07-10-2008, 03:43 AM
There has been a rumor going around for a while now about how F3 was possibly going to be refused classification. Looks like it's now official ( Someone has leaked the documentation ( behind the decision, for anyone interested.

For those who aren't aware Australia doesn't have an R18+ rating for video games, so any game that contains content that would push it higher then MA15+ is refused classification.

EDIT: Gamespot Australia has posted an article (;picks;title;2) that basically summarizes this information.

07-10-2008, 04:09 AM
Australia won't know what hit them when bloodthirsty aliens invade them.


07-10-2008, 04:12 AM
Man that sucks, i was pissed Manhunt 2 was banned in Ireland but looks like the ausies have it worse than everyone.

execrable gumwrapper
07-10-2008, 05:11 AM
Man... Australia sucks.

07-10-2008, 06:18 AM
Australia is awesome, the Australian Classification Board sucks.

J. Peterman
07-10-2008, 06:32 AM


07-10-2008, 07:40 AM
Sucks to live in Australia then doesn't it?

07-10-2008, 08:15 AM
It's all kind of a joke really, since it's actually cheaper to import the games from either the US or UK anyway.

07-10-2008, 08:50 AM
australia would ban themselves if they could.
it seems to be a national sport

07-10-2008, 10:40 AM
It's all kind of a joke really, since it's actually cheaper to import the games from either the US or UK anyway.
Lol. Kinda makes buying the games from a shop there pointless, huh?

07-10-2008, 12:09 PM
For anything that isn't region locked, yeah.

07-10-2008, 12:32 PM
So the rule is basically stating that no games with "mature" content are acceptable for sale in Australia? What a nightmare... talk about kicking everyone in the bollocks. Publishers, retailers, and customers - I think it pretty much covers all the bases!

Is the law connected to the "games make kids do evil things" mentality, or do the classification board just hate mature games? Is it the same board that classifies films - if so, I wonder why they accept mature films and deny mature computer games.

Still, I've heard many Aussies complaining about the retail situation over there, and stating that it can be better to import in most situations with games. Absolutely sucks from all angles really :(

07-11-2008, 03:21 PM
From what I've heard, the highest rating of a video game there is M15+ or something like that. If a game needs a higher rating than that, then it's usually banned.

execrable gumwrapper
07-11-2008, 05:14 PM
IDX, that information is in the first fucking post.

07-12-2008, 09:40 AM
its decided then, ill go to australia wearing the t-shirt "I HAVE MANHUNT FOR PS2 AND YOU DONT" (i traded the game long ago, but i made that shirt specially for my planned visits to australia and naziland, where i will play the banned RE for DS, everywhere)

07-12-2008, 11:41 PM
IDX, that information is in the first fucking post.
I didn't read the links so I remembered what some of my Aussie friends said fucktard.

07-13-2008, 12:57 AM
What'd it get banned for?

Being Oblivion with guns?


execrable gumwrapper
07-13-2008, 01:13 AM
I didn't read the links so I remembered what some of my Aussie friends said fucktard.

It's not contained in any link. ToO typed the rating system out in his post.


07-17-2008, 02:42 AM


*sheds a patriotic tear*

07-17-2008, 07:59 AM
And they wonder why so many ppl pirate games....

W/e happened to the notion of allowing rational adults the freedom to purchase w/e they wanted w/ their hardearned money...sad to see great series like fallout being given a bad name

execrable gumwrapper
07-17-2008, 05:17 PM


07-17-2008, 11:22 PM
Swami, stop being a bitch.

execrable gumwrapper
07-18-2008, 01:55 AM
IDX, have you learned to read yet?

07-18-2008, 12:00 PM
i guess there IS the solution of importing.
however, i once read it was illegal to hold possesion of a banned game in australia, is that true?
read that some guy got arrested because he had manhunt 1.

07-18-2008, 12:09 PM
lol dude sometimes i think ur just looking for a reason to u really not understand what i mean??? aight let me try to get it thru ur thick head...piracy is one of the OPTIONS as opposed to store sales...just like importing if the general person who looks for options to store sales is savy enough to import, u don't think he can figure out how to pirate a game? im sure even a dumbass like u can do that

and im willing to bet that not having conventional access to games is a cause for increased piracy

execrable gumwrapper
07-18-2008, 04:12 PM
What the hell? How does one who will import know how to pirate a game?

Seriously, tell me how that fucking connection works in your brain.

07-18-2008, 04:58 PM
however, i once read it was illegal to hold possesion of a banned game in australia, is that true?
Yes, although

read that some guy got arrested because he had manhunt 1.
I really doubt that happened. It's technically illegal but it really wouldn't be worth anyone's time to try and enforce it.

Also, it's probably worth noting that pirating games this large isn't easy in Australia. You have to pay a fortune here for a decent connection speed/download limit.

07-18-2008, 05:13 PM

07-18-2008, 09:29 PM
u seriously are telling me...that if u know how to go online...u don't know how to pirate a game? even ur mom knows how to pirate porno flicks

my engrams work just fine....i bet u type with one finger noskill

07-19-2008, 01:01 AM
Knowing how to pirate games isn't a problem at all. As I said, the problem is mostly that we have to work with generally rather low download limits here, of which an 8+ GB game would use up a significant amount.

execrable gumwrapper
07-19-2008, 01:50 AM
u seriously are telling me...that if u know how to go online...u don't know how to pirate a game? even ur mom knows how to pirate porno flicks

my engrams work just fine....i bet u type with one finger noskill

Wow, assuming I type with one finger, preceded by a "yo momma" joke. Bravo...

Last I checked, systems don't play burned games unless you mod them. Modding is part of the process in pirating. Not everyone who can use a website can mod. Using the internet =/= tech savvy.


07-19-2008, 06:46 AM
Oh, he was replying to you. Well that make much more sense.

07-19-2008, 11:37 PM
u do realize we're talking about the PC classic fallout series rite fallout 3 will cum out on the pc along with the consoles don't need to mod a pc u idiot

u should just stop noskill, you have no clue what the hell ur trying to argue about anymore and i'm owning u up and down this thread...before i shatter the rest of ur fragile self esteem go back to pwning 5 year olds on the seasame street forums

07-21-2008, 09:17 AM
In australia the main buyer of games are children and teenagers. because of this, people cannot sell games over MA15+, placing them on shelves next to or near other games appealing to this age group.

Yes it sucks but its the law. You can't show beer advertisements during the hours in which children watch tv. So banning games above MA15+ has a big reason. Usually though, like with the GTA series, violence, language and sexual things get toned down to meet the standards of an MA15+ game. I don't see why they could not have toned down Fallout 3. Banning games should be a last resort option.

I personally think this isn't a big deal. I and other Australians can always import this game, and take a risk of a 100$ fine (lol). There are plenty of other great games out there also, so 'meh' to this.

07-21-2008, 09:36 AM
The average ages of gamers in Australia is apparently 28. I can't imagine that children and teenagers are the 'main' buyers.

execrable gumwrapper
07-21-2008, 10:44 AM
u do realize we're talking about the PC classic fallout series rite fallout 3 will cum out on the pc along with the consoles don't need to mod a pc u idiot

u should just stop noskill, you have no clue what the hell ur trying to argue about anymore and i'm owning u up and down this thread...before i shatter the rest of ur fragile self esteem go back to pwning 5 year olds on the seasame street forums

Right, and everyone in Australia has a PC to run F3?

Didn't think so...

07-24-2008, 10:49 AM
So thats what u didn't think huh...pretty impressive...few problems though

i know ur an idiot so u probably forgot what i wrote on the first page...that piracy is merely an option...second, don't u think that the people who would pirate the game..are the same ones who wanted to purchase the game in the first place? so im pretty sure they would know if their rig could handle the software

execrable gumwrapper
07-24-2008, 03:42 PM
Unless they had a console, then they could import.


08-25-2008, 05:50 AM
so fallout 3 will cum out on the pc


08-25-2008, 02:02 PM
So thats what u didn't think huh...pretty impressive...few problems though

i know ur an idiot so u probably forgot what i wrote on the first page...that piracy is merely an option...second, don't u think that the people who would pirate the game..are the same ones who wanted to purchase the game in the first place? so im pretty sure they would know if their rig could handle the software

STFU. Please. ToO's already outlined why it's difficult (if not damn near impossible) to pirate games in Australia, and yet you continue going on about piracy?

Also, "ur an idiot" makes you looks worse than the person you're trying to flame. You've been a member here long enough to know that AIM-speak is generally frowned upon.

08-25-2008, 04:18 PM
In relation to the original topic, an edited version has been classified with an MA15+ rating recently. I was kind of hoping this would be the straw that breaks the camel's back over the whole R18+ rating issue but it looks like it's not going to happen again for the same stupid reasons. Oh well, at least having a legal version here will make importing the uncut version from the UK less conspicuous.

08-25-2008, 05:18 PM
Who's going to bother, when, like you've said, it's cheaper to import? Or are there region tags or some other nonsense?

08-25-2008, 06:42 PM
The vast minority of people seem to have caught onto the fact that we get screwed when it comes to the cost of games here. I'm sure some people will import but I suspect most will buy the inferior version for up to 50% more.

08-25-2008, 10:18 PM
There has been a rumor going around for a while now about how F3 was possibly going to be refused classification. Looks like it's now official ( Someone has leaked the documentation ( behind the decision, for anyone interested.

For those who aren't aware Australia doesn't have an R18+ rating for video games, so any game that contains content that would push it higher then MA15+ is refused classification.

EDIT: Gamespot Australia has posted an article (;picks;title;2) that basically summarizes this information.

Unlucky for them then. Why don't they have an 18+ rating though?

08-26-2008, 01:01 AM
Because all our attorneys-general need to unanimously vote it in and one of them vetoes it every time.

08-26-2008, 01:21 AM
Because all our attorneys-general need to unanimously vote it in and one of them vetoes it every time.

That's lame. I feel bad for Australia.

08-26-2008, 02:43 AM
Yeah, ah well. At least the economy isn't in the shitter yet.

08-26-2008, 03:06 AM
That's because due to Australia's isolated geographical position in the world, you're always a few months behind the US/UK/Asia. Give it time. :p

08-28-2008, 07:15 AM
Why don't u shut the hell up psycho cyan. Don't just waltz into this thread acting like you can call me out on my suggestion, because I personally feel that I'm making a valid point, regardless of w/e flaming I did. Again, I never said pirating is the best option, yet still it IS an option. Don't give me that crap about downloading caps, a quick google search told me that you can purchase larger capped plans. Even with that, downloading is NOT the only way to pirate a game.

And to add, I am not supporting piracy, importing the game sounds like a good alternative to me. I merely suggested that I understood why Australians would attempt this.

Sorry for hijacking your thread throne, I hope you get a good deal on an import though.

08-31-2008, 10:00 PM
Why don't u shut the hell up psycho cyan.

Why don't you take less than a week to reply to somebody?

Don't just waltz into this thread acting like you can call me out on my suggestion, because I personally feel that I'm making a valid point, regardless of w/e flaming I did.

If your point was so valid, then why did you fling flames in the first place? Can't your point stand on its own? If your point is so great, why are you hostile when somebody questions your precious opinion?

Again, I never said pirating is the best option, yet still it IS an option.

I never said it wasn't an option. Throne's made it clear why it doesn't happen much, and yet you ignore it.

Don't give me that crap about downloading caps, a quick google search told me that you can purchase larger capped plans. Even with that, downloading is NOT the only way to pirate a game.

Throne's made it clear that high-speed and/or high-bandwidth connections cost a fortune in his neck of the woods. The whole point of pirating is to pay less (as in, not more) to get a game, isn't it? The only means of piracy you've brought up is via internet, for the record.

09-10-2008, 06:09 AM
Looks like the version edited for Australia has become the only version (

09-10-2008, 06:13 AM
Really, we should be able to enjoy the game even with these minor alterations.

09-10-2008, 04:59 PM
They should use real names. Now Curious George will try out many drugs to find out the real names of the drugs used in the game.

Man in Yellow Hat will not approve.