07-22-2008, 12:01 PM
|Killzone: Liberation Music RIP

|================================================= =
|RIP type:---------Direct Extraction / Game Audio Recording
|Music Composer:---Joris de Man
|Style:------"cheap synth" orchestral music
|Total Play Time:--00:35:47h
|Format:-----------MP3, 320kbps/44100kHz except XMB Theme(128kbps)
|================================================= =


A couple words about the release. First. This release is different from all releases I've seen so far. I used direct extraction whenever it was possible. Only tracks 43-47 were recorded. Second. I VERY sorry for XMB Theme' quality. I made the direct encoding, but quality of this track is still far from good for an unknown reason. But anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this release. ;-)

01. Joris De Man - Killlzone Liberation Intro (With Sfx)
02. Joris De Man - The Hero Arrives
03. Joris De Man - Reunion Of Strength
04. Joris De Man - In Need Of Help
05. Joris De Man - One Door Away
06. Joris De Man - Here They Come!
07. Joris De Man - Angel's Descent
08. Joris De Man - Isa Survives
09. Joris De Man - Orders From Above
10. Joris De Man - In Need Of Power
11. Joris De Man - Tank Battle
12. Joris De Man - Escape From Death
13. Joris De Man - Approach
14. Joris De Man - Going Up
15. Joris De Man - Disabling Them
16. Joris De Man - Enter The Harbor
17. Joris De Man - Freeing The Docks
18. Joris De Man - Rico Rendezvous
19. Joris De Man - Metrac's March
20. Joris De Man - Getting The General
21. Joris De Man - Leaving The Harbor
22. Joris De Man - Towards The Swamp
23. Joris De Man - As Predicted
24. Joris De Man - The Trap Is Set
25. Joris De Man - Ambush!
26. Joris De Man - Discovery Of The Dropship
27. Joris De Man - Pilot's Destiny
28. Joris De Man - Cobar's Warning
29. Joris De Man - Pursuit Of Evil
30. Joris De Man - In Spider's Web
31. Joris De Man - The General Attacks
32. Joris De Man - Against Orders
33. Joris De Man - Separated By Command
34. Joris De Man - Metrac's Temptation
35. Joris De Man - Evelyn's Escape
36. Joris De Man - In Search Of Rico
37. Joris De Man - Hiding Evelyn
38. Joris De Man - Facing General Metrac
39. Joris De Man - Death Of The General
40. Joris De Man - Time Is Up
41. Joris De Man - Crashing Down
42. Joris De Man - Liberation
43. Joris De Man - Prologue Of Vekta
44. Joris De Man - Path Of Fate
45. Joris De Man - The War Continues
46. Joris De Man - Ready For The War
47. Joris De Man - Mission Failed
48. Joris De Man - Tank Battle (Bonus Track)
49. Joris De Man - Credits [End Credits]
50. Joris De Man - Credits [From Menu Theme]
51. Joris De Man - Trailer (With Sfx)
52. Joris De Man - Xmb Theme (In Bad Quality)

For those people who haven't seen KILLZONE: LIBERATION Intro yet:
Here ( it is in AVI format in 480x272 resolution.

07-22-2008, 02:16 PM
Thanks :)

07-22-2008, 02:33 PM
Nobody performed it - it's cheap synth.

katie price
07-23-2008, 01:27 PM
i am very sorry

07-23-2008, 02:54 PM
Who cares if its cheap synth, jeeze people are too critical these days, they expect everything to be so bombastic and epci "WHOAz OMGz"

It doesn't matter what equipment is used, its the music itself.

07-23-2008, 03:45 PM
thanks dude!!!

07-23-2008, 05:51 PM
wow dannyfrench is a very hurtfilled-angry-man. one must never cross him or he will attack you by playing grand orchestrated music in your face. by the way, killzone 1 grand orchestrated score was performed by the moscow symphony orchestra.

Thanks. I'm not angry or hurt filled, except for the implication that you think I'm a miserable asshole. I'm not - all I did was state a fact and answer a question.

The guy asked who performed it, and whether or not it was the City of Prague Philharmonic. I replied that it was not - it is cheap synth. A statement of fact and nothing more. Why does it offend you so much?

INdeed, Killzone 1 was performed by the Moscow Symphony, and a very, very fine score it was too. It's a shame to see the quality of the scores drop so sharply with this particular effort.

Who cares if its cheap synth, jeeze people are too critical these days, they expect everything to be so bombastic and epci "WHOAz OMGz"

I do, thank you very much - that's my opinion; it doesn't have to be yours as well but why are you suggesting I'm wrong for having it?

The problem is, people aren't critical enough - they'll take any crap that comes their way. If people were more discerning, we would get more consistently good quality scores, better films, better TV shows, a better life.

As a classical composer and film composer myself, I have no interest in pointless bombast, faux-epic nonsense (see Hans Zimmer, etc, etc) nor indeed to I respond to a good orchestral score with "WOAHz OMGz" -- I try to treat everything fairly.

I certainly don't dump on somebody for having their own opinion - particularly if that opinion is better conceived, more intelligently presented, and less confrontational than my own.

I care about cheap synth, because you can have SUPERB music... which sounds like total crap because whatever-big-company has cut corners and not put in the necessary finances. So many good scores have been tarnished by a poor quality presentation.

If the synth doesn't bother you, fine, great, fantastic! I envy you, because it means you can enjoy more things than I can. Synthesised music, for the most part, grates me because there is no human factor. Music (particularly film, game, TV music) exists to communicate emotion, and I find it has a hard time doing that when it is played by the most emotionless of things - a computer, not a human being, or some human beings.

It doesn't matter what equipment is used, its the music itself.

That is true, but imagine if Star Wars had been played by a twenty piece student orchestra. Or a solo electric guitar? Or indeed, a crappy synth orchestra? Would it have the same impact as it does performed by a 90 piece London Symphony Orchestra?

Fine music is wrecked by bad performance - its impact is compromised. Therefore, I think it's entirely fair to accept poor performance - synth, or just a bad orchestra - as a fault in the overall package.

If the music is all that matters, how about I send you over the conductor's score, and you can just read that, eh? ;)

Or would that not work for you, because you can't appreciate it when it's presented to you like that? Same difference, my friend.

[Incidentally, as far as my enjoyment is concerned, I can get NONE from this score because I think the music is unmitigated crap. Once again, my opinion and mine alone. But there you go...]

PS... Thanks for posting - I do appreciate it, really, even though it may seem as though I'm complaining all the time...

07-23-2008, 06:30 PM
I know im bringing this old thing up, but you posted a mile long rant on my lair gamerip that it sounded very horrible and distorted, i could not help that. i had a very dictating machine. But everyone liked it and didn't mind

It was a grand orchestral score just like how you liked it and yet you still complained about: "OMGz0rz teh music is distort,failrip!111"

I worked hard on that rip.

07-23-2008, 06:44 PM
Wow, I didn't know I'd made you feel so bad about that - I'm sorry, my friend. I know you worked hard on it, and boy, believe me, I appreciate it.

I would have thought though, that blind praise becomes a bit meaningless... I mean, you could've put no effort in whatsoever, recorded it with a tape recorder stuck to the side of your TV, and most people would've still said "Oh yeah, it's SOOOOOO GREAT!"

It is true - the sound *was* distorted. Saying so doesn't denigrate your effort at all - it was intended more as a way to alert you to a possible failing in your technique, and give you a way to make your future work even greater than it already was. But, pretending that something isn't there is insulting to you, and it's insulting to the music.

And, you're being a bit harsh on me - I didn't post a rant, and I didn't say ""OMGz0rz teh music is distort,failrip!111"" -- what I actually said was:

OrangeC, thank you for this, it must've been murder.
Because it's such a massive undertaking and you've worked so hard on it, I feel horrid for criticising, but I must take issue with... The volume, specifically, the horrific clipping and distortion that makes most of the louder pieces unlistenable... I know it's difficult to get this right when you're doing a Line rip, but in places, this is pretty bad. I'm sorry, mate. Please don't think I'm an arse for saying this - I really, REALLY appreciate the work, as I'm sure does everybody else, but your recording level was too high, far, far too high. Most soundcards flatten out dynamics in the upper ten percent of their range as well (God knows why) meaning, even where the sound isn't clipped, the dynamics will be shot to hell... If you're doing a line rip, the best thing you can do is find the LOUDEST part of the audio you're going to be recording, and record it - fiddle with the recording level until the loudest part touches -3db on your recording monitor. Record the whole thing, and normalise (the whole lot, not on a track by track basis - normalise the entire recording project at once) using software. This means you get to keep as much of the dynamic range as possible, you don't tax your soundcard, and the normalising means the MP3s play at a uniform volume and you don't have people complaining that they're too quiet... I'm sorry to be so critical, but Lair is f*�$(&ing fantastic, and it isn't quite at its best here...

A rant would have been "You f**king idiot, you ripped all this music and you didn't even check the levels! WTF is wrong with you? Don't you know ANYTHING about digital recording? You and your f**king stupid asshole rip have shat all over this great music! You suck!!!" -- point well made?

I thought what I said was exceptionally respectful of your (undoubtedly tireless) effort, but at the same time was mindful of the flaws... If you mess something up and nobody tells you about it, they're setting you up for a) falsely believing your work is perfect, and b) making the same mistakes again. I thought my comments were constructive and friendly. If they offended you, I'm sorry - I really hope you realise that I did (and still do - I listen to your rip of Lair regularly) appreciate the work you put in; simply I was just hoping to bring your attention to the parts of it that were less than perfect and help you make it better the next time.

Don't you agree that "good enough" isn't really "good enough" - how many times have you got the short end of the stick in your life because somebody only did what was "good enough" and didn't go that extra mile to make it perfect?

If something's 90% great, should you pretend the other 10% doesn't matter? If you do that every time, before you know it, 90% becomes the new 100%, and everything in life becomes just that little bit crappier...

If you ignore the bad bits, you're disrespecting the good bits.

I'm sorry for taking this thread off topic again, but I wanted to respond to that, because I feared I'd upset the gentleman which was clearly not my intention.

07-23-2008, 06:57 PM
Okay i understand now and i aplogize, its just that i got this picture that you gio in every thread criticising other peoples work like this one guy did.

Also this dude pm'ed me he was like: oh don't listen to that dannyfrench guy, which made me believe that you go around ranting on other peoples work.

But i understand now.

07-23-2008, 07:13 PM
Thank you - please, don't listen to ranting idiots who don't like me - get to know the real me first, then make your judgement. :) (It may very well be exactly the same, but at least then I'll deserve it...)

I gathered that I'm sometimes not all that popular... And all I ever do is try to be supportive and respectful. The only difference is that when there is a problem with something, I'll say so - and when I comment on something, I try to make it a little more constructive than the screenfulls of "I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!" / "That's the best thing EVERRRRRRR!" etc that usually fill up these kind of threads...

I got flamed in the Yoko Kanno thread for saying that Kanno's music was plagiarised, and that this fact made her less of an artist - as a true artist has respect for the work of other people. In come dozens of Kanno fanboys, who tell me I'm an idiot, I complain too much, that I'm wrong, who cares, or variations... All I did was state an uncomfortable truth.

I don't expect this forum to be like a tea room where elderly gentlemen sit around, smoke pipes, and discuss the intricacies of Shakespearian iambic pentameter. But it would be nice if sometimes we could have sensible discussions about things without disrespecting differing opinions or childishly flaming somebody just because they suggested that your favourite thing wasn't absolutely wonderful.

I got flamed in the "Kanno Orchestral Selection" thread because I pointed out to some guy that half the music on his compilation wasn't orchestral. People moaned at me and said I was a moron, and who cares, because the music is great, and anyway I'm not fit to lick Kanno's behind as she is a Goddess.

Once again, all I did was point something out - in the most respectful way I know how (because I'm very aware of the fact that most people around here can't take criticism and continuously fly off the handle if somebody says something that's not 100% allied with their own feelings on a given topic) - and I get flamed for it. Then the guy releases ANOTHER compilation - also not orchestral - and even has a dig at me personally in the megaupload file description! Good God, why do I bother? Would everybody just be happier if I kept my mouth shut except when I wanted to say "COOL YEAH FANTASTIC!!!"?

I post here because I love music and I love sharing good music with my friends. I donate here because I think this is a great place and it should continue. Mostly all I get is abuse back or snotty messages suggesting that my opinion is worthless, just because it's different to somebody else's, or because I'm "too hard" on something. I call a spade a spade.

I'm unpopular because I don't lavish *everything* blindly with rabid praise. I would've thought that was more valuable. Some folk don't see it that way. If the population of this planet stood up in unison and said "This is crap!" when something happened that was crap... Imagine that. The wonderful things we would achieve.

It would be nice to know that there is *somebody* out there who appreciates my style...

07-23-2008, 07:45 PM
This kinda reminds me of me, im not into the whole japanese videogame music crazy, i prefer western game scores myself. and western gamescores don't get as much attention, look at my thread, its not very popular around cuz of how mich it gets piushed to the bottom, Soem people praise me for my rare western great rips, majorty though don't care or don't even say thanks.

Thats what gets to me most.

07-23-2008, 10:04 PM
Well, I suppose you can't blame people for obsessing over the Japanese scores, since this forum was founded on the basis of a Japanese game.

Though it would be nice if folk would broaden their horizons a little.

I'm difficult to please, I admit that: I like orchestral music (played by real people, not keyboards) - the kind that Hollywood never produces any more. Real *music* that lives and breathes. Not Zimmer power anthems, or crap with a rock beat, or banging percussion, or droning synth soundscapes. Music in the grand old symphonic tradition. There's not a lot of it around, but there is some - and most of the good stuff seems to be coming out of Japan lately. Though stuff like Lair, the works of Chris Tilton, the original Killzone, etc, spring up from time to time, which I really love...

It really makes me sad when somebody posts something utterly fantastic, and about three people look at it, maybe somebody will say "thanks d00d" and then two days later, the thread has dropped off onto page six, nobody will know it ever existed, and the top ten threads are "RANDOM CRAP ANIME SHOW OSTs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11", "GENERIC HOLLYWOOD ACTION SCORE WITH ELECTRIC GUITARS, COMPOSED BY EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT PEOPLE" and the like. I think, "Jesus, somebody posted a masterpiece yesterday and you're all going mad for THIS piece of crap..."

You must have the same feelings...

07-23-2008, 10:13 PM
Yes, although i tend to like the eletric guitar scores but not really from the east, Western gamescores are my thing.

By the way if you like all orchestra check out the ghost recon advanced warfighters sountracks 1 and 2, they also feature heavy percussion.

07-30-2008, 06:41 PM
Nobody performed it - it's cheap synth.

Damn! I feel like a stupid lamer... =( I could guess - nobody was mentioned in the end titles as a performer. Just as a composer. And hey, I'm glad to see so respective persons here in my topic. =)

07-30-2008, 07:16 PM
I suspect you are having a go at me for the somewhat blunt manner in which I answered your question. As you will see if you read through the rest of this sorry warzone, I have already been moaned at and insulted comprehensively for simply providing some information

Finally, isn't it obvious that this is synthesised? There is nothing there that is even remotely indicative of a real orchestra...

07-30-2008, 07:29 PM
I really don't think he was having a go at you man.

07-30-2008, 08:28 PM
Ok, Ok, I'm sorry... ;)

Just a bit over sensitive nowadays... ;)

08-06-2008, 05:21 PM
I really don't think he was having a go at you man.

Yeah. OrangeC is right. It's ok. =) And as for the "sorry warzone"... I suppose it's in KILLZONE style to have such a tense and sorry battles. So I don't mind. ;-)

07-19-2009, 06:02 PM
Excelent work on the rip! Sound quality is indeed excelent. Some nice emotive tracks in line with the first Killzone. I love the tracks with SFX, creates some very atmospheric music and puts you right in thr battle.

Many thanks :)

07-19-2009, 06:50 PM
Great job on the rip Solid-Ares. Personally I don't mind Danny's posting but what is more, his comments would almost be unnecessary if the original posters of many things would do a better job describing the styles of music presented and which sorts of instruments are heavily used.
Of course there are many people who love the Western style synth-heavy soundtracks and I applaud them for listening to soundtracks even if it is not something I would listen to. However, I rarely play the games that these soundtracks get ripped from so I have no concept of the soundtrack ahead of time.
Thus when the original poster doesn't tell me that something is fake synth-orchestra, I appreciate Dannyfrench coming in and pointing it out to save me the trouble of downloading the soundtrack.

07-21-2009, 12:20 PM
thanks for appreciation. =)
man, first of all thanks for appreciation. Secondly - Dannyfrench just answered my question about the performer of this score. and I thought it would be unnecessary to insert it in my first post. Now I see some people need it, so I corrected my first post. Enjoy! =)

07-21-2009, 02:48 PM
My comment suggested that the music was shit - and perhaps it has discouraged people from listening to it based on that assumption. Perhaps this is the greatest score ever written - I would still want people to listen to it and make that judgement for themselves. Personally I don't like it - for reasons completely disconnected from its synthy nature - but for God sake, people, don't ignore it just because it's synth.

In my original comment - now a year old virtually to the day - I intended only to clarify that the performance was electronic, since somebody had asked what orchestra was playing. I had no intention of suggesting it was pants because of that point. Merely to say that this music (regardless of whether it's any good or not) was played by a very dodgy-sounding synthesizer.

Solid-Ares - I see that you've adopted by "cheap synth" label and used it as part of your description! I hope this is good humour on your part, and not a sign that I offended you or made you think that nobody would appreciate your effort. If that was the case - even now, a year later - I apologise. It was not intended. :)

07-21-2009, 03:35 PM
My comment suggested that the music was shit - and perhaps it has discouraged people from listening to it based on that assumption. Perhaps this is the greatest score ever written - I would still want people to listen to it and make that judgement for themselves. Personally I don't like it - for reasons completely disconnected from its synthy nature - but for God sake, people, don't ignore it just because it's synth.

agree. Try it by yourself before listening to anyone's comments. Personally I liked the music. =)

Solid-Ares - I see that you've adopted by "cheap synth" label and used it as part of your description! I hope this is good humour on your part, and not a sign that I offended you or made you think that nobody would appreciate your effort. If that was the case - even now, a year later - I apologise. It was not intended. :)
Man, it's just a bit of humour. nothing more. And as I told you already (Originally Posted by OrangeC:
I really don't think he was having a go at you man.

Yeah. OrangeC is right. It's ok.), everything's ok. =)

08-29-2009, 06:11 PM

DOWNLOAD in High Quality (

I hope people find these useful! :)

08-31-2009, 03:11 PM
thanks for covers man!! I like'em))))

12-10-2011, 06:02 PM
Great game. Great soundtrack (as I remember). Many thanks for your work !

12-13-2012, 02:33 AM
Dead, O,well.

12-15-2012, 11:23 PM
fuckin Prick, invalid link, shit I wanted this.

behave bitch

12-17-2012, 07:42 PM
link is dead

06-08-2013, 07:06 PM
fuckin Prick, invalid link, shit I wanted this.

erh. what an ungrateful and selfish motherfucker. rip it yourself and share something here.

06-14-2013, 04:06 AM
mirror anyone?

08-22-2016, 04:36 AM
Could someone re-up his fantastic rip please?

Thanks in advance!

07-13-2018, 05:14 PM
If possible, a re-up would be very much appreciated.

11-06-2018, 07:16 PM
Would it be possible for anyone who has this score to re-upload it!? thanks! :)