05-22-2002, 05:00 PM
Hey I'm crating my own magna, I is about a made up planet and in the planet there are 4 quite large tribes which rule a quarter of the planet each. Sometimes the tribes send armies to conquer other halves but to this day none have succeded...(cool huh! but I'm not finished yet). The series focuses on one character Lei Nataku, he is a warrior and at the beginning he is the only survivor of the greatest battle the planet has ever seen.
Thats how far I've got to, so got any tips or more story for me? Please!! :D :)

05-22-2002, 05:31 PM
That's very cool,I always wanted to make my own manga or game...but i can't work with game creating programs and my drawing skill's are not good enough.
How are you going to do the batlles(like DBZ...or maybe batlles with swords like Kenshin)
Maybe you can begin your story with the dead of the general of Lei's army and then Lei becom's the new leader.He takes the best of his group and travels tru a cave filled with undeads and graveghost's,the cave leads to the enemy base(Lei wants to see wat weapons there building),they fight the
monsters in the cave with magic and heavy sword skill's...

only tiny ideas

If you're done with your manga let us see some pics,okay...:)

05-22-2002, 09:27 PM
I have created my own mange before. It was called Halo and i'm stilll working on it now. Got about 7 characters and a detailed but v. complicated stroyline. Tips i could give u r....

1. Don't give on it even tho you think it the worse piece of crap you made. It most likely isn't. I have given up loads but i always went back.:D

2. Do detailed profiles of your characters. Give them a family and friends. Design the outfit they wear and why the do. My characters have a bout a whole wordrobe of clothes but they are all on paper. ;)

3. Plan the story. If you don't you will find your self getting confused over the whole thing and find yourself having to start the while thing over again.

That's about it. Hope that helped.

05-22-2002, 10:37 PM
Tragic ending...gotta have it, evrything these days is so damn fluffy. You gotta have your character die in the end...and not be resurected or any shit like that.

Tragic heros rule! *cough Cyrano *cough

05-23-2002, 01:36 PM
Yeah I am going to have a very tragic ending...And my battles are all going to be different deppending on the history of the pesron(what were they taught as a child). any more tips? :D

05-23-2002, 04:19 PM
Tragic ending, darn it, I don�t like them so much. :)
In my view an ending has to fit with the story itself. (Slayers cannot end with the death of Lina... it�s a comedy...! for example)

But all what Aeowen said is absolutely true. Don�t be discencouraged, plan the plot and especially the characters, they are the most important thing about a story. I cannot read a manga that has main characters I cannot stand.

When it comes to drawing them, work out their individual outward appearance so you can distinguish between them all. I�ve read a manga yesterday and about everyone had the same face and the same clothes and about the same hairdo... That�s not easy to read.

Another tip: Take yourself enough time and don�t rush. If you don�t feel like drawing, don�t draw. If you are not certain about a character�s personality, first think about it. Same goes for the story.

What interests me most is how you present the story... how you will put the story into panels and pages... Remember that this is decisive for a manga, it gives it the special feeling. About every manga author has his own way of arranging the panels, and this results in a whole lot of different reading experiences.

I don�t know more tips right now, I might come back later. Right now I am working out an idea for a story inside my head. I will not start drawing it before next week... a project like this requires time and energy. But don�t give up! Find someone who can cheer you up and tell you it is good what you�re producing!!

05-28-2002, 12:15 AM
Make sure not too much is going on at once in one panel. I hate when I can't tell what's happening b/c there is too much stuff. LoL....just a little suggestion. Wow It's really cool that there are other people interested in making their own manga. I've just started one and it looks far :D