06-30-2008, 08:19 PM
I doubt he'll be in the game but I wanted to design what he may look like if he was. I'll say now that I'm not good at drawing. I also can't shade or colour to save my life so I didn't bother doing either.

Oh and the face was way off so I deleted it. It looked more like a happy AC Cloud with Vaan's hair than the actual Vaan. The fact the face also looked way too feminine or fruity would have been off putting to a lot of people and made the character design just not look like Vaan overall. The face was not the focus of the character design for me anyway, it was the clothes, therefore I decided not to include it.

EDIT: OK, wow! I've just looked at some of the threads people have made and I'm pretty sure this is going to get grilled. It's totally crap compared to the other stuff around here. Well I said I can't draw anyway so hopefully people won't be that relentless with their criticism.

06-30-2008, 08:28 PM
That is one buff, headless motherfucker. Is Matsuno a Japanese elf shoemaker?

Also your lengthy talk of faces has made me curious as to the missing head. I would like a link, please.

06-30-2008, 08:53 PM
Is Matsuno a Japanese elf shoemaker?

LOL! I just thought it be cool to have Matsuno somehow mentioned.

06-30-2008, 10:28 PM
The head version isn't that terrible, and it's not really your ability to draw that should be critiqued more than your actual costume design, which isn't half bad. The only thing I have to say in the area of criticism is about those shoulder spikes: if he cocks his head he's one dead mofo.

07-01-2008, 04:07 AM
The head version isn't that terrible, and it's not really your ability to draw that should be critiqued more than your actual costume design, which isn't half bad. The only thing I have to say in the area of criticism is about those shoulder spikes: if he cocks his head he's one dead mofo.

Thanks for the positive comments!

I just added the shoulder spikes for flare and to look cool. I totally agree with you that they would be really dangerous to have though.

07-01-2008, 05:42 AM
Barret: "Where's it's &@$% head!?!?"

07-01-2008, 05:47 AM
Barret: "Where's it's &@$% head!?!?"

Well I explained why the head was missing in the OP so this must just be a joke reply.

Anyway most of us know what Vaan looks like so my main focus was the design of his clothes if he were in Dissidia.