07-17-2008, 06:29 PM
Hello, hello. Long time lurker, first time thread starter here.

I know that many of us here have a love of video game music...but just how good IS your knowledge of it? Think you could identify a 30 second clip of mid-boss music from...say, El Viento?

If you're ever in need of time to kill, check these two sites out to test your video game music knowledge. They have slightly different formats(which I'll explain), but they're a LOT of fun!

This site is still being worked on, but it's primarily adding more tracks...the game is very much playable. You also have to download the 30-46 second clips, but considering all the other stuff we d/l, that's no big deal I would assume. Oh, and you'll have to register, but that's to keep track of your score(there's a LOT of tracks, and you probably won't have time to do it all in one run).

This next one is a foreign based one(Italian?), but still quite playable for the english community. The site designer got a little sneaky, too...some of the tracks are arranged or remixed ones, to throw you off a bit. Unfortunately, if you don't know the answer, there's no 'give up' button to let you know what it really was. If you don't have time for the first site, this might be worth a shot(it's only 50 tracks). Also, this one streams the clips.

If anyone has any other sites along these lines, please let me know. I'm always in the mood for killing some more time...reading, writing, and lurking only do so much, after all!:D