05-26-2002, 02:18 AM
Hello!! This is my poetry. I hope you like it! Oh yeah, please keep in mind that I am quite new to poetry, so don't be suprised if they aren't that good...

Now, for my first piece...


I put my headphones over my ears
I listen to the wonderful and soothing music
I depend on it to wash away my fears
It's my island of calm before I lose it

I put my headphones around my neck
Racism, prejudice, stereotypes are what I hear alone
Not a moment of peace, not even for a sec
I just keep telling myself "Those words are sticks & stones"

I put my headphones on & my feelings are profound
I can feel the beat down my bones
I take my headphones off & throw them on the ground
Because I cannot live if I hide behind my headphones

Feedback is always nice!! Thank you for listening!!!!

05-26-2002, 04:29 PM is another bit. I chose a simpler rhyming scheme because it's kind of hard for me to rhyme. Hope ya like it!

Ode to Akane

How can I express my love for you
Akane, my sweet, my fiancee
When everytime we get close
We push each other away?

Akane those other girls aren't for me
Not Ukyo, not Kodachi, nor Shampoo
It pains me when they fight over me
All I want is you

We both have tough exteriors
That we must learn to shed
While you're a "Macho Chick" and I'm a "Jerk"
Our love still hangs on by a thread

Akane, my sweet, my fiancee
You're as beautiful as a delicate dove
Akane, my sweet my fiancee
You're my one true love