07-18-2008, 01:34 AM
I've completed this game many times but there's still something i dont understand.
So far as i can tell, there was a war between Zanarkand and Bevelle which were Zanarkand were losing, so it's leader - Yevon - turned it's inhabitants into fayth in order to create a dream Zanarakand that would be protected by Sin. Yevon would then use Sin to destroy areas of high technology in order to prevent anyone finding out about dream Zanarkand.
What confuses me is that we are told Tidus is a citezan of dream Zanarkand, yet at the beginning of the game we see Sin attack it in order to transport Tidus to is Sin attacking himself or what?
This is the one bit of the game that confuses me so can someone please help, thanks :)

07-18-2008, 11:16 AM
Where in the game does it say Sin was created to prevent people from finding out about Zanarkand? o.O

The Fayth gave themsevles to protect Spira from Sin as the original Zanarkand was a part of Spira. Sin was created to stop the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle. They both just kept making more and more powerful machina so Yu Yevon, a summoner, created Sin as a weapon to defend Zanarkand but I believe it backfired as he lost all humanity and came to exist only to summon and destroy.

The dream Zanarkand is the dream of the Fayth. It's been a long time since I completed the game so please correct me if im wrong but Zanarkand was either the Fayths way of keeping Zanarkand alive OR they were using it to dream of a way to truly defeat Sin...I'm not 100% on that so maybe someone else can clear that up for you.

07-18-2008, 08:25 PM
I read that Sin was created to protect dream Zanarkand from being found by others off wikipedea, not always a reliable source of info but its all good :)

thanks for that, but what confuses me is that we see Sin attacking Tidus's Zanarkand which we are told is dream zanarkand....but i thought dream Zanarkand was inside Sin and that Sin was dream Zanarkand's armour, so can anyone see my confusion?

my apologies if i havent explained myself well :S

07-19-2008, 03:34 PM
Dream Zanarkand isn't inside Sin. It's the dream of the fayth and it's never explained where it physically is. The Fayth that dream it though are on Mt. Gagazet. If you remember a cut scene starts when you approach it that shows hundreds of Fayth summoning up the dream Zanarkand.

I believe inside Sin looks like Zanarkand because Jecht is currently Sin so he makes his surroundings that of what he knows and loves. Again I'm not 100% on that because it's not explained in the game either but I hope it helped.

07-19-2008, 09:30 PM
Ah okay, i think i get i now thanks :)

So does that mean Dream Zanarkand was in the middle of an ocean somewhere and people could have visited if they knew where it was?...before Sin was destroyed obviously.

07-19-2008, 10:26 PM
This post may contain spoilers for those who haven't completed the game.

Maybe..who knows?

Personally, I believe it doesn't physically exist as afterall it is a dream. Tidus dissapears or fades when the Fayth stop dreaming so technically he didn't truly exist. Also if he was a real person, being so close to Sin, and actually inside it, would of killed him. He was touched by Sin, a real thing, which enabled him to exist in Spira whilst the Fayth were still summoning up the dream Zanarkand.

Sin is the connection as Tidus got from Zanarkand to Spira via Sin and vice versa with Auron. It seems Sin is the only way to get there and normal people would have been killed from the toxin it produces.

10-05-2008, 05:42 AM
Sin was created, because of the war between Zanarkand & Beville. Spira was almost destroyed, so Sin appeared to stop mankind from destroying Spira.

Get it? Sin = fear = God

Tidus came from the past. The faith never sleep because they have to keep Tidus's dream alive so he can destroy Sin. After he destroys Sin, the faith rests and Tudus vanishes. That is why their underground sleeping when you fight them in Final Fantasy X-2.

jewess crabcake
10-05-2008, 05:59 AM
Sin was created, because of the war between Zanarkand & Beville. Spira was almost destroyed, so Sin appeared to stop mankind from destroying Spira.

Get it? Sin = fear = God

Tidus came from the past. The faith never sleep because they have to keep Tidus's dream alive so he can destroy Sin. After he destroys Sin, the faith rests and Tudus vanishes. That is why their underground sleeping when you fight them in Final Fantasy X-2.

1) Don't revive threads that don't need reviving
2) Spira was created by Yu Yevon, who saw the only way to end the war was to destroy Zanarkand. But Sin didn't stop there, he kept on destroying. Which is how the Aeons came into existence through sacrifice.
3)Tidus is not from the past, Tidus is from a dream world, an alternate reality if you will, of people who died in The Machina War. And actually... the Faiths are sleeping, as it is their dream, the Faiths are just poetically asking to die. Which is why the Dark Aeons in X-2, or fiends not Aeons.

10-06-2008, 05:08 AM
1) You can suck my dick. Because I wasnt trying to revive a thread.
2) I was only stating how I saw it, when i was playing it. The way you saw it isn't actually 100% true. Because it's a video game, and peoples imaginations can make it WHATEVER they want.
3) Tidus is from the past.. He was brought by Sin, 1000 years in the future.
What does that mean? A dream world? Lol
Faiths poetically asking to die? wtf does that mean.

1) Don't revive threads that don't need reviving
2) Spira was created by Yu Yevon, who saw the only way to end the war was to destroy Zanarkand. But Sin didn't stop there, he kept on destroying. Which is how the Aeons came into existence through sacrifice.
3)Tidus is not from the past, Tidus is from a dream world, an alternate reality if you will, of people who died in The Machina War. And actually... the Faiths are sleeping, as it is their dream, the Faiths are just poetically asking to die. Which is why the Dark Aeons in X-2, or fiends not Aeons.

jewess crabcake
10-06-2008, 05:20 AM
1) You can suck my dick. Because I wasnt trying to revive a thread.
2) I was only stating how I saw it, when i was playing it. The way you saw it isn't actually 100% true. Because it's a video game, and peoples imaginations can make it WHATEVER they want.
3) Tidus is from the past.. He was brought by Sin, 1000 years in the future.
What does that mean? A dream world? Lol
Poetically asking to die? wtf does that mean.

1) Wow, way to fly off the fucking handle asshole. You revived a 3 month old thread to add pure misinformed bullshit. Nothing more. Then you give me heat for politely telling you to fix up your fucking posting? Nice job.
2)RIIIIGHT, I forgot pure fact is up for interpretation? That makes sense to you dumb ass? Either something is or it isn't there's no analysis of what is or isn't. It's like a tree falling, I didn't interpret it falling... it fucking fell.
3)Wow... play FFX again you missed the point BIG TIME. The Fayts are the remnants of the civilians of Zanarkand. They hold all the memories of all the ancient people of Zanarkand. Tidus, is a person created with the face of a person from 1000 year old Zanarkand, the place he knows as "home" is a world made by the Fayts that lived 1000 years ago. The Fayts refuse to die until Sin's cycle is stopped, and Tidus is drawn to Spira because Jecht knows that only Tidus can defeat him. Jecht knew the way to dream Zanarkand and pulled Tidus to help him kill Sin once and for all.

Poetically asking to die: THE FAYTS ARE ALREADY DEAD, they are asking to rest peacefully. THEY'VE BEEN DREAMING ALL ALONG! Sort of why it's called DREAM ZANARKAND, because they are dreaming. Bahamut clearly says the fayts are tired, and it's time to bring this dream to an end. You SERIOUSLY need to replay this game... you missed the whole fucking point.

10-07-2008, 05:27 AM
LoL its funny watching people bicker...

10-08-2008, 12:17 AM
i totally think Jeff is correct cause, when fayths stop dreaming tidus goes bye bye.. But what i totally don't understand is why in FFX-2 if you get the 100% completion shit why does Tidus return and is back at besaid??? Wasn't he a dream? ........ MYSTERIOUS

10-08-2008, 12:45 AM
He returns because at points through the game, Yuna appears to be hearing voices inside her head, which are in fact Fayth.

They ask questions like 'Do you really want him back?' and if you choose yes they say 'We will try our best.'

I always thought they simply summoned him, cause it wouldn't take much for one Fayth to summon one 'dream person'...