05-24-2002, 04:00 AM
I cry softly, in the snow,
as my tears fall to the ground...
crystal tears... my hope...
as I catch them in my hand...

I watch them splash, warm liquid pooling,
and I cry all the harder,
as I see it slip between my clutching fingers...

"Hope don't leave me!!!" I cry to the moon...
for I know when it's gone, I'll surely be doomed...
I blink rapidly, I try to save my tears...
to lose them all... one of my worst fears...

My hands are wet as I wipe at my eyes,
but no matter how much I try, I still cry...
My tears, my hope, my rays of light...
Slipping away from me, lost to the night...

All around me... all is misty, like a dream...
as I lose my hope I cry out, I scream...
the silence clings to me... like some dark evil thing...
licking at my dreams, my hope, it drinks...

I feel my anger, my frustration... I fight the dark...
but there's nothing to hit, I can't stop it...
as my hope drains into the cold, unfeeling ground,
the night swirls around me, dead silent, no sound...

I fall to my knees... I claw at the dirt...
so wet with my dreams... stolen from me...
but they're already long gone, and still more flee...
No matter what I do, I can't stop crying...

No one sees me when I cry...
alone... I feel I will die...
When all I ever wanted to do was fly...
but to do so.. to live... I must lie...

Everything swirls into a soft black abyss...
I give in... the darkness I kiss...
take my hope then... steal my dreams...
just let me finally.. stop crying...

And the shadows caress me... they take me in...
As the world of lies now begins...
It's over for me, before it's even begun...
On the porch, early morning, before even seeing the sun...

05-24-2002, 04:24 AM
But you... you see through the lies...
As you take my hand and help me rise...
still I cry, I lose my dreams...
you're there with tissues, fit for a queen...

You smile, you hug me,
you drag me from the dark,
and I kiss you, I trust you,
you see through the lies...

You know, you understand,
like no one else can...
you were standing there all along...
and I was blind and all wrong...

I don't what to say.. you make me feel so good...
I'm at a loss for words, but thank you I should...
but before I can utter a single, sweet word,
you put a finger to my lips, wait I should...

I love you, and you have no idea how,
everytime you're there you make me whole...
everytime you're with me you save my soul...
and I didn't even know...

05-24-2002, 01:44 PM
That's beautiful...
You are most certainly talented:D

05-24-2002, 02:04 PM
*is crying* ~sniff sniff~ That was sooo beautiful!

05-24-2002, 07:24 PM
*spins around and curtsies* Thank you very much