07-08-2008, 12:04 PM
Afternoon folks. I have started through Final Fantasy 7 for the umpteenth time and am currently in the Norther Crater levelling up, as you do. Having tried to get out however, I seem to have a problem. Where the roads split, where you decide which way to send your party, everyone has trotted off on their merry little way but for some reason Cloud will not climb back up from the bottom. I have tried countless times, hitting circle and running about the bottom of the 'ladder' stalactite/stalagmite (whichever one goes down) but he simply won't climb up.

I seem to recall having the same problem some years ago, but only ever once before. The only possible correlation I can draw upon is having sent all party members in one direction, but this could be irrelevant.

Has anyone else had this problem? And I'll be damned if I have to start again. It'll go back in it's box for another year.

execrable gumwrapper
07-08-2008, 12:38 PM
Sucks to be you!

07-08-2008, 11:11 PM
are you trying to get back up straight after you sent your party to the different paths? coz i think you need to go down there and come back up to get up the ladder-rock thing.
plus theres the red balls down there that give you 2400ap and magic pots giving 8000exp each

09-22-2008, 01:35 PM
I had this problem as well. You need to leave that screen, go about 3 screens away, then come back and he will be able to climb.