06-30-2008, 02:05 PM
I've never played an RPG as far as I remember (without counting Japanese RPGs), and I really have no clue on what game to play. So, can anyone suggest a good RPG game for the PC, which my computer can handle?

I have a Celeron 2.2 GHz processor, 768MB RAM, and a GeForce FX 5600 (yeah my PC sucks ;)).

Thank you for your time.

06-30-2008, 02:31 PM
If you're going straight from JRPGs to western RPGs your best bet is probably the PC version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ( It's everything you could want from a RPG with a relatively simplistic user interface. Your computer should be able to run it, although you may have to put some settings on low like I did.

06-30-2008, 02:50 PM
I didn't even know KOTOR was ported to PC. I'll look into it. Thank you!

06-30-2008, 04:06 PM
Any Elder Scrolls titles wouldn't be a bad choice by any stretch, either. Your machine can definitely handle Morrowind; I'm not entirely sure about Oblivion, though. That being said, Oblivion's been released for PS3 and 360 if you have one of those.

06-30-2008, 04:27 PM
I prefer to play RPG games on ps2. The best one so far is Final Fantasy XII. Use it with guide book. You miss out on things without it.

06-30-2008, 04:37 PM
I'll think you'll find that isn't what the OP is looking for.

06-30-2008, 04:57 PM
I prefer to play RPG games on ps2. The best one so far is Final Fantasy XII. Use it with guide book. You miss out on things without it.

Hello. You are a moron.

Roki, you really can't go wrong with anything made by Bioware. KOTOR is a great starting point, and if you want something with more depth (enough to lose a Death Star in and still have room for all the ewoks and gungans) you can move on to the Baldur's Gate games. A lot of people, myself included, regard Baldur's Gate 2 as the best RPG ever made.

06-30-2008, 08:19 PM
I second the Baldur's Gate 2 suggestion and perhaps moreso, Planescape: Torment. They are dated graphically, but on the bright side, your computer can easily run these older titles. Be warned that these games play almost nothing like JRPGs so you might spend a while learning the vagaries of D&D rulesets before you can become a skilful player. Which isn't a bad thing at all.

Also, though I've never played it, many people have recommended the first Neverwinter Nights to me as a passable successor to the Baldur's Gate series. At the very least, the graphics are fresher.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, BG and PT have some of the very best voice work I've ever heard.

07-01-2008, 12:58 AM
Try World of Warcraft, it should run on your PC.

If not, I suggest Titan Quest.

07-01-2008, 10:11 AM
Thanks for the fast feedback!

I don't really mind outdated graphics so I don't think that would be any problem. I think I'll start off with KOTOR first, and check out Baldur's Gate and the other games mentioned at a later state.

Ngrplz, I would never, never touch that piece of #%#$3 called World of Warcaft. I had enough fun being addicted to 1 online game before ;)

07-01-2008, 10:34 AM
Once you've been through some of the Bioware games you might want to check out the Fallout series as well. The battle system can be a little slow moving compared to those based on the Infinity Engine but it's still really fun to play despite its age. Being post-apocalyptic RPGs the games are wonderfully morbid and feature some great black humor. The games are also very non-linear, which means there is a lot of replay value to be had. Plus there is something altogether satisfying in donning a suit of power armor and mowing down everything in your way with a mini-gun.

If you end up liking Fallout I and II, be sure to check out their spiritual successor as well: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. It takes the things that made Fallout great and puts it in a steampunk/high fantasy setting. The original release had a lot of bugs but I believe most of these have been fixed via official and fan mods.

Valerie Valens
07-01-2008, 02:11 PM
I prefer to play RPG games on ps2. The best one so far is Final Fantasy XII. Use it with guide book. You miss out on things without it.

That's not an RPG dude, it's an adventure game with fancy levelling up elements.

execrable gumwrapper
07-01-2008, 03:29 PM
If you have a 360 or PS3, Fallout 3 is coming this fall.

07-01-2008, 04:22 PM
Just download Battlefield Heroes when it comes out. Wait does some one know when it comes out...

07-01-2008, 04:26 PM
My god ultimax just stop posting.

Valerie Valens
07-01-2008, 04:57 PM
Just download Battlefield Heroes when it comes out. Wait does some one know when it comes out...

I don't think you are quite grasping the concept of what defines a role-playing game.

execrable gumwrapper
07-01-2008, 05:48 PM
No, it's totally legit! He's playing the role of a guy with a gun!! :D

Also, agreeing with what Zak said.

07-07-2008, 12:26 PM
I would very suggest getting the elder scrolls oblivion. As your computer is better than mine, you will be able to play it with a few settings lowered. Its one of the best Western RPGs made ever. The sistem for leveling up is so life true, and the graphics... its just amazing.
And anything else from bethedsa and Bioware is great, nothing from them is bad.

I didn't know that Baldur's Gate is an rpg. I thought its an point and click adventure!?

07-07-2008, 06:05 PM
All I know is that I GO for the good games. But some of them you may have a whole different opinion. Then this leads to the question why i am posting comments. When in fact I didnt really get the term RPG. Please Enlight me.

Valerie Valens
07-08-2008, 08:12 PM
It's not a question of the quality of the games themselves, rather, it's your distinct inability to distinguish and appraise the genre of any given game.

All Seeing Eye
07-08-2008, 11:06 PM
I suggest KOTOR, and the Diablo games for your PC. KOTOR is especially great, because you can have conversations with characters and make decisions that determined if you become a jedi master, or a sith.

Your PC should be able to handle KOTOR and Diablo with ease.

07-09-2008, 04:30 AM
Diablo isn't really an RPG. I think most people have taken to calling it a 'hack and slash' now, although before that the genre it would have been most easily approximated to would be 'rogue-like'.

07-09-2008, 04:36 AM
Ngrplz, I would never, never touch that piece of #%#$3 called World of Warcaft. I had enough fun being addicted to 1 online game before ;)

Hmmm, then I suggest getting yourself a PSP and get Crisis Core and Dungeon Siege.

All Seeing Eye
07-09-2008, 05:08 AM
Diablo isn't really an RPG. I think most people have taken to calling it a 'hack and slash' now, although before that the genre it would have been most easily approximated to would be 'rogue-like'.

Those people who call it a hack n slash are wrong in my opinion. Diablo was an RPG went it came out, and it is still one today. Not all RPG's are run on one solid formula. There are different types of RPG's

07-09-2008, 05:27 AM
The problem with calling Diablo an RPG is it doesn't really have any role-playing elements. The plot is completely linear and static, you complete all missions in the same way no matter what and there are no dialog choices when talking to NPCs. About the closest Diablo comes to actual RPG elements is the class selection at the beginning but it's been stripped down to the point where it's more about choosing a play-style then creating a character. Ultimately, Diablo is about as much an RPG as your average JRPG.