05-26-2002, 04:52 AM

Well, my parents were nice enough to get me a PS2 for Christmas instead of a PS1, and all this time all I've been using it for is PS1 games. So today I decided to rent FFX, to try it out before I decide whether to buy it. So far I'm loving it (unfortunately, I don't own a PS2 memory card. I got up to the boss that does the poison claw attack, right after the ship docks in the town that just got destroyed by Sin, before finally deciding to end my game). But there's one small thing which has really annoyed me: the whole "Sin toxins destroying memories" thing. Think about it:

-In FF4, Tellah forgets all his spells
-In FF5, Galuf has complete amnesia
-In FF6, both Terra and Rachel have amnesia
-In FF7, Cloud forgets many things about his past
-In FF8... oh forget it, I said minor spoilers in the subject line. :rolleyes:

I haven't played FF9 yet so I can't say anything there, and I can't think of any instances of amnesia in the first three games (although I haven't finished 2 or 3 yet). But come on, WHY does amnesia have to be used so often? Sure, it makes a character mysterious. But after a while hasn't it become cliche?

05-26-2002, 07:06 AM
In FF IX Zidane has amnesia sorta. He doesn't remember his childhood at all he has kinda limited amnesia.

05-26-2002, 07:24 AM
In FF8 everyone forgets about their child hood (SPOILER) completely because of GF. in 1, i do not think it's possible, i just got it, but like none of the characters have storylines.

Neo Xzhan
05-26-2002, 11:33 AM
True in FF8 everybody xcept for Irvine (who hasn't completely forgotten) theri childhoods. I don't really know or if it is good or bad to have some guys to have amnesia but it makes the game better so when u reach a certain part in the game u'll get a cool plot twist, like when in ff7 Cloud and Tifa fall into the lifestream and Tifa helps Cloud to regain his past really was cool it really added alot to the game.

05-26-2002, 12:35 PM
Dagger has mental block in FF9, too.

"Duhhh... I came from.... where?? Why can't I remember why I keep singing this song?? Duhhhhhh...."

Maybe they keep using it because Square just keeps forgetting that they did the amnesia thing before. :alien:

Angel Aeris
05-26-2002, 01:35 PM
Well yeah, I've been thinkining about that too, but it hasn't bothered me that much. But gotta admit that after I played FF6 I felt that Rachel's amnesia was already kinda used trick.