05-22-2002, 06:19 AM
Is it true that there is a manga based on the Final Fantasy Tactics game? If there is such a manga, then can somebody tell me where to buy it. Thanks.


05-22-2002, 02:15 PM
I don't know about Final Fantasy Tactics. But I know there's a film based on the first Final Fantasy game.

It's called....well.......'Final Fantasy' :rolleyes: Duh.
I think the story revloves around a crystal or something.
But I'm not sure if it's Anime or Manga.
You can definetly find it in Japan. They say it won't be coming out in other countries, like Europe. I don't know if it can be found in America though. But even if you find an import. I don't think it will come in English....oh well. If ya can't beat them, join them. *Gets her Japanese dictionary out*

I hope that helped;)

05-23-2002, 05:54 PM
I sure hope not. I doubt they will be able to capture the esscence of FFT in an anime or a manga. FFT's something that should be left as it is, perhaps it could use a sequal.

On the other hand, I'll believe it when I see it. I'll try it out, and if it's good, I'll eat my words.

05-23-2002, 10:39 PM
heh.. Jade. I hope youre not talking about the movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Has nothing to do with any of the games

If you mean the anime series FF: Legend of the Crystals, many people call it the "FF5 Anime" but it really isnt. It's merely based in the same universe as FF5, only 200 years in the future. None of the same characters or anythings.

I havent heard of any kind of FFT manga. All though there is alot of FF based doujinshi (fan-made manga) out there. Although alot of it is hentai doujinshi :P

05-24-2002, 07:46 PM
I haven�t heard about a Final Fantasy manga, too. I think I�d know about this. Because I belong to those people that usually annoy the two leading manga publishers... Carlsen Comics and Egmont Manga & Anime (of Germany) to release the mangas we want to read. I think they haven�t heard about a FF manga, so haven�t we.
I have only heard about a Legend of Mana manga. From the two scans I have seen, the art is pretty. And this is an example where we have been successfully annoying them: It will be released. ;)

05-25-2002, 02:37 AM
I've seen a FF6 comic, but not one of FFT. It was only released in Japan though.

05-27-2002, 09:15 AM
I've heard about anime called Final Fantasy Unlimited??? is it true or is it just a rumour....????

05-27-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Atom

If you mean the anime series FF: Legend of the Crystals, many people call it the "FF5 Anime" but it really isnt. It's merely based in the same universe as FF5, only 200 years in the future. None of the same characters or anythings.

Yes, that's what I meant. It's an actual OAV (Originally Animated for Video)
I found a website which had some info on it. Here's the link....

05-27-2002, 04:46 PM
Yup, that�s true... Final Fantasy Unlimited is a TV series... it started last october... it was not about any of the games... and I haven�t seen a bit of it.

Most FF "manga" you find online are yaoi doujinshis... rather uninteresting, if you ask me.

Can you post pics? Links, anything? I am wondering if you mean what I suspect you to mean.

06-06-2002, 07:15 AM
even if they did, it'd be messed up! it just ruins it fo people who like to live it. they'd be like 'Not how i imagined in...' or something much like it. i don't like it when they make sequels to things. the original is always the best, no doubt bout it.

Tactical Error #5
06-07-2002, 03:44 AM
Yeah, I've heard of FF Unlimited(not much) and I hear that, get this, Nintendo is going to make a game based on it. Anyone else hear about this or did I get some bogus info?

06-15-2002, 11:33 PM
There is actually a lot of Final Fantasy mangas... in Japan. No where else though. but if you want anime then get a streamload account and find a place that will streambeam you anime. Most will probably have Final Fantasy Unlimited and Final Fantasy.

EDIT: Final Fantasy has been dubbed, and you can probably find it in Blockbuster, and Final Fantasy Unlimited was released only in Japan, but many fansubbers had subtitled episodes, if you do as I said above, or searched really hard, you can get some episodes. I think they've already finished subtitling Final Fantasy Unlimited too.

06-16-2002, 12:22 PM
I highly doubt that there are many official real Final Fantasy mangas in Japan. Most of them were made by fans... and most of them don�t tell the story correctly but simply make fun of it, present their own interpretations and ideas... Fanfics, so to speak. It is quite impossible to release them outside Japan. But if there WAS a Final Fantasy manga, I am certain that companies outside Japan would try to release it in their countries, simply because FF is successful and has many fans that would buy the manga.
Or... can you post links to scans?