some pretty good reviews about it.