07-04-2008, 05:56 AM
Hi, I was having some trouble identifying a song from the Cowboy Bebop series. I originally came to the forums to find the music to this anime and have since had trouble rounding up a few of my favorite music cues.

The main one in question comes from honky tonk women. There is this cue that plays during spike and faye's card game, towards the beginning of the episode and plays through her discussion with the casino owner. It has wordless female vocals, vibraphone, piano, and brush drumming that kind of stop and start. it is a fantastic piece of music, and i have scoured my cowboy bebop collection to no avail discovering the name of it.

is there anyone out there that could help me out with this?

07-04-2008, 07:01 AM
Hey, I answered my own question. I prowled the web a little longer and discovered the song name, its called "Fe" and is on the 1st cd of the box set, for anyone else who might have been curious.