05-23-2002, 01:54 AM
I have heard people bring this topic up before and I was just wondering what you guys thought.
Would Sex or Homesexuality be good or bad in FF?
People say it would be more realistic but when it boils down to it, would FF be able to pull it off? would it lose gamers or gain them? What do you guys think?

05-23-2002, 02:36 AM
I don't know that FF will ever have a love story centered around a homosexual relationship, but I certainly think that it wouldn't be that much of a stretch if something like, say, a male friend becomes attracted to the male lead; or another female becomes infatuated with the leading lady.....

I actually can see that happening, and I honestly don't think it would be that big a deal. FF is known to have very well-written characters, so I'm sure they could pull it off... but when that happens, I'd rahter they not shove it in everyone's face. But I'm the kind of person who prefers to not have sexual themes shoved in my face at all. I'm all for romance and some innuendo, but not to the point of "Hey, look at me, I'm HORNY!!"

As far as sex goes, I seriously doubt Square will put in explicit sex scenes. There goes the T-rating. Heh. But suggestive themes have always been there, and I rather like it the way it is.

Kool Ranch
05-23-2002, 03:02 AM
To be honest, I wouldn't like it much if an FF had a homosexual love story going on with the main character. I have nothing against homosexual people at all, but one of the best things an RPG story can be is relatable, IMO. And I'm hetero. I wouldn't have a problem if the homsexual relationship wasn't with the main character though, and the main character was straight. I actually think it might be interesting if some of the other characters were in homosexual relationships. I hope no one thinks I'm a homophobe or bigot now. I just like to be able to relate to the main character.:o It'd be fine if somehow in the future they made it so that you have more control over the main character's story though, and you were able to decide for yourself what the character's sexual preference would be. I guess that'd be the ideal solution.

As for sex in an FF, I wouldn't really mind just so long as they didn't turn it into a porno. I got nothin against sex in any game.

05-23-2002, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by ranemaka
I have nothing against homosexual people at all, but one of the best things an RPG story can be is relatable, IMO. And I'm hetero.

If the main character's sexuality isn't the main theme of the game, it might not interfere with your ability to relate to him. I can relate to Squall more than any other character, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to Rinoa.

I think it would be cool if an FF game had a gay character; it would add to the diversity of the game. I always thought it was kind of weird that, aside from a few "token black" characters none of the FF worlds really have much diversity in them. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that they reuse the same character images over and over. :eye:

As for adding actual sex to the games... no. I still live at home with my parents and my dad is your typical overprotective father who doesn't realize his daughter is almost 19. I get in enough trouble for playing games when I should be studying or looking for a summer job; the last thing I need is to have my games taken away because they're "naughty." :rolleyes:

05-23-2002, 04:30 AM
i recon if they did rinoa&squall would be at it like rabbits
and zell would chase after siefer but siefer isnt that kinda

05-23-2002, 07:44 PM
To me,if SquareSoft started putting homosexuals in FF,I wouldnt but another FF game again.I hope this doesnt affend anyone that is gay but gay people kinda scare me.With their voice and their......unusual behaviors.
As for the sex part,like many said before,I dont think SquareSoft would put sex scenes in any FF game.Kissing is ok cause its in many games already but characters getting into it,I hardly believe its gonna happen.

05-23-2002, 08:33 PM
Sorry not all gay people talk like that. You call them drags, and they don't have to be gay. A gay person can talk like normal people, act like them. Infact, you would never know they were gay. However, some do talk strangely. I know this because i have a friend (AND NO, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT MYSELF!) that's gay and he's perfectly normal. He hid it from his family and friends for a long time.
I think that homosexuality between women would not be as bad, but between guys would. Since the majority of players are guys, they probably wouldn't care much. Besides, most men would rather have 2 girls in a bed :D LOL! JK

05-23-2002, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Ketal
With their voice and their......unusual behaviors.

You can tell someone's sexual orientation by their voice? :eye: What if the game doesn't have voice-overs? Or if the person doing the voice is hetero?

(instigating arguments is fun. :D)

05-23-2002, 09:22 PM
I don't get what the big deal with gay characters is. Love is love. It's just as beautiful between two people of the same sex as with people of the opposite.

05-23-2002, 11:13 PM
If Square puts a homosexual character in the series, I doubt they'd make the character defined by their sexuality! C'mon folks, there's more to a character than their sexual preference.

I think FF has had very well-written characters, so that they could easily work in homosexuality and make it very... well... they'd make it so that it really didn't matter. We'd care more about the character for reasons, and sexuality may be part of it, but I think that I'd care for him or her regardless.

There's lots of different people in this world. You may not agree with them all, but to be uncomfratable around someone because of sexuality is probably one of the most unreasonable reasons I can think of. Just like skin color. I wouldn't be uncomfortable with a gay or bisexual character, but I don't think it's "mainstream" enough for Square to make the main love interest homosexual.

Just my thoughts. :)

05-24-2002, 01:52 AM
i wouldn't care if there was sex in a ff game. as long as they didnt show the male lol. a homosexual wouldn't bother me, unless they pushed it. they already had one in ff10, wasn't tidus gay. jk ITS A JOKE. sorry to tidus lovers. mind you, if they had lesbians, i might play the game more.

05-24-2002, 03:31 AM
Remember FF-7? the stuff in Midgar, at THE BUMBLEBEE in Don Corneos sector? remember JOHNY? he seemd confused, and Squall couldn't understand why Aeris was so kind to him, and why Johny never tried anything on her? my guess is, that person was supposed to have been a gay on the verge of coming out. Hell. those guys at the gym DEF were homosexual. there were indications that Sephiroth was. now, going back to the EARLIER games, there have always been sexual overtones, it's one of the REALISTIC/MATURE aspects that attracted me to the series. As for a MAIN Person who is GAY? It would be an unwise choice, IMO.

05-24-2002, 04:02 AM
LOL, I forgot about the gay wrestlers in FFVII. Ok, so there's already been implied homosexuality in a few minor FF characters. (what makes you think Sephiroth is gay? It's been a while since I played that game but I can't remember anything related to sex having to do with him, unless you take some weird interpretation on his Oedipus complex.)

As for Don Corneo, that really doesn't count as "sex in FF" because nothing actually happens. Although I'll admit it surprised me at first. I'd only played FFVI before FFVII, so I was used to the idea that FF was this G-rated series of games where characters never even said profanity, and now I was playing a game where one of the characters was a pimp. :uh?:

05-24-2002, 04:21 AM
i think it would not be good because fianlfantays is fine how it is now dont need to have that extra crap

Nanaki XIII
05-24-2002, 04:29 AM
Hey I think Homosexuality is present in FF. For one doesnt Barret ask Cloud out on a date? *Go Barret* And the way Kuja dressed I think they were hinting at something.

But seriously, if they had the character straight out say, "Your hot George" I might just turn it off because its not needed. Same with if Yuna started stripping. I might not turn it off (lol) but I certainly dont think its necessary, kissing is enough to show they love each other.

05-24-2002, 08:59 PM
yep. Corneo being a Pimp was a change of pace in the style of personas this series has had, but.....did they REALLY have to have those guys at the Inn smiling at Cloud like that, and....you will think I am crazy, but.....checking him out. yeah, they were rescusitating him after his fade-out, but.....I think more than one of those slaps landed in an unnescry spot. as for Sephiroth.....Take a REAL look at the game, listen VERY carefuly to his dialogue, esp during that ride to Nibelhiem<I know it was not Completly real, but...>and just......think. as for the Oedipul aspect, it may have some minor influence, but not that much. I look at that as more of a JOKe....the extreme version of the lonley child seperated from its mother and reunited......

05-25-2002, 01:02 AM
Eh, no offense, but I think that relationships based on sexuality/homosexuality will get me uninterested in Final Fantasy. FF is really about love and destiny, and I don't think Square needs to add that...much.

05-25-2002, 01:32 AM
Well, it would be funny i guess... Maybe not humans but monsters or somethin. I dunno, ask Squaresoft.

05-25-2002, 06:54 AM
I for one don't want sex of any kind. Homosexual relastionships wouldn't bother me I suppose, but adding sex in the games would. The love stories are good as they are, being emotional and not physical. Hell Dagger and Zidane don't even kiss in the game, and Yuna and Tidus only get kissy once, but we still know they love each other.

05-26-2002, 10:15 PM
homosexuality in FF would be...really gay.

someone mentioned the date with barret. That is more like a easter egg than anything. In order to actually get that you have to score 0 with BOTH Tifa and Aries, which is pretty damn hard to do.

I for one would not play a FF that was pro-homosexual. Personaly I think Square has been very wise to not touch this issue, and I hope they never do.

Corey Taylor
05-28-2002, 03:59 PM
Lesbien sex wouldnt be bad lol;)

umm anyway i dunno, they would be ableto t put sex in it o it would be banned and there are already probably some homo characters in it. The bodybuilders are gay in FF7 in wallmarket, and then the hottub in the strip bar.