07-21-2008, 02:45 AM
Alright, ever since the budding days of World of Warcraft I have been trying to find out where in the world this track is on the score for the game. I first heard it as a 30 second sample from, and have been trying to find the full version ever since.

Now the sample filename was labeled "teldrassil.mp3", however it's tags read "Kalidar - The Enchanted Forest".

Thanks to a member in the Download Links section, I just downloaded the WoW official soundtrack, but was disappointed to find that the track labeled "Teldrassil" is not the same as the sample, and there is also no trace of a "Kalidar - The Enchanted Forest" track. Is this something that is only on the game RIP? Which I would find it odd if that were the case because when I first listened to the sample it was titled as a "Sample from the Upcoming WoW Soundtrack CD".

If you don't remember the one I mean, here it is:

07-21-2008, 02:53 AM
Nevermind. Just found it, sorry!

It's actually "Song of Elune".