05-23-2002, 08:29 AM
I've always been a little iffy on the X-Box, but after seeing videos from E3, X-Box is finally bringing out some incredible games. Ninja Gaiden looks incredible. Blinx has a unique feature of controlling time, and another game that almost made me piss my pants was Panzer Dragoon Orta! Also: Deus Ex 2, Unreal Championship, Star Wars Galaxies, Counter-Strike, Splintered Cell, Toe Jam and Earl 3, and Doom 3! Now all I need to do is save up for an X-Box.

05-26-2002, 09:40 PM
do you know if the ninja gaiden game and panzer dragoon will come out on PS2?

05-26-2002, 10:34 PM
If you plan on buying an x-box, first invest in an industrial strength table to support the 2.6 ton console weight. Also, I recommend performing hand exercies for 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, or you may drop the controler and do permanent structual damage to your foundation.

05-27-2002, 05:26 AM
Originally posted by Mark
do you know if the ninja gaiden game and panzer dragoon will come out on PS2?

No they won't. Tecmo and Sega are Microsoft's latest bitches, so you can count on those games staying Xbox exclusive.

A lot of the games you mentioned there are either already out for other systems or will be out for other systems first. I agree that Ninja Gaiden and Panzer Dragoon are quite impressive looking. I haven't seen Blinx but I'm getting a little tired of the recent inundation of 3D platformers so I'm not that interested. Ultimately, the Xbox already has a few games that look neat to me, and it will be getting a few more, but the system in and of itself is pure evil so I will never own one even if I do feel like I just have to have some of its games.

Myself, I really think Nintendo stole the show at E3 this year, and that's not just the Nintendo fanboy in me speaking out. After having seen the Legend of Zelda for GC in motion, any doubts I might have had about it have withered away and I simply cannot wait to get my hands on it. The same is true of Metroid Prime.

Neo Xzhan
06-24-2002, 12:21 AM
Nah not really. The price has dropped and some games which r sold bad on the X-BoX r being released for the pc though it says on the game cover x-box only. So far I know microsoft is going to release Halo on the pc and I think that says enough.

Death Knight
06-26-2002, 01:19 AM
Jorderon, its a shame u have to be retarded and diss a console you dont own but whatever floats ur boat i guess.

Yeah, Orta and NG will be exclusive to x-box.

And HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!

their E3 lineup was incredible!!!!!

I've always wanted an X-Box but this just means i have to get one. I was excited about Blinx due to the fact Microsoft may finally have a trademark. Doom 3, counterstrike, Unreal Championship, Ninja Gaiden, and much much more

Oh yeah, Mech Assault and BC look good. Never been much of a tom clancy games fan though, too boring for my taste.

06-26-2002, 02:49 AM
Death Knight, your post was immature and inappropriate. His comments regarding the X-Box were jokes (though not without a grain of truth) and were somewhat funny. Your response, on the other hand, was devoid of any sort of entertainment whatsoever. Let's raise the maturity level on our replies, hmm?

At any rate, the X-Box does have a nice line-up. Think about it, though... most of them have been featured or will be on the PC. And when your PC is something in the area of an Athlon XP-2100, you can do just about whatever you want with a PC. I still wonder about the use of console games. They're getting so close to computers these days that I wonder why they don't just develop for the computer instead.


MotO out.

06-26-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by MasteroftheObvious
Death Knight, your post was immature and inappropriate. His comments regarding the X-Box were jokes (though not without a grain of truth) and were somewhat funny. Your response, on the other hand, was devoid of any sort of entertainment whatsoever. Let's raise the maturity level on our replies, hmm?

One could also question the maturity of telling people how inappropriate their comments are like a schoolteacher, though. Forgive me, you just sound way too much like my elementary school teachers for comfort O_O

Kool Ranch
06-26-2002, 06:11 PM
I agree Nintendo has the best fall lineup easily (who can beat Mario, Zelda, and Metroid all in the span of a few months!?), but I'm still not THAT impressed with the X-box's lineup. Like TK said, I think Ninja Gaiden and Panzer Dragoon Orta will be amazing games, but nothing else you mentioned really catches my interest (except Star Wars Galaxies, but I'll get that for PC). I'll still stick with my PS2 for now, because the have by far the most diverse lineup and what I really want: fighters and RPGs.

Death Knight
06-26-2002, 08:46 PM
Thank you Tifa's Knight. People that storm back in posts freak me out, he sounded like a stalker or something just ready to pounce on any post of mine.

06-26-2002, 11:50 PM
Naah, just someone with a penchant for mocking stupidity. Tifa's Knight, I believe you have an administration job to do. It would be nice if you started doing it at some point.

06-27-2002, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Death Knight
Thank you Tifa's Knight. People that storm back in posts freak me out, he sounded like a stalker or something just ready to pounce on any post of mine.

Well, to be fair, you kinda shook up a storm yourself :P

Naah, just someone with a penchant for mocking stupidity. Tifa's Knight, I believe you have an administration job to do. It would be nice if you started doing it at some point.

Easy, tiger. Don't get me wrong, I respect you. You seem to be acting like quite a bit of an asshole lately though, and you also seem to have adopted this "I love mocking stupidity" attitude. Is this just an attempt to be more intelligent or something? I'm genuinely curious because when you do nothing but mock people you think are stupid you only come off as a jerk. I've certainly been known to mock people myself, but it's not the reason I come here. Is that the case with you?

And for the sake of all stuff, what in the world does this thread have to do with me being an admin? O_o