07-13-2008, 03:11 PM
As this is my first post, I apologize if I violate any protocol. I did attempt to locate these in the previous posts, but after 15 minutes of searching, the slow system response times and most of the links I checked being invalid caused me to decide to just post.

That being said, I did finally find the opening theme to Boogiepop Phantom Anime. The song is Evening Shower (Yuudachi) by Shikao Suga and was never included on any of the soudtracks. It was released on a Suga Album titled Sweet.

This link works directly now and I hope that the song makes in into the Hotel.

I also found the closing theme. This was Future Century Secret Club by Kyoko. This song was also not included on any of the soundtracks and was released on Kyoko's album Under the Silk Tree. It is too bad that it is out of print or I would buy it.

I have found that you cannot ftp the file directly. Below is a link to the album page and the song is selection 9.

The song is here ( but I have had trouble loading it directly without accessing it through the web page ( first. It's probably a cookie thing, but I haven't cared enough to research it.

I have my eyes open for a used copy of this album...

07-13-2008, 04:22 PM

Still available new from Amazon Japan for roughly $60 ($30 for the CD, figure another $30 for their new retarded EMS only shipping), or you could go through a deputy service (Mukunoki JP [ ] kicks some serious ass, I'd highly recommend him) and get it for half that on either the Amazon Marketplace or Yahoo Japan Auctions used ^^.

I was actually really annoyed they didn't include either of these songs on the OST. But anyhow, hope this helped ^^. Boogiepop = <3.

07-14-2008, 04:22 AM
wait, what?
boogiepop phantom?

wasnt the opening made by nakaido "chabo" reichi? (same guy who did lain's ost)??

i remember seeing him in the credits.

unless we are talking about another series called boogiepop phantom (that explains why there is an album in GH titled boogiepop phantom, yet has no relation to the anime im talking about)

07-14-2008, 11:55 AM
Still available new from Amazon Japan for roughly $60 ($30 for the CD, figure another $30 for their new retarded EMS only shipping), or you could go through a deputy service (Mukunoki JP [ ] kicks some serious ass, I'd highly recommend him) and get it for half that on either the Amazon Marketplace or Yahoo Japan Auctions used ^^.

I was actually really annoyed they didn't include either of these songs on the OST. But anyhow, hope this helped ^^. Boogiepop = <3.

I didn't understand that decision either. Probably a licensing issue. I still haven't been able to find Ultra Relax on CD (though I did just order Super Model by Shinohara which kicks butt too).

I will probably send a request to Land of the Rising Stuff (sells as WILSONAO on Amazon) to see if he can find a new or used copy at a reasonable price. He ships from Japan for 5 bucks. I'm a firm believer in artists receiving royalties, so I always try to buy the stuff I have downloaded and liked.

60 bucks is a lot of money, though.

07-14-2008, 12:15 PM
I didn't understand that decision either. Probably a licensing issue. I still haven't been able to find Ultra Relax on CD (though I did just order Super Model by Shinohara which kicks butt too).

I will probably send a request to Land of the Rising Stuff (sells as WILSONAO on Amazon) to see if he can find a new or used copy at a reasonable price. He ships from Japan for 5 bucks. I'm a firm believer in artists receiving royalties, so I always try to buy the stuff I have downloaded and liked.

60 bucks is a lot of money, though.

Indeed. It used to be a lot less to order straight from Amazon Japan, but they must've had a lot of orders go missing x_x;. Stupid expensive EMS :[. But anyhow, good luck with teh CD hunt ^^.

There is a CD single on Amazon JP for Ultra Relax -->

Can't seem to find the supposed 'Best Collection' that has it though :/. Maybe that was just a bootleg, lol.

wait, what?
boogiepop phantom?

wasnt the opening made by nakaido "chabo" reichi? (same guy who did lain's ost)??

i remember seeing him in the credits.

unless we are talking about another series called boogiepop phantom (that explains why there is an album in GH titled boogiepop phantom, yet has no relation to the anime im talking about)

As far as I know, the only Boogiepop Phantom series are the live action movie and the anime, which, according to ANN, were done by Yuki Kajiura, Atsushi Yabe and Hideki Amano -->

Maybe you're right and the series you're thinking about is something different ^^?

07-15-2008, 10:53 AM

but to make it count:

never mind, that stupid page had it credited to reichi (and the voices do sound alike btw)
its is the opening to the anime OP is talking about.