05-25-2002, 02:27 AM
It looks like 11 is going to suck since your going to be playing with other real people. How is there going to be a story line if everyone thinks differently? Plus you�re going to run into people who have the same character and there�s the issue with the group. And the way it seems the only way you can get stronger is by fighting in these huge groups of like 14-"Gee which gnome am I going to pick the crappy level one gnome or the level five million one...choices, choices."- 14 PEOPLE! MY GOD DO YOU REALLY NEED THAT MANY?! -�Oh no I cannot cast my extremely powerful spell because I have to wait my turn, heaven forbid I make this battle quick and easy for everyone, we have to die 7 times for me to actually use it.�
Also, it turns out there are no random battles you have to run around and chose if you wanna fight something, its just not final fantasy with out the-oh-so-annoying random battles, I for one like them, you run into really strong ones sometimes that help you out sometimes plus it�s going to be a hell of a time to level up. Dose anyone really only play FF games ONLY for the small battle, no one wants to willingly go off and fight. All though the random battles can piss you off sometimes because when you�ve leveled up really high the battles seem to get tedious.
For some reason I can�t help think that there won�t be any summons, it wouldn�t be fair to other people if one person was able to summon up a GF, aeon, materia and what not. Also I read that you have to type things in, well that�s all good but what are you going to type it in with?- �Wait, wait I�ll respond in about 15 minutes after go through this real of numbers and letters for the 50th time.�- It all seems kind of on the wire, it can tip either way, good or bad. In my opinion this is going to be a flop. I liked the solitary RPG�s were you can watch and then discuss with everyone else.
Anyways I really hope it turns out ok, but I bet this might turn out to be one of the last FFs. But hey it could be great, I mean I�m not optimist it could actually be gaming masterpiece. But it�s new and I�m not used to it there for it is evil. ��Damn these new fangled idears! Why don�t kids these days just go out side and get some fresh air?�- Well that�s all I have to say. Whew too much typing.

Nanaki XIII
05-25-2002, 03:25 AM
Actually, you dont know what your talking about, but thats ok. You see your complaining about fighting battles in groups, but the best part of MMORPGs is fighting in groups. There are summons that has been known for quite some time and of course the NPCs give you quests which set up a stryline in there own. You also posted that you can only get stronger by fighting in big groups but in FFXI it is one of the only ones that do the opposite. You get less XP from fighting in big groups, especially if your a lower lvl. The latter is my understanding from a source which I posted. In conclusion the game probably will have storyline, you will fight in groups which I like, you wont get super strong by doing so, and you will have summons. Thats all folks!

05-26-2002, 06:19 AM
Just a few quick things...

Technically you don�t get LESS from fighting in groups, you get your share,� After a hiatus in FFX, experience points and gaining levels have returned. This time, when you're alone the amount you're rewarded is based on your current level. The higher the level, the less you'll receive. When in a party, the points are based on the character with the highest level, and then divided amongst the group. Basically, you'll be penalized for having more experienced people with you, but you can defeat harder enemies though, so it all evens out."

And for random battles, IMO they are going to be great, you fight when you want, no being killed by a powerful monster when your HP is low, no wondering around waiting to be attacked when you want to level up.

On to the typing issue, there are keyboards designed specifically for the PS2 which I am sure will work with this game, also if you are an online gamer, it doesn�t really matter.

As for the story, I have checked on it and there will be side quest to fill your storyline needs, also the main game play will have some story elements to it.

on a personal note: bitch, bitch, bitch, that�s all you people seem to be doing, LET THE GAME BE RELEASED, and give it a chance before you blindly criticize it.

05-26-2002, 07:57 AM
I'm with you on that one i think its gonna blow ass causenits only online.

05-26-2002, 07:30 PM
as to how EXP is gained, well there will be SEVERAL ways. Among many things you will gain certain abilities ONLY by EATING certain foods, sleeping at Certain Inn's, SO-on-so-on. As for theGROUP EXP, yes AND no. I, for one, AM EAGERLY anticapting this game.

05-26-2002, 10:11 PM
I have a really short reply for this guy, Its just you.

05-26-2002, 10:39 PM
how bout we wait till it comes out before complaining about features that will probably be changed before release.

I think its gonna be just fine personally, but only time will tell.

05-27-2002, 03:25 PM
Well gee, dont we all have a mighty big poll up our asses.

05-28-2002, 07:09 AM
There�s no poll up anyone�s ass, but when you have multiple threads exactly like this one, containing massive bitching about the same things, people tend to get a little annoyed. If you people would do some research by yourself and stop posting these pointless rants, you would be surprised how nice and informative the FFXI forum can be...

Death Knight
05-28-2002, 06:38 PM
Still think its gonna rock!

Grey Eclipse
05-29-2002, 04:06 PM
I would say "who cares", but I think it does matter if a game bombs with the ff name attatched. Anyway, if you hold FFXI to the same standards as the other FF's you're setting yourself up for a disappointment. This is a different game in a different genre and it will have to stand on its own. No, there is no pole up this ass

Yeah I wanna get high!

Death Knight
06-25-2002, 08:39 PM
You may not have noticed thread starter..................

MMORPG's are the future of RPG's and broadband is the future of gaming plain and simple.

Like it or not....times are changing.

1. FFXI and beyone more than likely
2. Not sure* But X-Box's "Project Ego" was in their most recent online section.
3. Phantasy Star Online 1+2 and if theres more being made.
4. Everquest.
5. Knights of Camelot for PC
6. Need I go on?..........these are only RPG's and well knows ones at that.

Black Mage
06-26-2002, 10:32 PM
Well FFonline i think will rule , anyone wanna make a team ready for it? all i know is u gotta pay 2 play and for each character you have, it will be kinda like Diablo (which is cool) so i think the game will kick ass!!

06-28-2002, 03:46 AM
looks like its going to be fun so far but we will just have to wait and see what the do with ffxi

07-02-2002, 08:22 PM
Don't you have to have some kind of expensive add-on to play it along with the game CD and equipment?

07-03-2002, 02:16 AM
i think so...well i think it's just mainly the internet part.

07-06-2002, 12:50 AM
But if it is online doesn't everyone in your party have to be online to play? i don't understand.

07-06-2002, 06:08 AM
i havent heard much but yes all of the people have to be on the internet to play..i think it just sucks my self..i think after 7 or 8 they should have stopped make them.

Neo Xzhan
07-09-2002, 06:05 PM
I think it depends on what u like/ I'm playing Neverwinter Nights with a couple of friends online but the story is really great. The only difference is that the other charecters in ur group aren't controlled by the computer or u, just ur friends.

Corey Taylor
07-13-2002, 11:53 PM
As far as I know:

You dont have to have a team, you can have one, but its real time battles, not ATB.

People can join the battle at any time to help you.

You cant fight Players.

Some people would be running shops and stuff and not fighting,

Some people would be fighting at all, some will be like normal people hanging out I guess.

This is what I seen on a DVD anyway.

Lady Laura
07-26-2002, 11:54 PM
I few days ago I received the soundtrack for XI, and it totally kicks ass! The music is like Tatics and FFIX put together. It also has sad piano tunes, as well as cool techno tunes. If I am right, this game is going to be way better than X. The only downer would have to be the whole internet thing. Other than that, it should be an awesome game.:D

My soundtrack also came with a bonus DVD, that had the opening movie, and once I watched it, I was amazed at how cool and kick ass the graphics were. What surprised me the most was that the dialouge in the opening was all in english! From what I can see this game will be worth playing. When it will come to the US is beyond me though.

Oh, yeah as for the guy who claims that we have a poll up our ass....Believe me, he does not know what he's talking about.

It's just you's just you. :notgood:

07-27-2002, 10:49 PM
I'm glad that everyone thinks I'm a man...anyways I have a right to be critical about the game, I think square has lost it, they're trying way to hard to turn FF into something greater than it all ready is. And the whole online thing is going to make it tough for people to play. By having it online that means people are going to have to buy extra shit for their ps and that's going to be a pain in the ass. Anyways, and from what I�ve heard I don�t think there is going to be as thick a story line as the others since most of the game play relies on other people. So I�m not an optimist like everyone else, I still have good reason to think this one is going to flop.

07-31-2002, 01:33 AM
The game is not gonna 'suck' simply put, it's going to be "the best game ever" to some people, and the "shittiest game ever" to others. Personally I doubt it's going to be the ultimate Final Fantasy since it's a first step in putting Final Fantasy online, but I don't think it's going to be some joke piece of crap. The only thing I fear is payment. If there's a single low monthly payment that includes being able to use things other than just Final Fantasy I'll probably go for it. But if it's something expensive and/or only for being able to play Final Fantasy XI (and any of the few other only Squaresoft games that may come out years later), then I probably won't.

Holy Dragoon
07-31-2002, 08:22 PM
this game will only suck if you dont have frequent internet access. otherwise it will be great. I heard a rumor that when you get a chocobo you can put it in you very own "stable" and only you can use it. and also you can name you chocobo.....anybody heard anything on this?

Neo Xzhan
07-31-2002, 08:30 PM
Hmm I don't know about the chocobo thing, but alot of games which r mostly internet based require a constan connection. I have cable so I am sure 2 get it.

08-04-2002, 08:46 PM
Personally I think its going to be a great game, not quite everything that I'd like to see out of an online game (dark age of camelot is closer, but thats a completely different topic) but I'd love to play eleven when it comes out, just about everything I've seen or heard on it has huge potential. There are only two things that I'm not too sure about
1. Need a cable or other high speed internet to play and the monthly fee
2. No player vs player action, I can see how this can be looked at as a good thing but at least include a colesium type arena somewhere in the game for controlled player vs player matches.

All in all I really want to play this game.

08-06-2002, 05:27 PM
I read somewhere that they were planning to make the online account or whatever free, they thought that it would discourage people from buying the game, but whatever, it was probobly bull any way.

08-06-2002, 09:31 PM
Square said that there is gonna be a storyline (it's hard to make one for a MMORPG though) but i would doubt it being very good.. i think this game is gonna ROCK cause i can play the game with all of my best buds a such :) and it has a real time battle system!! :) yay

08-09-2002, 04:44 AM
Unlike XBox, Sony is pushing the use of a dialup modem instead of broadband, so I doubt FF XI will require a constant connection. Otherwise Square would be really stupid, which is one thing Square isn't.

Ark Mune
08-18-2002, 10:46 PM
How can u pepz complain about a
F***ing game u don't know much about and besides that
it is a Final Fantasy game, the only ones that sucked were
FF8 and 9.

Stop bicthing and visit

for a shit load of FFXI info. The page is ran by people
in Japan that play it and translated the whole page
into english.

I just can't stand bitching about FF games.

I have a high anticipation about FFXI, it looks and
wut i read sounds awsome!!!!

08-19-2002, 05:11 AM
i read in egm (september issue)that there no monthly fees anymore. i'm not sure about anything, but is it true?

08-19-2002, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Ark Mune
How can u pepz complain about a
F***ing game u don't know much about and besides that
it is a Final Fantasy game, the only ones that sucked were
FF8 and 9.

Stop bicthing and visit...(blah blah blah)

I just can't stand bitching about FF games....(blah blah blah)

First of all, it's just a game. Second don't yell at them I'm the one whose bitching and so it should be 'pep' (is there a singular form for 'pepz'?) Third, why in the hell should it bother you so much? It's a freaking game, now, if someone said that they dislike pretty dancing monkeys with red asses and say I like them, I dont think I would go off and kill them with a chainsaw or skin them alive with a diving knife(all though I like the thought of it...) I would accept the fact that they are seperate people and they have sperate thoughts and feelings too... and fourth, I liked 8 so you can go sniff ass! ^_^

GI Joe Real American Hero
08-26-2002, 03:38 AM
can you bye 11 for the computer, or do u have to by crap for the PS2 and then hook it up to the comp. cause i would like to purchse 11

09-03-2002, 12:28 AM
Cygnus, I couldn't have put it better myself....

No you don't connect your PS2 to the computer, yes you do have to buy 'crap' for it. You have to buy a modem adapter which costs 39.95 (i think it's either released now or almost released). It's definately ready for pre-release. You can connect it to a phoneline and configure it using the CD (and required memory card) for dialup or Broadband. I think you can use your already existing internet service, probably even aol type services (since sony and aol have been working together). Your computer may also get a copy of FFXI released for it, although I'm not sure, I think Square said though that the game was going to be on multiple platforms (at least PC and PS2, possibly Gamecube (later on), hopefully not Xbox...).

Edit: And yes, gamecube will have online capability, Nintendo created the adapters (they connect to the bottom), but they won't release them until a company decides to develop for them.

09-04-2002, 04:57 PM
I will admit that I'm not as excited about it as I have been with other FFs in the past, but....I think it's assuming a little too much to say it'll be a crappy game already. When you've seen screenshots, read some reviews, played a demo of the game, or better yet, played the game itself....then I think you'll be qualified to make such accusations.

For now, let's not rule out the possibility that you could be pleasantly surprised.

09-15-2002, 04:36 AM
you can get your PS2 to run with a normal ADSL USB modem....

you need some kind of ethernet thingy though...firewalls etc. i think..

you can it through the PC though

i heard FFXI sucks ass

when it twas released in japan it had loadsa problemos

09-15-2002, 05:21 AM
OK, first of all, I think the game will be pretty good,second, it had problems ,because ten thousond people logged on the game into one server, needles to say, it crashed, square now has somewhere over 13 servers named mostly after summons (Bahamut#1 and Alexander a later# Atomos, Sylph and so on.....)
also ,all characters are stored on Square hard drives, menaning little chance of hacking and cheating, as it is a isn't a strong, story related game ,but that isn't th aim, however, I think they should have just called it FF online ,instead of making i part of the original series, this points to a possibility of others, maybe even most in the main series being online, however I think that would be foolish.
Inded it will be available for PC and from what Ihea ,it'll cost rouly 250$ for everything needed to play, monthly fees of about $9.50, and a account at play online which is free, I don't know about the cutof fees, but thay need to seel 200,000 copies to break even and are aiming at 400,000,so it isn't out of he questionthere will be added features for an additional .75 cents.
Sony says they are working hard to mke th game run on 56K, with no lag, but they already have it running on 56k modems.....*whew*

09-15-2002, 07:33 AM
the game isnt fully online.... if u have a 56k modem..... u can play sum mini-games offline....
there r also more than one room that have stories each..... its gonna be like everquest for those ppl that play that...
u can buy it 4 the ps2 which in case u have to buy more stuff..... or buy it 4 the computer which takes a lot of space and time to install and play and dont forget the requirements.... and it will be available to those ppl who open stores that have gaming as a booth which u can register 4 at but still have to pay a monthly price for storing ur information on the hard drives at Square...... theyre thinkin bout putting it on the Gamecube but as OnlySquared said.... Gamecube doesnt have the adapters yet.... :eye:

09-16-2002, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Kenshin
it'll cost rouly 250$ for everything needed to play...

Ok its right there, there is no way in hell I'll enjoy it when I have to invest 250$. It better have a life changing story line or some damn good effects for me to buy it. From what I've heard from some people already it's going to rot. The game maybe fun but for the price I dont think it's worth it, with that 250$ I could be doing something alot more useful, like...uhhh...Feeding the homeless. Anyways. I dont think it's worth it.

09-16-2002, 04:32 PM
$250 is a rough "at the most" number and the parts you by will also be used for other online games as well,not that I have any money for is pretty steep...that's just something I read...

09-16-2002, 04:39 PM
yeah, but still, I was hoping that I could just buy the game some how get to the net and vola there it is. But it sounds way more complicated, I just hope that 12 will be like the past games.

09-16-2002, 05:05 PM
That's what I think ,I don't mind on-line games in general, but to make the rest of all following FFs' online......that's just too bad....I hope they don't plan on doing that....they should have called it FF online and branch out into a another line(like FFX,FFXI,FFXII and so on would be one player offlines,an the could make FF Online I,II,III and so on completely different nd online.....)...but maybe they think that's too expensive and it's easier to slip in a online in to the main series ever once and a while.

Nice sig there too!

09-18-2002, 11:31 PM
yeah I agree it would seem more logical to do it that way, but maybe it's a one time thing. Maybe they just wanted to test to see how it turned out.

Thanks for the comment on my sig! :D

09-18-2002, 11:49 PM
Well, it's pretty cool, but who is it of?

09-19-2002, 10:26 PM
it's Iria, from Iria: Zeiram the Animation. It's a pretty cool anime she's a bounty hunter who runs into this big monster called Zeiram and it happens to have no real weakness and it pretty much kills for the hell of it. It ends up killing her brother and so she's forced to get revenge for her brother. It's kinda corny at come parts but it's fun to watch. The animation is really good too.

09-19-2002, 11:06 PM
Oh, sounds prety cool,she looks Like a character called Ryoko on Ring of Red...and since I'm in the FFXI forum/, I don't think FFXI will suck.....(looks around):uh?:

09-25-2002, 07:53 PM
i also heard that it would cost mucho dollars just to play, not to mention the game it self, the network adapter, usb keyboard, to chat, posible fees, and lost time in the game. there might be something like everquest, but more of a story that will unfold overtime. it definately wont suck though.

09-26-2002, 01:58 AM
OK, first of all, I think the game will be pretty good,second, it had problems ,because ten thousond people logged on the game into one server, needles to say, it crashed, square now has somewhere over 19 servers named mostly after summons (Bahamut#1 and Alexander a later# Atomos, Sylph and so on.....)
also ,all characters are stored on Square hard drives, meaning little chance of hacking and cheating, as it is a isn't a strong, story related game ,but that isn't their aim, however, I think they should have just called it FF online ,instead of making it part of the original series, this points to a possibility of others, maybe even most in the main series being online, however I think that would be foolish.
Indeed it will be available for PC and from what I hear ,it'll cost rouly 250$ for everything needed to play, monthly fees of about $9.50, and a account at play online which is free, I don't know about the cut of fees, but thay need to sell 200,000 copies to break even and are aiming at 400,000 world wide,so it isn't out of the question,but I doubt it,there will be added features for an additional .75 cents.
Sony says they are working hard to make the game run on 56K, with no lag, but they do already have it running on 56k modems.....*whew*--------there,that's what I said on the first page

09-26-2002, 02:49 PM
Hey, this is my first little message on here so apologies if this goes pear shaped!!

After finishing 10 i felt it was way too linear, the story was amazing, the character well developed but nothing i did could effect the outcome of the story or the interaction of the characters. (apart from the odd choice of what to say, which decided at a later part who you rode the ski sledge thing). what im saying is, if square keep going down this road of linearity, its gonna get boring!! thats why i think this new step could potentially be amazing. linearity no longer needs to be a problem if its online, go where you want, interact with whoever you want.

my initial vision for ff11 and future ff's, would be like those choose your own adventure books! (if you choose this outcome turn to pg22...etc)
where your desicions would effect the story, where linearity is a thing of the past.

but if this is perhaps what will happen, will the story be effected by the lack of linearity? other people may have already discussed this, if so can someone point me in the right direction!?

-would lack of linearity spoil the flow of gameplay and story??
-do story driven games depend of linear gameplay??

food for thought!

09-26-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Abstract
...if square keep going down this road of linearity, its gonna get boring... initial vision for ff11 and future ff's, would be like those choose your own adventure books...

I dont think thats how its gonna be, there wont be much of a story line, nothing to heavy, like kenshin said thats not square's goal. They're focusing on the battling aspect of the game. And in my opinion thats why it will be bad. The reason I play Final Fantasy is because of the story lines. I never really enjoy the fighting to get stronger, i see it as a nessesity to finish the story. I loved FFX to death its a great game. And in my opinion it's gonna be a dive bomb because there is no story line but if if you buy it knowing you'll be cut short of this then it might be a great game. I'm just gonna wait for FFXII. I heard the main character may be a girl this time. (i hope so!):D