07-01-2008, 07:00 PM
I recently heard a few tracks from this game on Youtube, and even though the sound quality takes a hit, they seem really good. Does anyone know where this could be found for download?

(EDIT: Later found, I made a mistake in reading through the OST list)
(ANOTHER EDIT: The download links on the GH page are broken)

Also, does anyone know if the arrange themes in HSF2 are from the 3DO version?

11-04-2008, 03:09 AM
Bumping because this soundtrack MUST be uploaded... it's the best out of all the SF2 soundtracks (save for Balrog's theme... A flute in his theme is baaaaad).

@ your HSF2 question, they aren't from the 3DO version.

11-04-2008, 05:13 AM
Actually, if you're talking about the Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition game, then yes, the BGM is from the 3DO Super Street Fighter II X/Turbo game, which originally came from an FM-Town version. I have no idea what ColossusX is smokin'? The Hyper Street Fighter II Annivesary Edition rips are slightly flawed since a few tracks contain minor click 'n pop issues. I have the 3DO game, but I am still unable to rip the soundtrack from it.

11-17-2008, 07:53 PM
You can find this soundtrack at GoronMoron's download links thread (Thread 39734).