07-15-2008, 06:51 PM
So, now that Nintendo's conference is over, how do you guys feel about the way it turned out? For those who missed it, key points were:

- A new Wiimote accessory, MotionPlus, will allow real 1:1 translation of movement onto the screen.
- Another new accessory, called WiiSpeak, is being released. This one's a microphone of some sort.
- Animal Crossing: City Folk announced for Wii.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars lightsaber duel demo shown.
- Call of Duty: World at War coming for Wii.
- Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades announced for DS.
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars announced for DS.
- Wii Sports Resort announced. This one comes packaged with a MotionPlus accessory and has beach-themed games, including the long-awaited sword dueling game.
- Wii Music announced.

Honestly, I felt like this was a terribly weak showing. Compared to Microsoft's conference, this one was appallingly boring.

As for this MotionPlus thingy, it seems like a huge rip-off. Basically, Nintendo wants us to pay for an accessory that makes it possible for the Wiimote to do things Nintendo said it was capable of doing from the start.

07-15-2008, 06:53 PM
No information about Apollo Justice 2 or Perfect Prosecutor? ;_;;

07-15-2008, 06:59 PM
None whatsoever. Maybe that'll be shown during E3, but it wasn't in the conference.

J. Peterman
07-15-2008, 07:00 PM
I really don't see why Nintendo would give information on niche games. It would be more of something Capcom would do since the market for it is much more limited that something like Seinfeld's Amazing Adventure

07-15-2008, 09:31 PM
As for this MotionPlus thingy, it seems like a huge rip-off. Basically, Nintendo wants us to pay for an accessory that makes it possible for the Wiimote to do things Nintendo said it was capable of doing from the start.

True, but at least they are improving the machine. It is probably better this way than to have them simply decide they can't allow people to think it wasn't perfect the first time. I actually see it as sort of them admitting they fucked up. It's not like they would be able to just give the things out for free, it would be far too expensive for them. Hopefully they'll just be as cheap as possible. (Given Nintendo's business model I think there's a good chance of this being the case.)

Anyway, I didn't really pay much attention to anything that happened at E3, so I can't comment on whether the showing was strong or weak. Ultimately I don't really feel like the Wii has gotten any more great games than the GameCube did this early in its life, but also I don't really play games very much anymore. None of the three consoles at the moment seem particularly amazing to me. Smash Bros is still the only thing I play on Wii, except for an occasional game of Mario Kart in which I always use the classic controller since I think the motion controls are awkward and silly.

I have to say though, I never really expected the Wii to do a whole lot more than what it is doing. I think its new control method is neat and fun, and generally useful, and that is basically it. I was never expecting it to completely revolutionize video games or anything like that. So, I don't necessarily think it's true that it has failed to live up to its potential, only that it was understandably and inevitably overhyped in the first place. Although there are some things that developers have failed to do so far which seem like no brainers to me, like making accurate ports of PC games using the Wiimote instead of the mouse; the system has the potential to do RTSs and FPSs like no other and it really has not been capitalized on much. This doesn't affect me since I wouldn't play those games anyway, but still.

In fact the one area where I think they have done a disappointing job of meeting the system's potential is the virtual console, which is a poor shadow of the amazing Xbox Live Arcade. There's really no excuse for that and they should be taking a page out of Microsoft's book on this one. Playing TMNT online with multiplayer on Xbox Live is literally the most appealing thing about that system to me, and if you could do it on Wii I'd have already logged hundreds of hours on that game alone.

execrable gumwrapper
07-15-2008, 09:35 PM
Nothing from the conference interests me... =/

J. Peterman
07-15-2008, 10:03 PM
noskillbassist I am still disappointed that I have to get a PS3 since Disgaea 3 isn't on the 360 yet and I don't want to wait really.

Red Arremer
07-15-2008, 10:06 PM
I really don't see why Nintendo would give information on niche games. It would be more of something Capcom would do since the market for it is much more limited that something like Seinfeld's Amazing Adventure

Especially considering Ace Attorney-series are not done by Nintendo. :B

07-15-2008, 10:07 PM
If the 1:1 thing works well then I'm excited. That's like half the reason I wanted a Wii. No games they've announced interests me besides the sword part of Wii resort, so that's a huge let-down. Reggie promised there'd be a game for "hardcore" people and the big game announcement is Animal Crossing Wii. Yeah, real hardcore Nintendo, a furry cross between The Sims and Harvest Moon. (actually I've never played an animal crossing game and I'm sure they're fun but I wanted to express my dissapointment in an overly bitter kind of way even though I'm not that upset since, like TK, I don't play games very much anymore)

Oh, Wii Music could be good though. Also, a game like Jedi Outcast playable online with large multiplayer using the Wii Motion and the WiiSpeak would be fucking awesome too, so I guess the potential is there for cool things.

J. Peterman
07-15-2008, 10:09 PM
My dear friend Sherlock, what you don't understand is that if this Phoenix Wright were some larger than life figure like myself, Nintendo would undoubtedly advertise it in there glorious e3 conference. But of course, Phoenix Wright is no match for Jacopo Peterman.

Red Arremer
07-15-2008, 10:11 PM
Of course. But unfortunately, Super Jacopo Galaxy hasn't been announced. :(

Man, I sure hope it will get announced soon.

07-15-2008, 10:50 PM
The worst of the three..I thought that Nintendo might show off something good ..god was it boring. Shove those party games up your ass Nintendo.

07-15-2008, 11:15 PM
this is a disgrace.
me, not even having a 360, when and saw microsoft's becuase it was far more interesting.

but i did like the fact of the upcoming animal crossing, me being a huge fan of the franchise.

All Seeing Eye
07-16-2008, 01:58 AM
None of those game excite me enough to buy a Wii. My mind is made up. This year I'm getting a 360 for the holidays. Mainly a GTA4bundle360.

Lord Brimstone
07-16-2008, 07:03 PM
Prak, You forgot to mention one game announced for the
Wiiware on E3 that has my interest right now.

Megaman 9.

Capcom has really going back to it roots by not only bringing
the original "Blue Bomber" out of retirement, but it's being
made in classic 8-bit style as well.

A lot of old school gamers (including myself) are pretty
excited that this is coming out. It sad to think though, that
out of everything Nintendo showed us at E3, this would be
the most interesting game out of the whole lot. At least,
that's my opinion.

07-16-2008, 07:10 PM
Megaman 9 was announced well before E3.

Lord Brimstone
07-16-2008, 07:42 PM
This is true, however, they finally released a full trailer
and a lot more information about the game at E3. Before
then, there was a lot of rumors and speculation. One in
particular was the possibly of a female robot master, (a first
for the classic series)which has now been officially confirmed
as Splash Woman.

Besides Prak, the fact that I'm more excited about hearing
additional information on a game that was announced before
E3 just adds to the fact that Nintendo's E3 conference was
pretty weak. The only thing that really interested me in the
conference was the Motion Plus.

07-16-2008, 11:03 PM
yeah. pretty boring showing. poop.

J. Peterman
07-19-2008, 12:37 AM









07-19-2008, 04:38 PM
None of those game excite me enough to buy a Wii. My mind is made up. This year I'm getting a 360 for the holidays. Mainly a GTA4bundle360.

GTA 4 is an over-hyped turd

07-19-2008, 08:58 PM
too me, this Nintendo conference felt worse than Sony's 2006 Giant Enemy Crabs confernece

07-19-2008, 10:34 PM
Nintendo was weak this year, and I really was hoping for more. Mind you, what they showed was good, but it just didn't seem that great.

07-19-2008, 10:47 PM
- Wii Music announced.

Wii Music? What is it going to be used for?

execrable gumwrapper
07-19-2008, 11:52 PM
Music related stuffs, I guess.

07-20-2008, 12:33 AM
Wii Music? What is it going to be used for?

a music maker/mixer is my bet.

as to what is the purpose of mixing or making music? that i wish to know...
maybe save it in a SD and use it as BGM for upcoming games? (animal crossing comes to mind)

07-20-2008, 08:58 AM
Wii Music? What is it going to be used for?

to "play music" by shaking around and hitting random buttons with whatever timing you want.

You can read more about it if you do a simple internet search, of course.