07-09-2008, 02:58 AM
Hello guys.

I bought a PSP yesterday with FFVII: Crisis Core. And usually when I purchase a console, I like to get people's recommendations for games to buy for it.

I already intend on buying Silent Hill Origins and FFI and FFII.

But what else do you guys recommend?

execrable gumwrapper
07-09-2008, 03:35 AM
Metal Gear: Portable Ops
Monster Hunter Freedom (2G if possible)
Either of the GTA stories
Homebrew emulation/mods

07-09-2008, 05:35 AM
If you have a PS2 already, just get Origins for that instead.

Tekken: Dark Resurrection
Initial D: Street Stage

That's all I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet...

07-09-2008, 02:57 PM
I replied last night, but my post wouldn't go through.

Obligatory recommendations for

Star Ocean: First Departure (SO1 remake/port to PSP -- original game was never released outside of Japan besides fan-translated roms)

Star Ocean: Second Evolution (SO2 remake/port to PSP -- original game was relased in the US for PSX)

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

07-12-2008, 04:00 PM
Metal gear solid portable ops
FF tactics
Loco Roco
Tekken: DR

07-12-2008, 11:24 PM
But what else do you guys recommend?

selling your psp!

i'm so droll!

07-14-2008, 12:01 AM
If you like whipping and vampires, i would say Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, Bleach Heat of the Soul 5, Final Fantasy Tactics, and i'm waiting for the Yggdra Union enhanced port from gameboy advance

07-14-2008, 03:23 AM
Yeah FFTactics does intrigue me, I remember playing it on the GBA and enjoying it thoroughly.

If Star Ocean is available in Aus for the PSP then I am so there!

07-14-2008, 03:47 AM
Patapon and Loco Roco, really fun games.

07-16-2008, 04:31 AM
Also Cassie, is VP: Leanneth really worth getting? I'll read a few reviews on it today :)

07-16-2008, 04:34 AM
Man, VP: Lenneth is good I like it

07-16-2008, 05:12 AM
Also Cassie, is VP: Leanneth really worth getting? I'll read a few reviews on it today :)

Well, I lovelovelove the original game, and VP:Lenneth for PSP is a port with some extras (neat FMVs mainly -- I watched them and they are a nice touch). Its a really fun game that plays like a platformer in dungeons (sorta) and has a neat battle system when you get into encounters. Multiple endings, different levels of difficult, excellent replay value if you're into that, neat side-stuff. all around good story, characters, and gameplay.

07-16-2008, 05:13 AM
Well, I lovelovelove the original game, and VP:Lenneth for PSP is a port with some extras (neat FMVs mainly -- I watched them and they are a nice touch). Its a really fun game that plays like a platformer in dungeons (sorta) and has a neat battle system when you get into encounters. Multiple endings, different levels of difficult, excellent replay value if you're into that, neat side-stuff. all around good story, characters, and gameplay.


jewess crabcake
07-16-2008, 05:29 AM
Socom: Fire Team Bravo 2

07-16-2008, 05:34 AM
Well, I lovelovelove the original game, and VP:Lenneth for PSP is a port with some extras (neat FMVs mainly -- I watched them and they are a nice touch). Its a really fun game that plays like a platformer in dungeons (sorta) and has a neat battle system when you get into encounters. Multiple endings, different levels of difficult, excellent replay value if you're into that, neat side-stuff. all around good story, characters, and gameplay.

Sounds awesome, read a few reviews all saying that it was a legendary port. Will definitely look into it.

07-16-2008, 05:37 AM
Socom: Fire Team Bravo 2

i can agree to that, but obtaning your desired costume can be a pain in the ass.
this has been the only SOCOM i have liked.

also, i suggest:

metal gear portable ops and MPO + (plus)

final fantasy tactics war of the lions

it might not be that great, but i enjoyed star wars battlefront 2

jewess crabcake
07-16-2008, 05:40 AM
The controls are hella easier than all the other Socoms because only 1 joystick.
I only played that and the first Socom, I cant say I hate it. But it's not as good as FTB2.

07-16-2008, 06:35 AM
If you're into digital novels, I the Metal Gear Solid digital novel is worth buying. Disgaea for the psp is also decent, NIS added new content to the psp version which I thought was pretty good. If you're into the rural farming life with a bit of dating in it, Harvest Moon might attract you. Riviera is also an turn-based rpg with dating sim in it too.

I would say the playstation version of Valkyrie Profile is still better than the port for psp. There are CG scenes in the psp isntead of anime on the playstation. The voice cast for the psp is also different than the voice cast in the original version, only Lenneth's voice remains the same in the psp port. Other than that, it still is a very good game since the playstation version is hard to find and cost a lot on ebay.

07-16-2008, 09:02 AM
Final Fantasy Tactics (PSone and PSP) is the only good Final Fantasy Tactics. I would sooner get FFT before FF1, 2 and Crisis Core (Even though I have all of them) FFT is a must have.

Patapon and WipEout Pure or WipEout Pulse are also awesome sauce. Also, if you haven't already created a PlayStation Network account you can get one here ( and download several demos or even purchase games you can't find in stores. I would recommend R-Types and Echochrome. If you ever get a PS3 you'll be using the same account for online gaming.

07-16-2008, 09:47 AM
the only issue i have with war of the lions is that any attack that has a special effect (specially magic) drastically reduces the framerate.
and me right now using a magic-user party at the moment....

Valerie Valens
07-16-2008, 04:30 PM
Yggdra Union, Riviera, Tales of Phantasia FVE, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth