07-02-2008, 06:21 PM
To be honest i was slightly disappointed with the official MASS EFFECT OST, as many of you might know it lacked quite a few of the tracks heard in-game, including tracks like Matriarch Benezia's battle, the awesome music played while in Saren's labs and the music played while battling Geth before finding Liara.

Anyways I have managed to rip every single track straight from the game files :)

MASS EFFECT GAMERIP (http://rapidshare.com/files/132585305/Mass_Effect_rip_ogg.rar)

P.S. The tracks are all in OGG audio format so a codec may be required for windows media player, try looking here (http://windowsxp.mvps.org/ogg.htm) or here (http://www.xiph.org/dshow/)

If you are having trouble finding a certain track, please feel free to ask.

EDIT: I have finally found the music tracks from Flux Nightclub and Cora's Den and are now included in my main rip, alternatively they can be downloaded separately here:

Flux and Cora's Den (http://rapidshare.com/files/132573645/Flux_and_Coras_Den.rar.html)


07-02-2008, 08:29 PM
I heard of the game but don�t played it. It must be awesome after all. I�ll give this a try. Anyway thanks for the effort!

07-02-2008, 08:42 PM
Thank you! :-)

07-02-2008, 08:57 PM
awesome dude, very awesome.

07-02-2008, 09:11 PM
I heard of the game but don�t played it. It must be awesome after all. I�ll give this a try. Anyway thanks for the effort!

Awesome game, you should try it, awesome music. :)

Thanks for the feedback guys :)

07-02-2008, 11:25 PM
You are one awesome dude, Ledgend. The tracks sound wonderful. Thanks a lot, man.

07-02-2008, 11:52 PM
ah man, you have no idea how much this means to me, thx a bazillion!
normandy solo ftw!(track 92)

07-03-2008, 06:10 AM
AWESOME, thank you so much.

07-03-2008, 07:29 AM
Excellence in a can. Thanks for the upload.

07-03-2008, 08:39 AM
i have some of this on mp3

07-03-2008, 09:33 AM
ah man, you have no idea how much this means to me, thx a bazillion!
normandy solo ftw!(track 92)

Couldn't agree more. Now that wasn't on the OST was it?

07-03-2008, 07:19 PM
thanks again...the music is fantastic

07-03-2008, 10:45 PM
Couldn't agree more. Now that wasn't on the OST was it?
indeed it wasnt, pretty much the sole reason for the REQ in the first place tho i'm glad to have all the other stuff aswell

got the elevator3 tune as my ringtone now <3

07-03-2008, 11:34 PM

Some of the tracks are fine but the rest are just static noise. Any ideas?

07-04-2008, 12:11 AM

Some of the tracks are fine but the rest are just static noise. Any ideas?

Do you have the right codecs installed, so your player can play ogg?
If not try installing this (http://www.xiph.org/dshow/)

07-04-2008, 12:42 AM
I've never played the game, but the OST is awesome...so I'm looking forward to this.

katie price
07-04-2008, 01:56 AM
So this rip has all the game's music tracks right? I have already downloaded the ost from the previous earlier mass effect ost thread. So is it possible for you to provide all the new tracks not included in the original ost as a seperate download for people like me. Thank you very much if you could.

07-04-2008, 02:36 AM
So this rip has all the game's music tracks right? I have already downloaded the ost from the previous earlier mass effect ost thread. So is it possible for you to provide all the new tracks not included in the original ost as a seperate download for people like me. Thank you very much if you could.

Or, you know, you could just download it and delete the repeated tracks.

Pretty simple.

07-04-2008, 11:44 AM
Or, you know, you could just download it and delete the repeated tracks.

Pretty simple.

A sound idea.

But in response to the question by katie price, many of the ost tracks are just game tracks mixed together.
So i would suggest to either not use ost at all or go with urutapu's idea.

I personally when through the tracks and selected the ones i liked that were not in the ost, and dumped them into my ost playlist.

07-05-2008, 09:22 AM
I'm having the same problem as "dkj" (post No. 14), and I've already installed the necessary codecs. Some of the files are fine but majority of the music files are just static sounds.

EDIT: Scratch that! after converting the files to mp3 format it works perfectly. Thanks for the rip Ledgend!

07-05-2008, 08:43 PM
No problem :)

07-05-2008, 10:11 PM
I have a much more organised gamerip in possession, i shall add it in my next update, note its from kataah and is a really great ripper.

07-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Whats different with Kataah's rip OrangeC if you don't mind me askin might check it out.

07-05-2008, 10:57 PM
Some sections are combined and it is looped with proper fadeouts, and it has track numbers to but the original filenames are still intact and it is tagged properly. its still the same ogg.

07-05-2008, 11:03 PM
Ok cool i'll check it out so.

07-05-2008, 11:09 PM
You, sir, are ten levels of awesome. I've been waiting for this FOREVER.

Dumb question. Which song is the one that was played during character creation? I'm not seeing it here, I don't think.

07-06-2008, 11:10 AM
Dumb question. Which song is the one that was played during character creation? I'm not seeing it here, I don't think.

It is mus_breeding_1 :)

07-11-2008, 02:29 PM
even with the codec i still get most of the tracks as static noise.

dont get me wrong, im totally grateful for the post, but why ogg? why not mp3? i cant even put these on my ipod on the drive home. :(

is it just me? what the benefit over mp3 that's ogg?

07-11-2008, 02:48 PM
ok, i found a hardcore reliable ogg to mp3 converter and does the job brilliantly.
anyone else getting the same bs as me try this.


07-11-2008, 02:50 PM
even with the codec i still get most of the tracks as static noise.

dont get me wrong, im totally grateful for the post, but why ogg? why not mp3? i cant even put these on my ipod on the drive home. :(

is it just me? what the benefit over mp3 that's ogg?

I'm sorry to hear about your problem.

The tracks when extracted are in OGG, so far i've had trouble trying to convert them to MP3 as all the converters i use seem to reject the Mass Effect oggs but not others.

Maybe OrangeC's rip will be more successful for you :)

07-11-2008, 03:20 PM
no its good. my above post link refers to a ogg to mp3 converter that does the job. thanks for the post. tons of great tracks i love that never made it in the crappy retail version.

07-12-2008, 07:31 PM
ok sorry i missed that post, but cool, that converter worked for me too :)

07-14-2008, 01:23 PM
thanks !

07-15-2008, 06:30 PM
Thanks for the rip. Is this from the PC or XBOX360 version? If it is from the PC version, could you please share how you extracted the files from the .upk archives? If you used a tool, could you please share the URL?

07-16-2008, 01:19 AM
Thanks for the rip. Is this from the PC or XBOX360 version? If it is from the PC version, could you please share how you extracted the files from the .upk archives? If you used a tool, could you please share the URL?

Yeah it's the PC version, i used a program called Psychonauts Explorer (http://quick.mixnmojo.com/files/PsychonautsExplorer1.3.zip) to extract the music from the .isb archives, "music_bank.isb", "music_bunker.isb", "music_knossos.isb" and "music_unc.isb" which are located at "C:\Games\Mass Effect\BioGame\CookedPC\Packages\ISACT"

07-16-2008, 01:21 AM
I have a better pc rip that kataah did, it has looped and fadeouts applied, i will update it in my next batch.

07-16-2008, 02:54 AM
Yeah it's the PC version, i used a program called Psychonauts Explorer (http://quick.mixnmojo.com/files/PsychonautsExplorer1.3.zip) to extract the music from the .isb archives, "music_bank.isb", "music_bunker.isb", "music_knossos.isb" and "music_unc.isb" which are located at "C:\Games\Mass Effect\BioGame\CookedPC\Packages\ISACT"

Excellent, thank you very much. It seems I was looking in the wrong place all along (I had been fooled by the folder named Audio_Content).

07-16-2008, 12:43 PM
I have a better pc rip that kataah did, it has looped and fadeouts applied, i will update it in my next batch.

Cool, this would be awesome and much appreciated :)

Excellent, thank you very much. It seems I was looking in the wrong place all along (I had been fooled by the folder named Audio_Content).

Glad you found it, it fooled me too at first :)

07-16-2008, 01:01 PM
Mass effect is upped in my thread.=)

07-16-2008, 08:11 PM
awesome thanks :)
However i see no difference from my own rip, except that they're numbered.

07-27-2008, 01:02 PM
Just to let you know that I have finally found the music tracks from Flux Nightclub and Cora's Den and that i have now included them in my main rip, I've also updated my first post, alternatively they can be downloaded separately here (http://rapidshare.com/files/132573645/Flux_and_Coras_Den.rar)

07-27-2008, 04:40 PM
thank's a lot, its a great Gamerip. ;p

07-27-2008, 04:48 PM
My fav themes are the Vmirre.

08-06-2008, 11:37 PM
Oh man AWESOME thanks, i've been looking for this for ages!

08-20-2008, 08:58 PM
Thanks. Does this contain the Galaxy Map music? That's probably the only song I like from the game.

08-29-2008, 02:08 AM
Hey, does anyone know which tracks are the ones that play when the Geth first attacking the Citadel ("Going After Saren" on the official OST) and the one that plays when Sovereign dies? ("Victory" on the official OST)

11-09-2009, 06:06 AM
Oh my god, thank you so much. I just love the music in Mass Effect. The Original Soundtrack wasn't enough.

Thank you.

01-31-2010, 05:34 AM
opps i thought htis was me2 thread >_<

03-15-2011, 05:52 AM
Is there any chance of getting this re-uploaded? :)

06-02-2011, 01:38 AM
Please re-upload :'(

06-04-2011, 05:26 PM
Hey, dude, re-upload all links 'cuz anyone isn't working.

07-26-2011, 03:24 AM
thank u

11-19-2014, 03:31 AM
the link does not work

11-19-2014, 04:01 AM
the link does not work

It's been like 6 years, what do you expect?

11-19-2014, 05:43 AM
i was kind of expecting since it was there for me to find that it would work. i guess ill keep looking.

11-19-2014, 10:52 PM
Here you will find everything you need Mass Effect 1 to 3 - A Complete Collection (MediaFire) (MP3 & FLAC) (Thread 110789). Everything from the gamerip is in the Mass Effect - Expanded Score with 74 Tracks ;)

The links are dead, but Ramtieger2 re-uploaded most of the stuff here (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f72/mass-effect-complete-collection-mediafire-110789/11.html#post2508876)