07-27-2008, 04:24 PM
Hi there

I was just wondering if anyone has uploaded the music featured in today's Doctor Who special of The Proms on BBC Radio Three. I know it's a little early to say right now since the show only finished a few hours ago, but if someone does happen to know of any links where the music is available in mp3 form, I'd be very greatful.

It has a compilation of Series One, Two, Three and Four music (Including the new updated Doctor theme as featured the Library episodes, and the Ood Song as featured in Planet of the Ood and Journey's End).

Many thanks in advance.

The Doctor
07-27-2008, 06:51 PM
I'm getting the full length recording of Doctor Who at the Proms right now. After I've had a chance to break it up into tracks and tag it properly, I'll upload it here (I'll probably break it up and tag it while I'm uploading the series 3 soundtrack for another request).

I'm not sure what the bitrate on this rip is because I'm still not done downloading it, but if a better quality version comes up after I've split this one up, I'll upload it too.

Incidentally, most of the music here is from series 3 and 4, with some classical tracks sprinkled in. Here's a track list:

Murray Gold - Concert Prologue* (3 mins)
Copland - Fanfare for the Common Man (3 mins)
Murray Gold - All The Strange Strange Creatures* (4 mins)
Mark-Anthony Turnage - The Torino Scale (UK premiere) (4 mins)
Holst The Planets - Jupiter (8 mins)
Murray Gold - The Doctor Forever* (4.30 mins)
Murray Gold - Rose* (1.30 mins)
Murray Gold - Martha v The Master* (4.30 mins)
Murray Gold - Music of the Spheres (including theme original)* (7.30 mins)
Wagner Die Walk�re - The Ride of the Valkyries (5 mins)
Murray Gold - The Daleks & Davros* (8 mins)
Murray Gold Donna, Girl in Fireplace, Astrid* (4 mins)
Prokofiev - 'Montagues and Capulets' from Romeo and Juliet (5 mins)
Murray Gold - This is Gallifrey* (3.30 mins)
Murray Gold - Doctor's Theme / Song for Freedom * (5.30 mins)
Murray Gold - Doomsday* (5 mins)
Murray Gold - Song for Ten* (4 mins)
Murray Gold - Doctor Who Theme* (1.30 mins)

The Doctor
07-27-2008, 09:44 PM
Okay, the version of the Proms that I was going to upload is only 96MB and 128kbps. But I've stumbled across another version on Demonoid that is 241MB and encoded at 320kbps, so I'll upload that to filefactory after I've download it from Demonoid.

07-27-2008, 09:56 PM
I wouldn't bother with that - it's a badly encoded conversion of the radio broadcast. I recorded this concert myself digitally - am currently converting, and getting it ready for uploading...

[Edit: I was going to skip the classical pieces and just include the Doctor Who cues. Is this a good idea?]

The Doctor
07-27-2008, 11:02 PM
I've heard the classical pieces on the 98MB file, and I'd really like to have those too. They fit in well with Murray's music and are marvelous tracks in their own right.

07-27-2008, 11:05 PM
Absolutley, they are fine pieces. Righty-ho, I'll keep those.

Do you think just a straight upload of the concert - just split into a vague sensation of tracks, would be best?

Or an actual album-esque presentation, minus the (bloody awful) introductions by Freema Agyeman et al?

The Doctor
07-27-2008, 11:12 PM
If you're willing to do the leg work, I'd go with splitting it up album-style into gapless tracks. I was in the middle of doing that with the 96MB file before I stumbled across the higher quality (?) version on Demonoid (I was even keeping the Freema introduction bits, but cutting them off as their own tracks -- Freema 01, Freema 02, et cetera... I've got too much free time.)

If you'd rather just upload the whole thing as one long track, I can always go in and split it up with GoldWave later.

In the end, I'd just like to get my mitts on it in high quality. :D

07-28-2008, 02:17 PM
Hello gents, sorry for the delay - should be uploading this this evening :)

07-28-2008, 07:43 PM
Please check download forum in about 15 mins :)

08-10-2008, 12:39 AM
Wonderfull !!!!!!!!!

Big thanks !!!!!!!!