Roneo Strife
05-24-2002, 08:30 PM
Jenova:"Because you are a puppet."
Cloud:"I'm...a puppet?"

Cid:"Pain in the ass. Forget it."

Sephiroth:"I see. Then you will are not welcome to come to the reunion"


Barret:"there ain't no get'n off this train"

05-25-2002, 02:21 PM
Roneo Strife, please don't double post, 'kay? ^^'
If you need to add something, edit your previous post..

Alice Wonderbra
05-25-2002, 04:03 PM
hmm...fave quotes....

"Stop acting like a retard and climb!"

Tifa: Did you sleep well? (or somethin to that affect)
Cloud: Lying next to you who wouldn't?

05-25-2002, 06:13 PM
Cid: "Hold on to your pants, and don't piss in em"

Gotta love that quote........

05-25-2002, 06:47 PM
Cloud "Finger!? What the hell?"

That can so be taken out of context. XD

Neo Xzhan
05-27-2002, 10:30 PM
There's no getting of this train (said by just about everyone).

05-27-2002, 11:51 PM
Cid: "Hold on to your pants, and don't piss in 'em"

That was hilarious. Sorr,Drizzet,its also my fav quote

Crater Seraph
05-28-2002, 12:37 AM

I am the rightful heir of this planet!-Sepiroth

I am the true ruler of this planet!-Sephiroth


Majin Freeza
05-28-2002, 11:28 AM
"A professional isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job; that's just a fool" Reno:D

Millenium Kain
05-29-2002, 01:18 PM
"I am becoming one with the planet..." -Sephiroth

Roneo Strife
05-29-2002, 03:10 PM
o yeah, i forgot this classy quote by Tifa:

"Quit slapping me you old wench!!"

Tifa, engaging in a cat-fight with Scarlet on the Junon Mako Cannon.

"Writen by LEELOO 5 Because I forgot to logout when she posted."

Millenium Kain
05-31-2002, 11:46 AM
Can anyone guess who said this: "I am becoming less human..."

06-09-2002, 04:19 AM
Can anyone guess who said this: "I am becoming less human..."
-that was vincent...
(whom, ironically, i gave the name "kain" to...)

my favorite quote...

Zack "kill sephiroth"

no one is god in final fantasy 7 but me!
...too bad, sephiroth tsk, tsk, tsk
(i rule that game...)

01-30-2004, 10:28 AM
all yuffies

01-30-2004, 05:56 PM
Cid: "Drink your god damned tea!"

02-01-2004, 07:15 AM
Cid:"You @#^*&^$$#@^%&%$@$#^&@!^, no time to worry 'bout other people!" (might not have gotten the symbols right)

Has any1 else wondered what that word could possibly be?

02-01-2004, 10:35 AM
Soldier, Shinra, Sephiroth! I hate em all!!! - Tifa

(thanx for correcting me Tears in Heaven)

Tears in Heaven
02-01-2004, 03:35 PM
errrr FFFanatic.....that was said by tifa.......but anyway mine has to be......"This guy are sick" - Aeris, can't believe it aint bin mentioned :notgood:

02-01-2004, 03:44 PM
"Quit slapping me you old wench!!" -Tifa (someone said it earlier I think... O__O)

02-01-2004, 05:57 PM
Most of my favorites are taken (Teknori!) but I still have this one.

I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way you are doing it.
- Vincent Valentine

Good old Vincent. I swear he's a vampire...:whatever:

Also the Aeris miss spelling "this guy are sick"

"No one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it." - Cloud

02-03-2004, 06:45 PM
I have WAY to many favorite quotes!!!

"Things are going to be different than when my father was in charge, he ruled with money, I will rule using fear..."-Rufus when first met.

" that some kinda disease?..."-Barret

"Sit down and drink your GODDAMN TEA!!!"-Cid(Classic)

"Rate Hike! Rate Hike! Tra-la-la-la-la!!!"-Palmer jumping up and down in his seat....

"After all, you are just....a puppet"-Jenova

"If I were to make a wound big anough in the planet*stabs sword into the ground*I could become one with it"-Sephiroth in the Temple of Ancients

Well...thats all I can remember...sorry, it's a little much, but....

Lightning Mage
02-03-2004, 07:44 PM
Sephiroth: "I'm going to see my mother" then the creepy music plays.

Tifa: "Quit acting like a retard and climb."

Uzumaki Naruto
02-04-2004, 01:31 AM
These are all I can think of at the moment:

Cid: "Hold on to your pants, and don't piss in em"

Cid, yet again: "Sit down and drink you're god DAMN TEA!!"

Barret: "Cetra... is that some kinda disease?"

Cloud and Cid: "Lets mossey!!" Cid: *smacks his head*"Mossey? Why don't you say something cool like.... Move out or something?" Cloud: "Ok then... Move out!!"

Yeah... that's about it... o.o

02-04-2004, 02:04 AM
"Ow daddy! Your whiskers hurt!"

"I'll take...the healthy looking one!"(when he chose Cloud over Tifa and Aeries, that was classic)

02-07-2004, 07:58 AM
"playtime's over for you jackasses" -barret

"don't say fat!" -palmer

"Shit!" -cid

i was about 13 when i played the game for the first time and i showed my dad the ending as i was awed by the graphics...ill always remember him saying "oh...they swear" hehe

02-08-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Bang
"playtime's over for you jackasses" -barret

"don't say fat!" -palmer

"Shit!" -cid

i was about 13 when i played the game for the first time and i showed my dad the ending as i was awed by the graphics...ill always remember him saying "oh...they swear" hehe

ya, i had to cover up the subbing there when I showed my cousins, who were only 5 and 7 years old at the time, forgot about the half naked chick on the airship though...

02-08-2004, 02:15 AM
If you have the PC version, they censor most of the swearing.

02-08-2004, 03:58 AM
another one

"Pain in the ass, forget it" - Cid on the airship when people choose him to be the leader.
(btw I like the way Cid runs, haha)

02-08-2004, 05:56 AM
here's another good one

"you should flush those personal problems in the morning"

-heideggar to reeve

(how do you spell "horse-laugh's" name?)

02-08-2004, 07:31 AM
Read my signature. That's my favorite of all time.

02-08-2004, 08:39 AM
Cid - Or aint my hospitality good enough for ya??!!

02-14-2004, 07:49 AM
Cait Sith-" Even if another Cait Sith takes my place, there will never be another me." - In temple of Ancients

02-14-2004, 03:13 PM
Tifa: "If only Cloud were here, he would stand that cocky way he did and say: Everythings under control Tifa.."

Cloud: "I'm not here for a lecture, let's just get it over with."

Yuffie: "Alright punk! One more time, c'mon let's go!"

Cid: "Are you f*$^#%@ insane! That's my most prized possession. No you can't take it!"

Red XIII: "I am Nanaki, son of Seto, I am afraid of nothing."

02-15-2004, 02:29 AM
Basically anything said by Vincent is gold.

There hasnt been much said about Vincents quotes!! Wots rong wif u ppl?!!

"Cloud......take the ship to the Northern Cave. The time for flying is now past. Our battlefield is now beneath the earth... The gate to tomorrow is not the light of heaven, but the darkness of the depths of the earth......"

"Too much hope is the opposite of despair. An overpowering love may consume you in the end........."

Oh Cid has a funny one as well

"Everyone hold onto your drawers and dont piss in em"

03-12-2004, 10:45 AM
my fav quotes are

"It all boils down to two simple choices: either you do or you don't."

--Zidane, FFIX

"Y'know, when you start thinking, you tend to frown like this." Rinoa to Squall

"Woo-hoo! We're flying!" -Selphie

03-12-2004, 02:17 PM
Those are great quotes. Shame you're in the FF7 section.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 06:33 PM
Ha Agent that was pretty funny but cold:D Anyways, anything that has this->&*#$@% is pretty funny to me.

03-13-2004, 04:29 PM
"Hey, that's Cloud's line!'It's too dangerous. I can't let you get involved blah blah blah..."
-Aeris(when they were in the desert prison)

"You looked like a bear wearing a marshmallow."
-Cloud(talking to Barret in Costa del Sol)

"Cloud, I'm searching for you."
"I want to meet you."
"But I'm right here."
"(I know, I know........what I mean is)I want to"
-Aeris and Cloud on the gondola

"I got insurance."
-Yuffie(about to fight Chekhov)

Don Corneo's and the Turks' reasons (in Wutai):
"1.Because we're ready to die.2.Because we're sure of victory.3.Because we're clueless."

03-14-2004, 01:42 AM
Is that.. Bahamut..? - Cloud, when you inspect the Huge Materia that contains Bahamut ZERO

03-14-2004, 02:05 AM
"... no one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it." - Cloud

"My leg got stuck." - Jesse