07-18-2008, 10:30 AM
Hi everyone! Have you ever heard of a PSX game called "Blood Lines"? I'm always trying to find the OST, but everytime I search for it I end up finding things like "Vampire masquerade: Blood Lines", "Castlevania: Blood Lines" or a music band called "Blood Lines". The game was one of the firsts ones released in PSX, the title is "Blood Lines" (and nothing else but Blood Lines :P). The general composer is Marc Baril, but there are also in the credits some "Musicians", who are: Ray Garraway for drums, Danny Brin for bagpipes, Andre Thibault for Shanai, flutes and guitar, and finally Celso Machado for Digeridoo and percussion. Also, follow this link to see an image:
I've tried searching for it here in the forums too, but only the Castlevania game and the music band OSTs are available.
If you have it, I would really aprecciate it if you uploaded it. Thanks for reading and excuse my spelling mistakes, I'm not english :P

P.D.: If there is not the possibility of geeting the whole soundtrack, it would be enough for me if you managed to get the song that plays on the first stage of the game, called "Scozia - Proving Grounds" (I don't know if the song is named after the stage or if it has a name itself)

05-11-2009, 09:52 PM
Hey! I found a video on Youtube that shows some gameplay of the game. here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic-UngWbeBU&feature=channel_page Bye!!

05-23-2009, 06:34 PM
I'm having problems ripping this. I've found the majority of the tracks, but my program freeze's when trying to convert, but I'll see what I can do.

06-02-2009, 06:10 PM
Back again with some updates.
Good news - The tracks I found I can finally create into wav with no problems.
Bad news - Only thing is, when I'm finished I might be missing a few tracks :(

06-08-2009, 05:21 AM
Finally finished. Phew! lol
Here you go: Thread 66491