07-29-2008, 11:09 PM
A few opinions since I haven't seen a similar thread.

X-Files: I Want to Believe

I have to say, the actual d�but of the second X-Files movie caught me off guard. Who's paying attention to X-Files this soon after The Dark Knight? After all the delays (it's been in the works since about 2001) I thought there existed no chance that this idea could come to fruition. When it finally premi�red, I had mixed feelings after slipping into a sparsely populated theatre during its first showing.

Fortunately, it's a solid movie for newcomers or anyone who's never heard of the X-Files. Requires not an ounce of back story. Former FBI investigators of the paranormal, Mulder and Scully, answer the call of the FBI to help find a missing person in a strange new case which entails following around a psychic paedophile priest for vague clues. Both Duchovny and Anderson make able returns to their former personae as a conflicted pair who never quite see eye to eye on the paranormal world.

Unfortunately, it's a solid movie for newcomers or anyone who's never heard of the X-Files. Requires not an ounce of back story. Which means long-time fans such as Doomjockey might just hate it because it does absolutely nothing to further the mythos of Chris Carter's epic alien saga established over a period of nine years. Instead, the whole deal feels like a monster-of-the-week episode, and not a particularly good one. Some familiar faces pop up and Mulder's humour remains spot on, but otherwise it might feel somewhat boring and typical of a "filler" episode. Not at all in the vein of the first film, which sported big-budget effects and sweeping revelations (but crappier writing). About the only thing of interest is perhaps the evolved relationship between the two main characters if you're into that sort of study, which I am not.

Of course, I didn't hate it, nor did I enjoy it that much. Overall, I found the writing much improved over the first film if somewhat disconnected from the erstwhile series. To it's credit, the story mixes an intelligent amount of relevant themes to keep it interesting like the scandal in the Catholic church and ambivalence over stem cell research, however there isn't too much action or mystery here. It missed the mark for me.

If you want to believe in something this month, I suggest Harvey Dent.

EDIT: Hell, I believe I posted this in the wrong area. Perhaps this can be moved to Reviews/Recommendations at some point? Many thanks.

07-30-2008, 08:15 PM
I have been a fan of the show my entire life, and I am going to see the movie this weekend. I do not care what the reviews are. I have been following the show my entire life, so nothing is going to discourage me. xD

Also, thank you for the review.

07-30-2008, 08:47 PM
Same here. Was interesting to read.

07-31-2008, 09:03 AM
I enjoyed the film, saw it opening day. I wasn't blown away and it wasn't the film I had been waiting for all these years but it was a nice one, if it does well maybe 20th Century Fox and Chris Carter well return with a film to wrap up everything including the Alien invasion in 2012

08-01-2008, 08:15 PM
Let me first state that I am a rabid fanboy of "The X-Files" franchise.
IMO it ranks in the "Top 3" Sci-Fi shows ever on television.
I own all 9 seasons of the series on DVD (the collectors editions, not the re-release).
It goes without saying that I saw the first movie. I thought the FIRST movie was fantastic.

Having said that......,

I was disappointed with "The X-Files: I Want To Believe"......,partly.

I was not "wowed" with the story......, not by a long shot. What I did like about it was seeing Mulder and Scully reunited and seeing the interpersonal interaction between the two characters, that part was great.
But by the time the climax came I had essentially mostly figured out ending (mostly) as well as losing genuine interest in it as well, and had INSTEAD focused on the character relation between Mulder and Scully.
I was curious in how the movie would place the current status of the two former F.B.I. agents, and in that regard, it did in fact deliver. The beginning of the movie places Scully functioning as a doctor in the civilian world, and Mulder is in hiding, still wanted by the F.B.I..
Pre-release interviews with Chris Carter highly suggested that there would be some resolving of what has happened to William (Mulder and Scully's son) since they placed him with another couple.


There was only a brief mention of him in a few sentences between Mulder and Scully, and even then they only talked about the decision to place him with the couple and not his current situation or condition.
Very disappointing.

If I had to rate the new movie on a scale from 1 to 10,
I give it a 6/10, and only because of my hunger for NEW X-Files material.
Unless your a FANATIC with the X-Files you should AVOID this movie. Hell......, even a fanatic may wish to skip this one.

There........., I said it.

08-13-2008, 07:53 PM
I've seen the film since my last post, and would have to agree with the above. It was good in parts. But overall not anything spectacular.