05-22-2002, 05:36 AM
Alot of people praise this game. I mean sure...I like it's old-style graphics, sound ect. But when it comes down to it...the game sucks. I mean the battle system is terrible! And whats more, you don't get much say. Maybe i need to play it some more, or maybe i just don't like tactics games. But this game just doesn't do it for me. My friends agree...even those who have been with ff from the begging. I hope the GBA version is better. Please don't be offended by my opinion. And if anyone says i'm insulting old-time rpgers AGAIN, i'll blow up! LOL

05-22-2002, 06:19 AM
Well, FFT isn't the basic RPG structure. You don't just hit a button and expect the guy to run up and attack the guy. This is sorta how games of this type (Tactical Strategy Game) plays out. The game is set on a line, a line which you can't really escape much from... like Final Fantasy X.

I would say that FFT had a little more freedom than FFX... now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's the same type of freedom between the two. See, FFT had more customization freedom, you could change jobs at any time and level up your stats to get more attacks and stuff... and the fact that you could raise the ultimate being.

FFX on the other hand is sorta set unless you have spheres to change your course... you might want to level up one thing but you want to go back later, the problem, you need a sphere or many level spheres to do that.

Now about the part....

And whats more, you don't get much say

Well, I'm hoping by what you mean by "say", you mean "Freedom."

I don't think you have played FFT long enough, you have plenty to do... you can either move forward.... or go back and level up, like "all the other RPGs out there." And as for branching out, this game doesn't allow "much" branching out... though there is. Other RPGs are the same, you can either save hero A or kill villian B, but those RPGs are just for replay value.... which bores the heck outta just to repeat one event to get a different ending or response.

As for the battle system, it's well crafted for this type of game. You must not like Strat games much if you don't like how this is set up, it's really basic and straight foreward. Nothing complicated and not hard to learn. Though it is hard to master it, it is one of the best battle systems I've played for a game like this.

And the GBA version.... it's going to be nearly exactly the same, the same battle system (with out a doubt) will change much.

As for FFT being old-time RPG... well, it's not like an old RPG, I'll tell ya that for one.

I also dislike people who thinks Final Fantasy means "SUPER GREAT GAME, MUST BUY." Thats what everyone thought about the movie, they just came back disappointed... but thats off subject =P

05-22-2002, 05:41 PM
LOL I know it's not an old rpg, but my friend always annoys me saying "By saying that's better than Chrono Trigger....you talk to much about graphics....You are a insult....YOU INSULT OLD TIME RPGERS!!!" LOL it's annoying and i didn't want anyone to say anything about what i said about the graphics. LOL I'll play it more and see if i like it. I'm sure i could get used to the storyline ect. It's just the battle system i have a problem with for the most part. Thanks

05-26-2002, 09:27 PM
Yeah you should play it more.. it's my third favorite FF game and sixth fave game of all time!!! Besides the battle system is simpler than some strategy games I've played.

btw I wasn't trying to be snotty at the beginning of this post so don't go around biting my head off. OK?:)

06-03-2002, 12:50 AM
just ONE thing to say... FFT IS OWN YOU!!!!

Roneo Strife
06-06-2002, 07:01 PM
Tactics is fun

Safer Sephiroth
06-17-2002, 06:01 AM
Tactics is a great game I've almost beaten it, it's one hard game to master I can say that much about it.

06-18-2002, 02:00 AM
FFT is a great game
great plot, great gameplay, great characters, great battle system.
maybe it's not your game type, but hey that's you.

07-01-2002, 01:23 AM
It's the fifth RPG I actually finished and didn't get bored half-way through.

David F
07-02-2002, 11:51 AM
It's about gameplay not gfx, not story, just pure gameplay plain and simple.

07-13-2002, 12:45 AM
FFTactics is by far one of the best RPG's there is, of course it isn't like any traditional RPG's, it took the style of Tactics Ogre...

However, FFT has one of the more complex and greater storylines of the Final Fantasy series in my opinion...

Plus, unlike most other RPG's, it requires more intellect and strategy to play and defeat, you have to consider speed, charging time, unit movement, unit jumping capability, and many other factors that go in with it as well...

Corran Horn
07-15-2002, 03:31 PM
FFT is a great game. I like it for a number of reasons. It's not like the other FF games and the plot, characters, Job Classes, and battle system is great. I enjoy the random encounters in this game and I can play this game for hours on end!

07-18-2002, 10:23 PM
Personally I love FFT. It's def one of my favorite games ever. I could easily see how one wouldn't like it though....it's not like anything else I've ever played (I understand it's like Tactics Ogre....never played that tho) but the gameplay is just downright fun, and the custimization capabilities make it so it's different for everyone who plays it. I'm currently playing through it for my second time and it's much different from the first time I played it. The story is complex and it pulls you in to want more. I dunno about liking the random encounters tho...I don't think there's anything more annoying than just wanting to get to a different town to buy a specific item or finish a job proposition and then get sucked into fighting some annoying-ass battle that you end up losing because you weren't expecting such hard enemies to pop up there.

Yuusuke Yurameshi
07-20-2002, 08:04 PM
I find FFT a very good game. Sure there isn't much to do but move and Fight! But I like the battle system! I am all RPG. It's very rare to see me play a non RPG game. Tatics gives me what i want a little more detail in the Battle, cause you have more advantages from the rear. FFVII is me favorite by far, great battle system. But tatics puts more Realism in it!

Skye Vrbas
07-31-2002, 09:05 PM
it's nice , different , harder , but after a while ...
the best is the sound effect when you hit an ennemy
with a blade , and then the screen shakes a bit ... cool!

Setsuna Yuna
08-01-2002, 07:51 AM
Well, I think that FFT is a game that's not for everyone. It's a little different than all the other FF RPG's (which is a good thing, btw), since it involves more strategy than anything else. That's why I like it, but my little bro hates it. I like the battle system, but it's also based on strategy and it effects how your characters develop and what you learn. I do agree with Tim about those random battles where the monsters are so unexpectedly hard that you lose...I hate that too. So that's why I save at every oppurtunity. It may seem like a waste of time, but trust me it's really worth it. ;)

08-02-2002, 04:48 PM
The great thing about tactics is the battle system, that is by far the most enjoyable part of this game. If it is the battle system that you don't like and you find it boring I would suggest not playing the game just because some people find it very entertaining, opinions are different and if your not enjoying the game don't bore yourself by playing it.

08-08-2002, 01:24 AM
Sure, its a great game, but I fell asleep playing it. Its more of a game that Vampyre Man would like.

08-08-2002, 04:00 AM
well i dont know much about fft because i just got it a couple of hours ago but i realy like it especialy the battle system. can u pick what to learn with jp or does it do it for u cause it wont let me learn anything eventhough i have enough jp.

08-08-2002, 05:45 AM
You get to pick what you learn with your jp, thats one of the great things about this game, the customization.

08-20-2002, 01:27 AM
Random battles were easy. O_.

Yeah, this game does have lotsa customization, and you'll spend days battling to get your guys up levels and crap. But once you get strong enough, you either beat the game or realize how boring killing enemies with one hit is. You then restart and play again. :D I recommend not playing as the NPC type dudes. They're too cheap. It's better without them.

09-14-2002, 08:25 PM
The random battle monster are based on Ramza's level, if Ramza's level is say 95 ,the monsters' levels will be within about 5 to 10 levels of his,meanig 85 to 99,even if he isn't in battle.

09-19-2002, 03:47 AM
I've just started appreciating the game now that I have Black Mages. It makes the game so much more entertaining and exciting. It makes the battales a lot easier, too. It really stinks when all you can do is attack attack attack!

09-19-2002, 04:20 AM
well ofcourse, skills and magic are key in this game.

09-19-2002, 11:19 PM
Maybe it has something to do with being intelligent enough to work out a strategy and actually managing your team (instead of hitting 'Optimum Equip' and magically finishing in less than half a second) by switching classes and working out what skills and equipment is best for who.

Not insulting your intelligence or anything but 8/10 people don't like games because:

1- It's too complicated for them
2- It's too "radical" and too hard to get adjusted to

09-20-2002, 03:21 AM
I remember when I first played this game way back when it first came out, I pushed the optimum Equip to see what it would put and quickly discovered how worthless that feature was.........I recommend everyone block it out of your senses and never use it.
Anybody who has a strategic once in them would be wise and explore option and find their personal best way of doing things in this game ,as everything can be approached from many angles allowing people to develope their own tactical fighting style,and as a tip,take of that auto-equip after job-change thing in the options,it's just a pain.

10-01-2002, 04:57 AM
when i got this game about 3 months ago i was thinking o boy another ff. but when i started playing i had major difficulties (who woulda thought u could put more ppl than ramza in that first battle! lmaoo i beat it with just ramza and delita after my ninth try because i didnt understand you could add other ppl by pressing R1/L1). i was thinking god this game sucks.. i hate it hate it hate it. then i had 5 squires for 3 or 4 story battles which also led to numerous failures. it took me more than a month to master the system. the only reason i kept playing was because the story intrigued me.

so i also didnt like the gameplay. half the time id lose and half the time id be just out of range for that kickass rock i was trying to throw :p. i ended up really appreciating the movement/speed system even thought a lot of the time it was annoying (stupid calculators and their three speeds.. grrr).

the purpose of most quests is defeated because you can usually find a safe 2 cities that u can walk back and forth between about 12 times then return to whatever city you came whence. it was still entertaining when you excavated things like "the highwind."

anyway, i ended up loving the game. the storyline is really great up until about where i am now.. like the last four battles were all with shrine knights and it gets really old really fast. hopefully something different will happen.. those two assassins are annoying as hell too. what with their "stop bracelet" this and their "death" that.. very troublesome.

what REALLY sucks is that my friend borrowed my game slot for a while and he ended up letting mustadio and agrias go, which means i cant get beowulf.. so ill have to restart or something. im currently trying to find a way deeper into those pitchblack caves. is there any specific way to find the right square? ive already gotten past the first battle.

heh heh its always fun to "invite" other people from the enemy's team onto yours. i always end up convincing the people with high brave and faith.. my last guy was 72 for both woo.

one more thing--- has anyone else noticed the major resemblance between obiwan kenobi and orlandu? id say his stunt double was more like obiwan tho.. what with the sacrificing his body and all.

10-01-2002, 06:16 PM
I agree with most of you saying that FFT is a great game, it has some features in it that could be revised, but it is my 3rd favorite game of ff series too. Oh, and Safer Sephiroth, I don't think that the game is that hard, just fight a lot of random battles to build your characters strengths, and try to balance all of your team out as well, it makes things easier.

andy mercer
10-03-2002, 01:43 AM
i agree with tidus2kff that ff tactics was the worst ff game . like only having one main character on your team through most of the game and having to buy your fallen fighters, if i were to rate this game on a scale form one to ten it would be a -1 for sure. thats all i have to say aboot (i'm canadain "A")that.:p

the below attechment is by the best show on tv Dragon Ball Z

10-03-2002, 04:49 AM
I guess it goes without saying that you don't like it, because you aren't good at it,and if you are expecting it to be like other FF games, then you're going to be let down automatically,and I've never lost a character through the game,so lets just say this game isn't for you,perhaps the concept of moving and attacking is just too complex.

andy mercer
10-03-2002, 08:16 PM
most of your comments are ture but same aren't. The game story line was great, all the choice of characters was great but i did not like the fact that all the characters had no point in the game, the battle controls was a bit complex but nothing a little getting use to would not help. but with a complex battle control you don't know what you are doing and the more the chance of losing the one charcter you have trying to get stronger, also having to have a character somany spaces each turn is so they can be in attacking range is to weird . i agree that if you expect a game to be to like anoyther it will be a let down, but it is in the ff series so i just though that it would kind of have the same sort of battle style as the others.

10-03-2002, 09:43 PM
Oh, are you referring to the un-related story characters, the ones you hire and so forth, or some of the story characters?......that's just a standard kind of feature in Strategy RPGs so one can have their own characters and in a sense, create their own characters,if they don't like the main characters,since you don't have to take any character permanently,other than Ramza.

10-06-2002, 11:33 PM
Seriously - use your Chemists as much as possible at the very start of the game. Once the Black and White mage classes are available, teach them those skills. FFT became twice as much fun once I could blow up my enemies with awesome Fire spells. mwahahaha!

10-23-2002, 07:15 PM
If yoo ask me tactics was very origanal

It was a lot harder than the origanal games wich is good. I liked the movement and range idea wich cut some slack instead of standing in rows there are tons of abilities and magic to learn it was a blast.

The Wandering Knight
11-08-2002, 07:59 AM
All I can say about this game it's way great..one of my best RPGs ever.
I liked every aspect in this game, the battle system, the growth and job system, the strategy...well in one word...EVERYTHING:D
Right it took me sometime to understand how it works...but in the i ended up beating the game twice and now i'm trying to finsih it for the third time:D

11-19-2002, 10:05 PM
Hmm, what's so great about Final Fantasy Tactics?
Let's see... Well for starters it has:
-Compelling Storyline
-Amazing battle system including the Job System
-Good developed characters
-Strategic gameplay

But I find alot of people don't really like FFT mabye because of it's structure, difficulty or that's not like the others which have ATB.

I can't blame them, FF6, FF7, FF8 Etc. all kick ass!
We must understand these are peoples honest opinions and that they don't mean any harm to FFT fans. But if you make a blunt statement, you better expect someone to respond.

IMO, FFT is simply one of the greatest games ever made and one of the most addictive.

Believe me, just give it a little more hours and it will be well worth it.

11-22-2002, 04:42 AM
funny thing is , i never played it , but i heard its fun yet stoopid. so cant say .

11-22-2002, 05:15 AM
I have no idea why you would compair fft to ffanything but just for arguments sake;

The difficulty is about the same, I have played ff7 3 times and fft about 4 and a half. Some people give up on fft because they say its too hard to early on, I guess this means fft is harder.

The battle system. Umm lets see, fft: you can go all over the "bord" you can have tons of weapons tons of jobs with a bizillion combinations of skills, you have all sorts of items you can equip, you have up to 5 (usualy) units to use at a time, you can use a million different stragys.....the list goes on. ff7: you have 3 characters at a time, always pritty much the same weapon, always the same job, you cant even move while fighting....*catches his breath...all the strat you have is in how you arrange your materia and how you use it...oooh thats hard.

I hope you see my point.

BTW, I think the fact that ive played ff7 3 times shows that I like it. Thats just how much better fft is.