07-23-2008, 02:59 PM
I looked everywhere for something about these, but I can't find anything. I honestly think this forum is the last chance I have.
After this, if still nothing comes up, I'll give up for good.


I already have the Death Note Original Soundtracks.
But some songs are missing. A good example is Mikami.

I risk spoiling and I don't know how to hide it, so anyone who hasn't seen the parts that follow, please stop reading.
If you haven't seen them you wouldn't be able to help me anyway.

For example, Mikami Concertino is a song included in the OST, but there are also two themes that are not in the OST. A track played with flute, I think, when Mikami's school-life is introduced, and another one of tragic mark for orchestra, depicting the death of Mikami's mother. These are only some examples. If you saw Death Note, I'm fairly sure you would have noticed a lot of songs missing from the OST.
My question is: where can I get them, if that's even possible?

Thanks in advance.
Just one more request: if I violated some of the rules of the requests guideline, please notify me, instead of just deleting my thread without even telling me why.
And please be gentle, considering this is the first thread I open.

Thanks again.

07-24-2008, 08:33 AM
There's a reason those tracks were not included in the OST. They were composed by Bach, and the song can be found on most CDs that have his songs in it.

07-24-2008, 12:12 PM
Thanks for the fast reply, for starters ^_^ But are you sure that all of the missing tracks in the Death Note soundtracks were composed from Bach?
And, if at all possible, can you tell me the title of the song(s) of the soundtracks of which you're sure?

Thanks again, and sorry if I made some english mistakes. I hope the sense of what I asked is clear enough.

08-21-2008, 06:54 PM
Hrm, I too would like to know which songs were used, because Bach alone gets me nowhere on google