07-12-2008, 01:53 AM
Hi !
Here�s what it seems the Intro (or theme) music track from Mega Man 9 (yeah, it�s the one from the trailer).
Anyway, sounds pretty damn awesome !! Like that 8-bit mega man music we all love (I suppose).

Hope you like it =)

FileFront - It�s in mp3 xD;11021245;/fileinfo.html

Generic Fighter
07-12-2008, 02:57 AM


07-12-2008, 06:43 AM

07-12-2008, 05:50 PM
Thank you!

07-13-2008, 01:55 AM
Cool, thank you! I'm certainly looking forward to the game.

07-13-2008, 03:49 AM
Very nice! Thanks! :)

07-13-2008, 07:33 PM
Why did they make it 8-bit?
I think thas just lazyness on their part.

THanks for the upload.

07-13-2008, 07:44 PM
Why did they make it 8-bit?
I think thas just lazyness on their part.

THanks for the upload.

I'm inclined to agree on the 8-bit part. I think graphics along the lines of Mega Man 7 or Mega Man 8 would have been better.

07-14-2008, 05:37 AM
I don't mind the 8-bit graphics. In today's gaming world, you gotta dare to be different to get noticed. However I would've liked a modern arrangment in place of 8 bit music. Ah well, can't have both. That's what independent composers are for.

07-15-2008, 05:05 PM
I don't mind the 8-bit graphics. In today's gaming world, you gotta dare to be different to get noticed. However I would've liked a modern arrangment in place of 8 bit music. Ah well, can't have both. That's what independent composers are for.

Be different to get noticed ....That�s exactly what Capcom is doing. Besides finally making a new good old school mega man game (I hope so), Capcom is taking a big step into a new kind of business: "direct videogames for online selling" (err call it the way you want).

Capcom is going to make zillions with MM 9, because, everybody (in the 3 consoles) can buy MM 9. And the expenses of Capcom for doing the game are as low as Gutsman IQ. Just imagine, no shipping, no packing, etc. it�s going to be sell online !!. The perfect business.

Now... what I want for the new mega man game, is just that it has a really good challenge, it�s fun to play, and has some creativity on it and a kick ass overall design. I really don�t care about graphics or that MM9 is even more simple that the previous two mega man games (of that series).

07-15-2008, 05:09 PM
Be different to get noticed ....That�s exactly what Capcom is doing. Besides finally making a new good old school mega man game (I hope so), Capcom is taking a big step into a new kind of business: "direct videogames for online selling" (err call it the way you want).

Capcom is going to make zillions with MM 9, because, everybody (in the 3 consoles) can buy MM 9. And the expenses of Capcom for doing the game are as low as Gutsman IQ. Just imagine, no shipping, no packing, etc. it�s going to be sell online !!. The perfect business.

Now... what I want for the new mega man game, is just that it has a really good challenge, it�s fun to play, and has some creativity on it. I really don�t care about graphics or that MM9 is even more simple that the previous to mega man games (of that series).

Well, you do indeed make a good point about all this. As many Mega Man fans as there are out there, I'm sure this game will sell well. I just wonder if it'll be another decade or so before they decide to make Mega Man X9. ;) That is definitely one game I would like closure on... especially the whole Dr. Wily making a slight appearance in X4.

07-16-2008, 12:01 AM
This track is such a good nostalgia trip. Thanks

07-16-2008, 02:12 AM
Well, you do indeed make a good point about all this. As many Mega Man fans as there are out there, I'm sure this game will sell well. I just wonder if it'll be another decade or so before they decide to make Mega Man X9. ;) That is definitely one game I would like closure on... especially the whole Dr. Wily making a slight appearance in X4.

Well, X has evolved beyond the regular genre. Even with 8, Megaman was still old-school. If X9 is ever made, they're going to go further beyond anything X has seen before, most likely allowing the control of all 3 heroes instead of 2.

And if Megaman 9 is indeed as successful as one might think, makes you wonder what other companies will take notice and try the old-school effect.

Funny when you see how Street Fighter is making another big leap forward (IV), Megaman takes a leap back ... and I'll bet Megaman gets more success. Just have to wait and see.

07-16-2008, 03:08 AM
Well, you do indeed make a good point about all this. As many Mega Man fans as there are out there, I'm sure this game will sell well. I just wonder if it'll be another decade or so before they decide to make Mega Man X9. ;) That is definitely one game I would like closure on... especially the whole Dr. Wily making a slight appearance in X4.

Yeah, it�s a big damn mistery about what happened between the original series and the X series... I mean, wtf hapenned to the original blue bomber, willy, dr. light, etc. etc.? All the information we know it�s scattered.

Even between the X series and the Zero series (although we don�t have a MMX9) we more or less know what happened: those damn elf wars and the epic battle vs omega. What I don�t know if Capcom should close that series with a MMX9....

I mean, I think MM9 isn�t closing the series (it doesn�t resolve the story), is just another sequel.

07-16-2008, 05:16 AM
Thanks for the track. :)

07-16-2008, 08:29 AM

Master Jace
07-18-2008, 11:05 PM
It isn't the intro song, it's the music that plays in Tornado Man's stage.

I did a sort of a 'remix' of the track about 4 or 5 days ago if anyone is interested.

07-19-2008, 06:51 AM
Nice remix Master Jace! Does anyone have the MM9 "title music"?

07-19-2008, 03:42 PM
Thanks mate.

08-21-2008, 05:23 AM
Yeah, it�s a big damn mistery about what happened between the original series and the X series... I mean, wtf hapenned to the original blue bomber, willy, dr. light, etc. etc.? All the information we know it�s scattered.

Emphasis mine.

Isn't it confirmed at the beginning of Mega Man X that he dies before testing of X completes? (My guess is that he dies a natural death).

08-21-2008, 07:20 AM
Capcom is the king of the games series!Never end for megaman,megaman x,megaman zero & zx now!

Thanks for the track Magma Dragoon

08-21-2008, 08:14 AM
Why did they make it 8-bit?
I think thas just lazyness on their part.

It's not laziness; it was a lot more expensive and time-consuming than you think.

That includes an interview with a Capcom rep where it's discussed.

08-21-2008, 01:30 PM
Emphasis mine.

Isn't it confirmed at the beginning of Mega Man X that he dies before testing of X completes? (My guess is that he dies a natural death).

The Outro of Maverick Hunter X points in that direction, but I think Light lives on as some sort of intelligent hologram, kinda like Cortana from Halo ;)

@Magma Dragoon: IMO the X series ended with X5 (Zero gets put in Stasis, Eurasia crashes etc.), everything else is too uncannon.