05-23-2002, 02:15 PM
I was wondering, is there anybody here who gave his or her FF-character a name other then the preset-name? And if so, what did you name them?

For me: No, never. I think it takes away some of the story.

05-23-2002, 03:43 PM
Yeah, sometimes i just name them as my friends, creates a interesting story sometimes. usually, the first time i play through a RPG, i don't change the names. But, i'll change them every now and then. Most of the time i will change them to japanese names. I have nothing to do with japan, but i like there names. (Otaku, Kyoko, hironobu). Come up with your own, or use character names from other RPG's. I named Cyan from FF6, Cloud.

Angel Aeris
05-23-2002, 04:44 PM
In FF8 I once named Squall 'Idiot' but after disc1 I lost the fun of it, so I quit...

I once named �FF7 characters by the names of FF8 like Cloud to Squall, Aeris to Rinoa Vincent to Irvine but I stopped in halfway somewhere cause it went so damn confusing. Sometimes I give names of my friends.

In FF9, I've named them many times. Zidane Stuart and other time Frodo, Garnet Arwen, Steiner Wesley, Freya Carreen, Eiko Katie, Amarant Aragorn

I haven't never named Vivi and Quina... Vivi is so symphatic name already and Quina is hard to name cause s/he's male and female...

Divine Strike
05-23-2002, 04:50 PM
When I change there names I usually name them after my friends and family......but most of the time I leave the names the way they are.

05-23-2002, 05:01 PM
I usually rename Red XIII because he acts like he doesn't like the name "Red XIII." First time I played I called him "Rojobeast" and the other times I just called him "Red." And one time I renamed Terra "Amanda." (My real name.)

I haven't played FFIX yet but when I do I will probably rename Vivi, just because I had a great-aunt named Vivi and playing a guy with that name would be weird. :uh?:

Other than that, I leave the names the same.

05-23-2002, 06:16 PM
I only rename the characters after I have beaten the game and when I do I name them after my friends or make up some japanese names

Exiled Archangel
05-23-2002, 08:08 PM
I have changed names only in FF7.First time i had changed Red XIII's name to "Killer"(i know...kinda stupid but i couldn't thing anything else that time),and Cloud's to Scar.
A second time,in FF7,i changed Cloud's name to "Andi"(it's obvious why;)).

05-23-2002, 09:26 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">The only time I ever renamed a character was Red XIII in FF7; the second time I playe dthrough I called him Nanaki. However, when you get to Cosmo Canyon, Cloud still wonders who the hell Nanaki is, even if that's what you call him. :p So I always killed him Red XIII after that. Renaming the charcaters gets confusing for me, plus it takes me ages to think of good names anyway. ;)

05-23-2002, 11:19 PM
Usually I keep the default names. I rather like Square's names. ;)

Though sometimes if I'm feeling really fun, I'll rename them silly pet-names. Like:

Zidane: Ziddy
Dagger: Daggie
Tidus: Tidy-poo
Cloud: Cloudie
Squall: Squally

Valefore: Vallie

...and once I named Eiko "Whazzup," which made it look like everyone if FF9 was doing Budweiser commercials. :D

Neo Xzhan
05-24-2002, 12:03 AM
I never give them other names just cuz of the story or else u come up with dorky name's or u get sorry for the name u've choosen cuz u found 1 better.

05-24-2002, 12:05 AM
LOL ok here goes
Red XIII-Red
LOL Cloud's name was really funny! one character said "Oh, Penis whacker."

05-24-2002, 03:05 AM
:uh?'ve got a sick sense of humor, you know that right?

Well anyway, I only played FF MQ and FFVI :o I own a nintendo 64 not a playstation...
The first time I played FFVI I named them

Terra: Galla
Locke: Loche, I named him that bcus I couldn't think of a good name and so I tried to put it back to normal but I couldn't remember his name!
Edgar: Callam/Lance
Sabin: Sabin
Cyan: Cyan
Gau: Glach (Glach with a hard "a" otherwise it would sound to much like crotch :notgood: :eye: )
Celes: How could you possibly change such a beautiful name?!?!?!
Mog: Mogu I dunno why?
Umaro: Popeye
Stago: Stragom? Something different? I dunno?
Relm: Realm
Shadow: Shadow
Gogo: Coco
Setzar: Dice I thought it fitting considering him a card player

Did you know that?:
Garramonde is a kind of handwriting, and Magus is a wizard? Gau is a prefix that means "rejoice"?

05-24-2002, 05:39 AM
LOL I KNOW he he

Alice Wonderbra
05-24-2002, 07:47 PM
N FF7 i always rename Red XIII Nanaki because i would rather have !!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!! her real name than 1 Hojo gave her and I always name Aeris Aerith because that is what it is supposed to B. My cousin names Cait Sith !!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!Reeve cuz thats who it is.

N FF9 i left "Dagger's" name as Garnet because Dagger is STUPID!

As for all the names n general, i always make them all upper case so i can c who is talkin w/out payin attention. it sucked in FF8 though when i did that 2 squalls name but i couldnt do it 2 the others besides rinoa :(

05-25-2002, 02:49 AM
Awww, c'mon... I thought "Dagger" was kinda sexy. In a wicked-sexy sort of way. :D

Garnet is a pretty name, but it sounds so prissy. I didn't think it fit her as much as the name "Dagger" did as she grew and changed during the game!

*L* Either way, I guess I did kinda soften her name by calling her "Daggie-poo."

Oh well. That's just me.

05-26-2002, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Tidus2kFF
LOL ok here goes
Red XIII-Red
LOL Cloud's name was really funny! one character said "Oh, Penis whacker."

...............Well, i don't quite believe that, as PenisWhacker doesn't fit. You have a maximum of 9 letters for a name, that appears to be 12...

Anyway, I name Cloud "Kie" and leave the others.

05-26-2002, 07:28 AM
Hey your embarressing me. Well i cut off the whacker part. (Blush) lol i just had to see them talking like that! I quit and changed it to cloud tho...i wasn't going to win the game with that name!

05-26-2002, 10:21 PM
the only thing I do is remove the ALL CAPS NAMES really. I might rename one of the characters to my name, if I think they look like I do. Like Cyan or Squall.

05-27-2002, 01:54 AM
no don't really change the names. Few times I did but I keep their names.

05-27-2002, 05:47 AM
Here's what I usually do:

1. All male main characters(Cloud, Squall, Zidane,etc.) : Lee(my real nickname)

2. Steiner: Fatty, Barney, or stupid(I don't like him)
3. I was entering Garnet's name when I left to go get a glass of water and when I came back my sister had entered Hottie! and pressed confirm.
4. All the others I leave the same.

listening to Paparoach, Linkin Park, and Gorillaz!!!!:D

Psuedes Psyche
05-28-2002, 02:12 AM
I forgot which game I did it in but one night I was bored out of my mind so I renamed everyone (including girls) to Bob.

05-29-2002, 02:15 AM
I think in FFVII, I named everyone to their very first limit break. Weird thing is that I never even knew what their first limit break was! :eye: :uh?:

Am I lucky or what? :cool:

Incubus Tribal
05-29-2002, 02:32 AM
I once named Cloud, Eminem and Barret, Dr.Dre and once Mr.T. ^^

05-29-2002, 05:10 PM
I name them all the same now cus i used to name them stupid names and it just totally ruins the game. If you think about it square probably take months thinkin about the names of every single character and they defenitly are the best names for them.

Final fantasy games have alot of key things needed to make them such great games and i have realized characters names are one of them. They are so important for the flow of the game.



05-29-2002, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Jenova
If you think about it square probably take months thinkin about the names of every single character

Legend has it the guy who translated FFVI into English looked out his office window, saw "Terra Enterprises" written on the building across the street, and made the main character's name Terra. I don't know how much thought gets put into names. :p I do think it's cool when the names are cultural or mythological references, though.

05-29-2002, 10:50 PM
Yeah, I also heard something like that, Fujin.

What do you think the deal is with the name X-Death? Some guy had a rodent problem?

05-30-2002, 06:19 AM
Well, I name the females after myself or my good friends. As for the males I name them after my boyfriend or other crushes I have had in the past. Or I just call them something that sounds ruley. :p

05-30-2002, 03:06 PM
Only rename the FF6 charactors:
Locke Pyros
Terra Flame
Celes Artare

Did most of em, 'cept Mog, Relm and Shadow cos they had GOOD names! Can't be bothered rememberin em all.. Pm me if you really have to noe!'kay?^_~

05-30-2002, 06:17 PM
Only in FFV, as 'Bartz' (or Buttz' as he's known in the Japanese version) is probably the most ridiculous name for a main character in an RPG! (I named him 'Kye' after a male character from a story I've been writing.)

Other than that, I use the default names, although the first time I played FFVII, I accidently deleted the 'd' off the end of Cloud's name at the name select screen, so I went through the whole game with Cloud called 'Clou'. Luckily, that game got erased by my younger brother, so all my current games I have him named correctly.

Also, I named Garnet 'Dagger' when I exited the Ice Cavern in FFIX, just because it's part of the story, but as soon as I got the Namingway Card and the Hilda Garde 3, I went straight to Daguerreo and renamed 'Garnet' again, as 'Dagger' is just too stupid a name for a beautiful princess like her.

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Heh, the red carpet has teeth!" Auron, seeing Bevelle's little 'welcoming present' from the airship, FFX.

Crater Seraph
05-31-2002, 03:28 AM
I just change the main character's name to my name the 2nd time i play any ff.I named Cloud Dante.And Steiner Zombie(cause he looked like one) and Red XIII to Nanaki.

06-13-2002, 02:41 PM
Yeah, I was tempted to name Red XIII Nanaki, but that defeats 1/2 the point of Cosmo Canyon!

06-16-2002, 02:29 AM
Most always I keep the original names just because most of them I like very well. However the second time around I don't think it really matters if you rename them or not. In FF10 I renamed the Aeon Ixion into Lucrecia just because I couldn't stick with Ixion and I though it looked like a female horse, and when I was playing FF7 I was like obsessed with Vincent.
I also renamed the Magus Sisters to female names of previouse FF girls. The fat one I named Quina just cus she was fat. And the tall middle one I changed to Tifa because I thought she acted like her and the smaller one to Dagger cus I always picture FF9 charecters as shorter then the others, I don't know why.

06-24-2002, 01:53 PM
You do know that the Magus Sisters are already named after FF characters, right? The Magus Sisters were characters in FFIV.

06-24-2002, 04:29 PM

Setsuna Yuna
06-28-2002, 10:19 AM
Once, I renamed all the FFVII characters from the names of the characters in Fushigi Yuugi (yes, I was that bored :p ). But I named Cloud Hotohori instead of Tamahome like I should have since I named Tifa Miaka. I also named all the FFIX characters from the names of the FFVII characters. This is what happens when you've just played too much FF...:rolleyes: