07-12-2008, 02:27 AM
not sure where this belongs, i figure the movie forum, but i guess it may be able to go in to the anime forum as well since voltron's an anime.

anyway, what do you think the live action voltron movie will be like?

i found a link to a supposed review of the first few pages of the script and at first glance it didn't look too promising.
but who knows. if the mechanic graphs are as good as one transformers and ironman then who knows.
here's the page with the review on the script supposedly:

if i remember correctly the movie is set to be released in 2010

07-28-2008, 11:27 PM
according to the script preview it's a spaceship concept.
where they meet up with coran and allura on earth who then takes them to aris and they become pilots for the lions.
i like the ship concept, because it's closer to the anime as far as the planet the lions are from.

pardon the misspelled names.

although i hope the mech graphics will be as good as say, ironman or transformers if not better.
it'll be a big let down if not.

well imdb has a page for it, but it has nothing on it it just has the year 2010 on the link.
nothing else.