07-13-2008, 09:40 PM
hi guys,

I tried to "rip" some of the looping songs from the replays of GRID but no matter the settings or way I record, always crap quality. So can anyone with a soundcard with good recording abilties do it?

09-06-2008, 01:54 PM
im also looking for this, the music is beyond awesome

09-06-2008, 02:02 PM
Thread 52892

09-17-2008, 04:10 PM
hey hey HEY i think i finally found it.. does anyone else in this thread still alive? cos i have the song in my posession at the moment. the above message's link contains the grid soundtrack but i dont know whether it contains you peoples music cos i couldnt download it cos its megaupload! =/

anyway i downloaded it from another public site. something like grid's own site or so. it contained some songs but not the menu music and not the replay music. so i found the menu music at some strange russian site. my little russian helped me to find the download link and the song is great house chill type song.

so in conclusion, i do have the song you are looking for I THINK. but let me make sure that we are both talking about the same track. i found 1) the menu music, which is Vintage Warmer. and i also have 2) the replay music.

now let me make something clear here, when i say the "replay music" i mean the thing that plays when you 'crash' and rewind the time to avoid that crash afterwards. during that flashback rewinding moments, that song plays. i DO HAVE that song yes. so if anyone else is still lookin for it. i can upload here.

small note: its not an original mp3 file from a soundtrack. its my own recording. but dont worry its not crap quality, neither CD quality. but it sounds GOOD overall. i fell asleep recording it and then i listened to my recording, during listening to my recording, i fell asleep again. so its good quality. i cut off the unneccessary noises with cool edit pro. its an 14mb mp3 file because its long. and the reason its 15 minutes is because i woke up 15 minutes later and noticed that i fell asleep. so i can upload if anyone wants? just tell me write here.

08-14-2009, 02:34 PM
no one alive ?