07-28-2008, 03:59 PM
has anyone got the socre

07-29-2008, 02:30 PM
Score's not out yet

07-30-2008, 08:40 AM
Score's not out yet

now that it's after midnight I guess it's considered available... but all it really means is that the stores (online and real ones who considered purchasing shipments) will be getting the CD today... and shipping them out (to anyone who's already pre-ordered the things or is just now putting the order in)...

if we are lucky we may see an upload today... but that's only if...
chances are it could still be a few days before placed orders arrive

but let's hope those limited first press releases do indeed arrive tomorrow (err today) (as usually they come out a day or two before schedule... but that depends).

07-30-2008, 03:02 PM
I'd second this request with my life!!! And I do!!!

EDIT - Just thought I'd say, if you find a torrent, send it to me. I'll upload it ASAP if I can.

07-30-2008, 06:43 PM
I'd second this request with my life!!! And I do!!!

EDIT - Just thought I'd say, if you find a torrent, send it to me. I'll upload it ASAP if I can.

If I find a torrent or another place to download, I'll let you know. *is searching too* I too want it after all. xD

07-30-2008, 09:49 PM
well, my search has just paused because I'm making my parents a surprise dinner while they're out! Catch Ya' Later!

07-31-2008, 07:31 AM
Consider this post proof that at least one other person is looking forward to this music collection.

07-31-2008, 07:37 AM
No luck today, I will see again tomorrow... but as I said, it could still be a few days before anyone who did order them (at least online) arrive...

Though... perhaps if anyone knows someone who lives in japan... could try pestering them into buying it, I'm sure it'd be available on normal shelves in music stores or something... and wouldn't have to wait the day/days it may take for orders to arrive (CDJapan estimates shipped at anywhere between 10-30 days, yes-asia was something like 7-10 days)... and that wasn't even considering international orders.

If someone can find someone willing to ship EMS (about 1200yen shipping fee) it arrives within 3-7 days (almost always 3-4 in my experience though once it arrived on the 2nd day (not day after shipping... but day after that)). I may be willing to try to purchase it if they except paypal xD (though keep in mind that'd still mean that if the order is placed tomorrow and it's shipped out ... Friday (more likely) it would be Monday (3rd day) or Tuesday (4th day) before it arrives... (latest hit 5 days once, or was it actually 7?). (Cool thing is.. EMS does count Sun. as a business day... and have delivered on it before). >3

07-31-2008, 12:15 PM
Well, I'll begin my search. Oh yeah, I will be getting my copy of ONE on Tuesday, hopefully.